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å 5õ (131)

LV47alexҹ ȸ 155 õ 0 2024-05-18 11:36:10
[ ]

å 5õ (131)

== s (081) ~ (100) ==


(18) s ==


081. se.ri.ous/síər.i:.əs/[ ́.().]

ɑ. (ǥµ ) , , , ɰ,

are you ~? / ڳ ΰ

im quite ~ about it. / ſ ϰ ϰ ֳ.

( ) ߴ, ɻġ (important); (λ ) ,

he suffered from a ~ illness. ״ ߺ ɷȴ. syn⟩ ⇨grave.

( ) , ,

~ literature /

n. (the ~) ϰ óؾ , ߴ, ɰ.

~ness n.

*se.ri.ous.ly/síər.i:.əs.li:/ ad. ϰ ϴ, ̰ ޾Ƶ̴


# serve/sǝ:rv/[()]

vt. ( ) , ϴ; ϴ, ϴ

~ ones master god /

for ten years, he has ~d the company loyally and well.

/ 10 Ѱ ״ ȸ翡 ٹϿ.

(մ) ֹ ޴, (մ) ϴ, (մԿ) ̴

what may i ~ you with? /

have you been ~d? / ֹ ϼ̴.

() , Ź غϴ; (մ)


@ 082. ser.vice/sə́:r.vis/[() ́.]

[] ( pl.) , , , , , , ,

there is no bus ~/sə́:r.vis/ available in this part.

/ .

*ser.vice.a.ble/sə́:r.vis.ə.bl/ [] ִ, (to), ưư(durable), ǿ


# ses.sion/séʃ.ən/[

n. (ȸȸ ) ȸ , ȸ ; () ; (ŷ) ȸ.


the 30 ~ of the national assembly / 30ȸ ȸ


@ 083. set/set/[]

[] [] ; ð. , , Ʈ, Ϸ(֤)

[] (p., pp. set; setting) , ġϴ, ϴ, , (, )

does the sun always rise and ~/set/ from east to west?

/ ¾ () ߰ °?

[] , ʴ, , ȣ, , , غ (ready).

*set.ting/sét.i/ [] , ٹھ[ڸ] α, () , ȭ(),


084. set.tle/sét.l/[ ́.]

[] (  ġ) , , ڸ ϴ, [ŷ, ]Ű

their grandparents ~d/sét.ld/[ ́.] the land in 1856.

/ ׵ 1856 Ͽ.


*set.tled/sét.ld/ [] , ; , ġ ʴ, ڸ

*set.tle.ment/sét.əl.mənt/ [] , ̹, Ĺ(colonization), (ժ), ζ,


@ 085. sev.en/sév.ən/[ ́́.]

[/] ϰ(), ϰ []()


*sev.en.teen/sév.ən.tí:n/ [/] ԰(), ϰ [](); ϰ ((.

*sev.en.ty/sév.ən.ti:/ [/] 70(), (), ().


086. sev.er.al/sév.ə.rəl/[ ́..()]

[] , , , .

[] , , [], (* 뿩 ϸ, a few many ٴ ġ Ŵ.)

i have been there ~/sév.ə.rəl/ times. / ű ִ.

ive lived there for years. / ű ִ.


087. se.vere/si.víər/[.() ́]

[] (severer; -est) , ȣ, , (dz ) ͷ, ݽ,

he is ~/sə.víər/ with his children. / ״ ̵鿡 ϴ.


*se.vere.ly/si.víər.li:/ [] ȣǰ, ݽϰ, ϰ, ϰ


088. sew/sou/[ҿ]

[] (sewed; sewed, sewn [soun]) Ŵ, ޴, ٴϴ; Ʋ ڴ.


089. sex/seks/[Ƚ]

[] (), , ,,


090. shade/ʃeid/[؟]

[] ״, , ״

[] ״ ϴ, , , ε带 ޴, () ޴

the trees ~/ʃeid/ the house nicely.

/ ÿϰ ״ ִ.


* : s[] ʴ´. sh []̴.


091. shad.ow/ʃ́d.ou/[^ ́.]

[] ׸, ״, *[] shade(ʃeid) (pl.) ,

[] Ӱ ϴ, ״ ϴ. (׸) ״[()] 󰃃 ִ,

(׸ó) پ ٴϴ, ϴ

the detective ~.ed/ʃ́d.oud/[^ ́.L] the suspect.

/ 簡 ڸ ߴ.


092. shake/ʃeik/[؟]

[] , , (),

[] (shook[ʃuk]; shak.en[ʃéik.ən]) , , ̴

mom shook/ʃuk/ his son out of sleep.

/ Ƶ .


093. shall/ʃl/[^]

[] () [] ̴, ϰ[] Ǵ[ȴ], [, ], ϰ ɱ, ϶, ϰ[ϵ] ϰڴ

s~/ʃl/ we go home? / ?


094. shame/ʃeim/[]

[] β, â, ġ, () [ʹ] ; .

what a ~/ʃeim/[] ! / ̰ â[]ΰ, ʹ ϱ.


*shame.ful/ʃéim.fəl/ [] β, ġ, âǽ,

*shame.ful.ly/ʃéim.fəl.i:/ [] β, ġ彺, âǽ

*shame.less/ʃéim.lis/ [] β 𸣴, ķġ,


*̱ ü :

shame on you. / ( ϰ ϸ) β Ƽ.


@ 095. sham.poo/ʃm.pú:/[^.Ǫ ́]

[] , (), Ǫ

[] Ĵ, (Ӹ) , () ϴ

he had his hair ~.ed/ʃm.pú:d/. / ״ Ӹī Ǫ Ͽ.


@ 096. shape/ʃeip/[]

[] , , ,

this lake has a pe.cu.liar/pi.kjú:l.jər/ ~/ʃeip/ .

/ ȣ Ư ϰ ִ.

[] (d; d, () shapen [ʃéipən]) , ü ̷(), .

the plan is ~.ing/ʃéi.pi/[ ́.] up well.

/ ȹ ̷ ִ.


*̱ ü :

you should get in shape.

/ Ÿ Ű ھ. ڳ׿.


097. share/ʃɛər/[()]

n. ; , Ϻκ a fair ~

he should receive a generous ~ of praise.

/ ״ ũ Ī ޾ƾ ̴.

Ҵ, д, δ; () of; in

do your ~ of work. / Ҵ ض.

, , , in

what ~ had he in your success?

/ ״ ڳ 󸶳 ̹߳.

vt. йϴ,

he ~d his food with the poor.

/ ״ 鿡 Ĺ ־.

( ) ϴ, Բϴwith

he ~d my joys and sorrows with me.

/ ״ ݰ Բߴ.

δϴ, Բ ~ a taxi ýø սϴ.

let me ~ the cost with you. / δսô.


098. shark/ʃɑ:rk/[ξ()ũ]

[], Ž彺


099. sharp/ʃɑ:rp/[ξ()]

[] īο, , *[] dull(dʌl), blunt(blʌnt) (Ż ) ĸ

(Ӹ ) , ƴ , Ŷ

he is ~/ʃɑ:rp/ at figures. / ״ .

[] īӰ, ƴ, ʰ, ذ, ڱ

lets see tomorrow morning at 10 oclock ~/ʃɑ:rp/.

/ 츮 ħ 10 ô.


100. shave/ʃeiv/[؟]

[] (d; d, shaven [ʃéivən]) () , (ܵ ) ª , ϴ, (ڵ ) ĥ , ġ

he does not ~/ʃeiv/ every day.

/ ״ 鵵 ʴ´.


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