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å 5õ (132)

LV47alexҹ ȸ 166 õ 0 2024-05-19 11:44:33
[ ]

å 5õ (132)

== s (101) ~ (120) ==


(18) s ==


@ 101. she/ʃi:/[]

[] (pl. they) ׳[] (3Ī ܼ ְ Ī ; her; hers)*() ޵Ǵ Ϳ .

s~/ʃi:/ is my sister. / ״ ̾.


*shell/ʃi:l/ == she will [shall] .

*shes/ʃi:z/ == she is [has] .


* : 40. sh /ʃ/[//] :

s[] ʴ´. sh []̴.


sh ڿ տ δ( ).

*she/ʃi:/[] shake/ʃeik/[؟] show/ʃou/[]



sh ܾ տ ڿ

*shred/ʃred/[()A] shrimp/ʃrimp/[()]



1) sh ܾ ̸ [] [] ok!

*wash/wɑ:ʃ/[ƾƾ] cash/kʃ/[ij^ƾ]

2) sh ̸ [] [] Ѵ. [] [] ok!

*re.fresh.ment/ri.fréʃ.mənt/[().() ́.Ʈ]

3) ʃ ̿ ϰ ( ) ڿ .

*ex.hi.bi.tion/èk.sə.bíʃ.ən/[ ̀.. ́.]


* : / ʃ / ٲ д 찡 ִ.

shake/ʃeik/[؟] ==>[](x)

show/ʃou/[] ==>[](x) Ǵ ٿ [](x)

̷ ! [][][][] .


* : ܾ /ʃ/ ִ.

* schnei.der/ʃnái.dǝr/[ ́.()]

* pa.tient/péi.ʃənt/[ ́.Ʈ]


*̱ ü :

she is my (ideal) type. / ϴ ̿.

she is very sophisticated. / ں ô õ ̳׿.


102. shear/ʃiǝr/[()]

[] (~ed, shore [ʃɔr]; ~ed, shorn [ʃɔrn]) (ū ) , ߶󳻴, ġ; ; sc. () ; (Ө)ϴ

he ~.ed/ʃiǝrd/[()] off my hair.

/ ״ Ӹī ߶ .


@ 103. sheep/ʃi:p/[]

[] (pl. ) , , ¼ ,


104. sheer/ʃiǝr/[()]

[] (õǷ) ; ġ(diaphanous). , Ÿ , .

ܼ(mere), , ,

a ~/ʃiǝr/ of 100 feet to the water

/ 100Ʈ Ÿ.

[] , , ;

the car run ~/ʃiǝr/ into the wall

/ ڵ εġ.


@ 105. sheet/ʃi:t/[]

[] () , (ħ ) Ŀ

a sheet/ʃi:t/ of paper /


106. shelf/ʃelf/[]

[] (pl. shelves[ʃelvz]) , ( )


107. shell/ʃel/[]

[] (ް ) , , ź


108. shel.ter/ʃél.tər/[ ́.()]

[] dz , ó, սȣ, ȣ,

[] , ߴ, ȣ[ȣ]ϴ, dzϴ

he ~ed/ʃél.tərd/[ ́.()] me for the night.

/ ״ Ϸ .


@ 109. shes/ʃi:z/[], ϰ(ʃiz)[]

she is [has] .

shes/ʃi:z/ jane. / ׳ ̾.


110. shine/ʃain/[]

[] (), , () [ȭ], () , ޺, , ()

[] ϴ, ߴ, (Һſ ) , ۴,

s~/ʃain/ your flashlight on my steps.

/ ȸ ߹ ߾ ְ.

the moon shines/ʃains/[ν] bright(ly). / ȯϰ ģ.

*shin.ing /ʃái.ni/

* : ( ƴ) ܾ 鼭

̾ پ ܾ Ǹ

ܾ ̾ ٿ Ѵ.

google how many syllables


how many syllables in shining? 2 syllables

divide shining into syllables: shin-ing

stressed syllable in shining: shin-ing

how to pronounce shining: shahy-ning

how to say shining: shining syllables


@ 111. ship/ʃip/[]

[] , (), ( ̻)

[] (-pp-) (ƴ)̱(öƮ ) [߼]ϴ

the corn was ~.ped/ʃipt/[Ʈ] to africa.

/  ī ۵ƴ.


*ship.ping/ʃíp.i/ [] ؿ, (), (),Ϲ,


@ 112. shirt/ʃə:rt/[()Ʈ]

[] ̼,


# shit/ʃit/[l]

[] (p., pp. ~́ted, ~, shat [ʃt]; ~́ting) ˴; ̴; ȣġon; аϴon.

[] (dung), ; (pl.) ;


113. shock/ʃɑ:k/[Ν]

[] , (ݽ) ,(electric shock)

[] ִ, ִ

i was ~.ed/ʃɑ:kt/[ΝƮ] at his conduct.

/ ൿ .


@ 114. shoes/ʃu:z/[]

[] , ; ȭ( ̱ low s). [cf.] boot1.

this shoe/ʃu:/[] / ¦.

a pair [this pair] of shoes/ʃu:(z)/[()]

/ [ ] ӷ.


@ 115. shoot/ʃu:t/[W]

[] (p., pp. shot[ʃɑt]) (, ȭ), () , Կϴ

*shoot/ʃu:t/ him! / ׸ ƶ!


*shoot.ing/ʃú:t.i/ [] , , ŰŸ , (ȭ) Կ(shot).


* : 110. shine/ʃain/[] Ϳ .

t ̿ 鼭 ű.


* : oo /u:/ [u/ dz  Ǵ Ģ .

foot/fut/, good/gud/ hood/hud/ cool/ku:l/ food/fu:d/


*̱ ü :

shoot! / (shit ٴ ϰϰ) ̷, !


@ 116. shop / ʃɑ:p / ʃɔ:p/ [ξ](̱) Ǵ [^]()

[], , Ҹ((̱) store), , , ۼ,

[] (-pp-). , ϴ(at). (Ӿ) аϴ, ; ҿ

ִ(imprison). (̱) () ; () .

i want to ~/ʃɑ:p/ something for my baby.

/ ֱ⸦ ʹ.


*shop.ping/ʃɑ́:p.i/[ξ ́.](o) [w](x) * (Ť ) .

[] , ǻ, ( ) ü Ǵ ǰ.


# shóplìft(er) /ʃɑ́:p . lìft/[ξ ́ . ()Ʈ ̀]

vt., vi. ( ) Ĺ, ½ϴ.


~er n. (Կ) ½ Ĺ , ġ.

~ing n. 󰇆 ġ.


@ 117. short/ʃɔ:rt/[^()Ʈ]

[] ª(Ÿð *[] long(lɔ)) (Ű ) , [], ( )

this coat is ~/ʃɔ:rt/ on me. / Ʈ ª.


*short.en/ʃɔ́:r.tən/ [] ª ϴ, ġ ̴, ϴ,

*short.ly/ʃɔ́:rt.li:/ [] , ̳, , , ϰ, , ÷ϰ, Ҷϰ

*short.y, shor.tie/ʃɔ́:rt.i:/ [] () () Ű 系, ̰ ª ().


*̱ ü :

i am short-changed. / ܵ ڶµ.


118. should/ʃud/[]

[] () (should not shouldnt[ʃúdnt]; 2Ī ܼ(Ӥ) ״[ϰڴ] ұ( ϴ), ٵ, ϰڴ, [̾]ٵ

he said he ~/ʃud/ never forget it.

/ ״ װ ʰڴٰ ߴ

= he said, i shall never forget it.


*̱ ü :

that should help. / ̴ϴ.


@ 119. shoul.der/ʃóul.dər/[ ́.()]

[] ,

he leaned his head on my ~/ʃóul.dər/[ ́.()].

/ ״ Ӹ .


@ 120. shout/ʃaut/[ΟW]

[] ħ, θ¢, ū Ҹ, ȯȣ

[] ħġ, Ҹ[]ġ *[] cry(krai)

he ~.ed/ʃɑ́ut.id/[ΟW ́.] for [to] her to stop.

/ ״ ׳࿡ ߶ Ҹƴ.



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