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å 5õ (112)

LV47alexҹ ȸ 192 õ 0 2024-04-26 11:30:54
[ ]

å 5õ (112)

== p (161) ~ (180) ==


(15) p ==


161. post.pone/poust.póun/[콺Ʈ. ́]

[] ϴ(put off), ̷() ȸ() ʰ Ͼ.

the meeting has been ~d to till next sunday.

/ Ͽϱ Ǿ


162. pot/pɑ:t/[ľ]

[] (ݼ ǰ) ׸, , , , ȭ, з[]


*pot.ty/pɑ́:t.i:/ [] (-tier; -tiest) () ý, , , ģ

[] () ̿ , (Ҿƾ)


@ 163. po.ta.to/pə.téit.ou/[.Ÿ ́.]



* : ܾ д ϸ /pə.téi.tou/[. ́.] dz

̽ /pə.téit.ou/[.Ÿ ́.] д´.

̴ t ̿ 鼭 ϰ

Ű DZ ̴. t Ϻ .

̷ ̱ ٰ ϴµ װ ƴϴ.


164. po.ten.tial/pə.tén.ʃəl/[. ́.]

[] , (), , ɼ ִ

do you think how many ~/pə.tén.ʃəl/ customers you have?

/ 󸶳 ̶ Ͻʴϱ?

[] (), , ɼ

p~/pə.tén.ʃəl/ generally refers

to a currently unrealized ability.

/ Ϲ ɷ Ÿϴ.


for example, algorithms have proved more accurate than humans in predicting whether a prisoner released on parole will go on to commit another crime, or in predicting whether a potential candidate will per well in a job in future. (2023 ) (42)

, ˰ ڰ ؼ ٸ ˸ θ ϰų ĺڰ 忡 θ ϴ ־ ΰ Ȯϴٴ Ǿϴ.


165. poul.try/póul.tri:/[ ́.Ʈ()]

[]; (Ŀ()) ĥ


166. pound/paund/[Ŀ]

[] (pl. s, ) Ŀ( ; : lb.; ()(avoirdupois) 16½, 453.6g; ()(troy) 12½, 378g). Ŀ ( ȭ ; 1971 2 15 100 pence; 20 shillings ش; : ).

1 pound/paund/[Ŀ] = lbs = 453.6g,

1 ounce/auns/[ƿ] = 1/16Ŀ = 28.3495g

ƮŰ ȭ . e, p, t .

[]ȭ ߷ ˻ϴ

he weighs about two hundred ~s/paunds/[Ŀ彺].

/ ״ ԰ 200Ŀ .

[] (Ÿ)( ֵδ ü); (м) ġ; ¿츮; Ȱ(); ġ.

[] Ÿ, Ÿ; Ÿ; ġ Ҹ.

[] £ ִ, δ; ġϴ; ϴ(up).

[] ġ, ġ[ε帮]. ε帮, ġ,

she is ~.ing/pɑ́un.di/[Ŀ ́.] rice

in a mor.tar/mɔ́:r.tər/[^() ́.()].

/ ׳ ִ


167. pour/pɔ:r/[^()]

[] ; dz[] . () , ȣ.

[] , , ״, (ǹ )

p~/pɔ:r/ yourself another cup of tea.

/ Ŷ.


*four/fɔ:r/[^()] [] 4, 4; 4, n. 4; ;


168. pov.er.ty/pɑ́:v.ər.ti:/[ĝ ́.().Ƽ]

[] , (*[] wealth(welɵ) , (of; in),


@ 169. pow.der/páu.dər/[Ŀ ́.()]

[] , и


170. pow.er/páu.ər/[Ŀ ́.()]

[] , ɷ,


# prac.ti.cal/prǽk.ti.kəl/[()^ ́.Ƽ.]

ɑ. , ; Ǹ. cf.speculative, theoretical.

~ experience / ~ value / ġ; ǿ ġ

ǿ, ǹ ҿ뿡 , ִ

~ english / ǿ ~ knowledge / ǿ

dz, ִ

a ~ gardener / a ~ engineer / ִ .

n. DZ ; (pl.) (ʫ).

~ìsm n. 󰇆 ǿ.

~ness n.

practicality /pr̀k.ti.kǽl.ǝ.ti:/ n. ; ǿ뼺; ǿ.


@ 171. prac.tice/pŕk.tis/[()^ ́.Ƽ] == practise.

[] , ǽ, ( ) , ǽ(exercise), ,ǻ(ߩ),

p~/pŕk.tis/ is the only way of mastering a language.

/ ٸ ̴.

[] (() -tise) ϴ, (׻) ϴ, ϴ, ǽϴ

p~/pŕk.tis/ two hours every day. / 2ð ϴ.


172. praise/preiz/[()]

[] Ī, ,

p~/preiz/ makes good men better and bad men worse.

/ (Ӵ) Īϸ ϰ ǰ ϰ ȴ.

[] Īϴ, ϴ

teacher p~d/preizd/[()] tom for his honesty.

/ tom ĪϿ.


173. pray/prei/[()]

[] ⵵ϴ, ϴ, Źϴ

we ~/prei/] your com.ment/kά:m.ent/.

/ 츰 Źմϴ.

who is the person praying there?

⵵ϰ ִ ΰ?


174(1) prayer/prɛər/[()()]


family ~s .


174(2) pray.er /préi.ər/[() ́.()]

[] ⵵ϴ


175. preach/pri:tʃ/[()]

[] ϴ, ϴ, Ÿ̸

he ~.ed/pri:tʃt/[()Ʈ] us against smoking.

/ ״ ص 츮 Ͽ.


*preach.er/prí:.tʃər/ [] , , â, ư


176. pre.dict/pri.díkt/[().́]

[] ϴ, ϴ

i ~/pri:.díkt/[().́] this year will be even better.

/ ش ̺ ξ ϴ.

[] ִ; ().


*pre.dict.able / pri. dík. tə. bl/[ (). I ́. . ]

[ (). ́. ] (ok)


# pre.dom.i.nant.ly/pri.dά:m.ǝ.nǝnt.li:/[().پ ́..Ʈ.()]

ɑ. پ, Ź , , ֱ , ִ, θ .

its an illusion that man is ~ other species.

/ ΰ ٸ () ϴٴ ׸ ̴.

~ly ɑd.


177. pre.fer/pri.fə́:r, pri.-/[().۾() ́]

[] - ϴ, ϴ, ϴ, 켱 ִ

i ~/pri.fə́:r/ an early start. / ʹ.


# pref.er.ence/préf.ər.ǝns/[()O ́..()]

n. , , 󰇆 () for

his ~ is for simple cooking. / ״ Ѵ.

ϴ , ϴ

i have no particular ~s. /

Ư ٴ ƴմϴ; ƹų ϴ.

in ~ to 켱Ͽ, ٴ

he chose that picture in ~ to any other. ״ ٸ  ͵ ij ׸ ߴ.


178. pre.fix/prí:.fiks/[() ́.]

[]λ; (θ տ ̴) Ī(mr., sir ).


179. preg.nant/prég.nənt/[() ́.Ʈ]

[] ӽ, , dz, ǹ̽, ༺ ִ( )

she is six months ~/prég.nənt/. / ׳ ӽ 6̴.


180. prej.u.diced/prédʒ.ə.dist/[()J ́..Ʈ]

[] ,

i think you have a ~/prédʒ.ə.dist/ opinion about that.

/ Ͽ Ͽ  ִٰ ȴ.


~ly ɑd.



LV47alexҹ ٸ [ ]
A~Z( 33 )
޴ 6õ (166)
å 6õ (166)
A~Z( 32 )

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