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å 5õ (118)

LV47alexҹ ȸ 219 õ 0 2024-05-03 11:36:54
[ ]

å 5õ (118)

== r (001) ~ (020) ==


(17) r ==


@ 001. rab.bit/ŕb.it/[()^ ́.]

[] (pl. (s)) (*a hair), ,Ϲ


* : 29. r /r/[()]

r ִ.

<> :

(1) r ܾ ù ̰ų ù ()

ٿ д´.

*right/rait/[()] ko.re.a/kə.rí:.ə/, kou.rí:.ə/[Ŀ.() ́.]

rab.bit/ŕb.it/[()^ ́.]

* i.ron r ܾ ù ̳ ȣ / ái. ǝrn /

[ ́. ()] о ƴ Ѵ.


<> :

(1) r ڿ ų, ܾ() [()] д´.

. *girl/gə:rl/[ž()] *her/hə:r/[()] * car/ka:r/[ī()]

*our/auər/ => /auər/[ƿ()] ==> /ə/==> /ə/

*flour/flauər/ => /flauər/[ƿ()] ==> /ə/==> /ə/

*here/hiər/ => /hiər/[()] ==> /ə/==> /ə/


(2) r , ڿ [()] д´.

*per.fect/pə́:r.fikt/[۾() ́.Ʈ]



* ѻ κ ȣ / r /

ܾ ̳ տ 缱 / r / ǥϰ ־

/ r / ٸ ص . ok!


(3) r 鼭 ڿ ()

ٿ о .

*fac.tor.y/f́k.tər.i:/[^ ́..()]


(1) : /ɛər/ [()] Ѵ.

: bare bear care fair pair tear wear there their

[] = []


(2) : /-iər/ [-̾()] Ѵ.

ܾ r տ ִ ear, eer, eir .

: ear, fear gear hear mear near rear tear

beer deer cheer sheer weird/wiərd/[̾()]


@ 002. race/reis/[()̽]

[] , , ()

[] ϴ, ϴ

i ~d/reist/[()̽Ʈ] him to the tree.

/ ׿ ִ ߴ.


@ 003. rack/rk/[()^]

[] (׹ ), ( ) ׹ , (̫) ,


*lack/lk/[()^] [] (want), ; ,


@ 004. rack.et/ŕk.it/[()^ ́.]

[] (״ϽŹ) ( ) (snowshoe)

[] Ҹ, ū Ҹ, , ߴ , [](3)


005. ra.di.a.tion/rèi.di.éi.ʃən/[() ̀.. ́.]

[] ( ) , , ߱(ۡ), (ۯ) (())


006. ra.di.a.tor/réi.di.èit.ər/[() ́..֟ ̀.()]

[] , , , (ڵ) ð ġ


@ 007. ra.di.o/réi.di.òu/[() ́.. ̀]

[] (pl. -dios) (), ۻ


@ 008. rail/reil/[()]

[] , (Ÿ )


*rail.road/réil.ròud/ [] ö(), ˵


@ 009. rain/rein/[()]

[] , õ,

it looks like ~/rein/. / .


its ~.ing/réin.i/[() ́.]. / ִ.

if it rains tomorrow, i wont go to the beach.

/ , غ ž.


*rain.bow/réin.bòu/ [] ; ;

*rain.y/réin.i:/ [] (rainier; -iest) , õ; , ,

*lane/lein/[()] ǰ .


# raise/reiz/[()]

vt. () ø, øε

~ water from a well / 칰 ø.

(Ⱦ) Ű,

~ a fallen child / Ѿ ָ Ű


he was ~d up over all his equals. / ״ ߿ ŹǾ.

vi. ̱ ; Ű. ī ɴ.

n. ̱ ø. , . Ӿ . (ڿ ¿ ) ; λ, ̱ ӱ λ, ±()( rise)


raise ַ ø.


rɑise a chair above ones head ڸ Ӹ ø.

rɑise the standard of living Ȱ ̴.


lift raise ϳ ÷ ؿ Ͻõ:

lift a book to dust under it å ø.

lift a log onto a truck 볪 Ʈ ƴƮ 볪 ؿ û..


*raise money / ϴ


# range/reindʒ/[()]

vt. ϴ, ĽŰ, ġϴ; ~ oneself, ϴ.

the players ~d themselves in rows. / ߴ.

зϴ, ϴ; þ (Ӹ ) Ÿ; μ(Ȱڸ) ٿ ° ִ.

Ǵ ~ oneself(Ƹ) , () , () ϴwith; ɑmong; ݴ ɑgɑinst

they ~d themselves on the side of law and order.

/ ׵ ϴ 忡 .

vi. , Ǵ; ( ) ( ٷ) ϴ,

a boundary that ~s north and south /

(Ĺ) Ǿ ִ, ϴ

this plant ~s from canada to mexico.

/ Ĺ ijٷκ ߽ڿ Ǿ ִ.

() Ŵ, ƴٴϴ

~ through the woods / Ŵ.


011. rank/rk/[()^ũ]

[] , . Ⱦ . (pl.) , ź, , .


012. rap/rp/[()^]

[] (̺ ) ε帲ɑt; on; ɑgɑinst; ε帮 Ҹ

Ӿ , å; , ; å, ¡.Ӿ .

[] ε帮; ε () ϴ; Ӿ ̴

he ~.ed/[()^յ] her on overthe head.

/ ״ ׳ Ӹ εȴ.


013. rap.id/ŕp.id/[()^ ́.]

[] ( pl.) ޷, , (), ü

[] (more , er; most , est) ż, ø, Ż,

ours is a day of ~/ŕp.id/ changes.

/ (ours) ȭ ô̴.


*rap.id.ly/ŕp.id.li:/ [] , , İ,


014. rare/rɛər/[()()]

[] , , , () ̾; λ , ſ.

the air is ~/rɛər/ on high mountains.

/ 꿡 Ⱑ ϴ.


* : bare care dare fare hare tare ware ==> /-ɛər/[ - ()]


*rare.ly/rɛ́ər.li:/ [] , ó ʴ


015. rash/rʃ/[()^ƾ]

[] к, , [](ۡ), Ϸ, () ٹ(ۡ)

it would be extremely ~/rʃ/

to make such an as.sump.tion/ǝ.sʌ́mp.ʃən/.

/ ׷ ϴ ̴.


*lash/lʃ/[()^ƾ] [] ê, ä ִ κ. ä; ä


@ 016. rat/rt/[()^]

[] , ñ *[] mouse(maus) (Ӿ) , , Ż


017. rate/reit/[()]

[] , , , ü, ӵ *[] price(prais)



[] (later [léitǝr], latter [lǽtǝr]; latest [léitist], last [lst, lɑst]) (opp.eɑrly), ,


018. rath.er/ŕ.ər/[()^ ́.()]

[] , ΰ ϸ, ׺ٴ , ,

it is ~/ŕ.ər/ hot today. / .


rather, it means that the complexity of the animals behavior is not purely a product of its internal complexity. (2021 ) (41)

̴ ൿ ⼺ ⼺ 깰 ƴ϶ ǹմϴ.


019. rat.ion.al/rǽʃ.ən.əl/[()^ƾ ́..]

[] ո ; ƴ ; ΰ. (pl.) =rational dress.

[] ̼ ִ, ո; ´, ´

man is a ~/rǽʃ.ən.əl/ being. / ΰ ̼ ̴.

its ~/rǽʃ.ən.əl/ to do so. / ׷ ϴ ո̴.


020. rat.tle/ŕt.l/[()^ ́.]

[] ƴ[] Ҹ[], ( ) ŴŸ ޸

the window ~d/ŕt.ld/[()^ ́.]. / â ưŷȴ.



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