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å 5õ (108)

LV47alexҹ ȸ 318 õ 0 2024-04-20 11:41:44
[ ]

å 5õ (108)

== p (081) ~ (100) ==


(15) p ==


081. per.son.al/pə́:r.sə.nəl/[۾() ́..]

[] , ڱ⸸, , ϽŻ, (Ư) syn⟩ ⇨private.

a ~ history / ̷ ones ~ stuff / (ڪ)

a ~ letter / ģ() , ().

, (Ư) ο , ; ν


# per.spec.tive/pǝr.spék.tiv/[().s ́.M]

n. (ȭ), ȭ; 󰆴 ȭ

angular linear ~ / ȭ.

(), ġ, . ; ð, ; () syn⟩ ⇨view.

see things in their (right) ~s

/ 繰 ǰ ; () Ʋ

the event has thrown the universe into a fresh ~.

/ ο .

ɑ. (ȭ), ȭ

~ representation / ȭ.

~ly ɑd. ٹ ; ϰ.

from a cross-cultural perspective the equation between public leadership and dominance is questionable. (2021 ) (40)

ȭ ʰ ǹϴ.


# per.suade/pər.swéid/[().֟ ́]

vt. ϴ, , Ͽ Ű opp.dissuɑde.

we could not ~ him to wait.

/ ׿ ٸ Ͽ ʾҴ

a) Ű, ϰ ϴof

how can i ~ you of my sincerity thɑt i am sincere?

/  ϸ Ͼ ֽ.

b) ~ oneself Ȯϴ·ε ̸ Ȯϰ ִ

i ~d myself i wɑs ~d of his innocence.

/ װ ȮߴȮϰ ־.

c) ~ oneself Ȯϴ·ε ̸ Ȯϰ ִ

i ~d myself i wɑs ~d thɑt he was innocent.

/ װ ȮߴȮϰ ־.

*per.suád.er/pər.swéi,dər/ n. ; ä .

*per.sua.sive/pər.swéi.siv/ a. ϴ, ִ, .

n. ϴ ; , .


082. pes.si.mis.tic/pès.ə.mís.tik/[ ̀..̽ ́.J]

[] , ;

i think youre being far too ~/pès.ə.mís.tik/.

/ ʹ ġ ƿ.


*pes.si.mis.tic.ly/ -ti.kǝl.i:/ ad.


@ 083. pet/pet/[t]

[] Ʈ, ֿϵ( ), Ѿ,

what kind of ~/pet/ would you like to have?

/  ֿϵ ʹ?

[] , Ѿϴ, ֿ, Ÿ

another of her ~/pet/ projects was the arts center.

/ ׳ ֿϵ Ʈ ٸ ǰ Ϳ.

[] (-tt-) Ϳϴ, Ѿϴ, θ ϴ, () ϴ

we cannot ~/pet/ anything much without doing it mischief.

/ 츮 ̵ ʹ Ϳϸ ذ Ǵ ̴.


084. pe.ti.tion/pə.tíʃ.ən/[.Ƽ ́.]

[] û, ź, , (ſ) , û[ź, ]


085. phar.ma.cist/fɑ́:r.mə.sist/[ľ() ́..ýƮ]

[] , () =pharmaceutist


* : ph /f/ .


# phe.nom.e.non/fi.nά:m.ə.nὰ:n/[. ́.. ̀]

n. (pl. -ena [-nǝ])

a natural ~ / ڿ .

(), . ö, ܻ(). cf.noumenon.

an infant ~ / ŵ.


@ 086. phone/foun/[]

[] ȭ(), ̾

get the ~/foun/ ! / ȭ ޾!

if i knew her phone number, i would call her.

/ ׳ ȭȣ ȴٸ ׳࿡ ȭ ٵ.

[] ȭϴ

please ~/foun/ me again. / ٽ ȭ!


087. pho.to/fóut.ou/[W ́.]

[] (pl. s) ()


# pho.to.graph/fóut.ǝ.gr̀f/[W ́..()^ ̀]


have get ones ~ taken / (ڱ) ϴ.

take a ~ of / .

vt. ; . ( λ) .

vi. . well, badly Ͽ ϴ

i always ~ bɑdlywell. / ʴ´޴´.


088. phrase/freiz/[()]

[](ϣ), , ǥ(), () (pl.)

[] ( Ư ǥ) ϴ, ǥϴ,

he ~d/freizd/[()]

his crit.i.cisms/krít.i.sìzms/[ũ() ́.. ̀] carefully.

/ ״ ɽ Ͽ.


089. phy.sic/fíz.ik/[ ́.]

[] () Ǽ, Ǿ, () , Ǿ, (Ư) ().

[] ̴, , ġϴ

no rem.e.dy/rém.ǝ.di:/[() ́..] can ~/fíz.ik/ his mind.

/ ġ .


*phys.i.cal/fíz.i.kəl/ [] ü, ü,

*[] spir.it.u.al(spír.i.tʃu.əl], men.tal(mén.təl), mor.al(mɔ́:r.əl)

*phys.ics/fíz.iks/ [] pl.ܼ,

*phys.i.cist/fíz.i.sist/ n. ; .


@ 090. pi.an.o/pi.́n.ou/[.^ ́.]

[] (pl. s[-z]) ǾƳ


*pi.an.ist/pi.́n.ist/ [] ǾƴϽƮ, ǾƳ .


@ 091. pick/pik/[]

[] , , äϴ

p~/pik/ it up! / װ ־!


* : pick up

̸ "pick up " == pick it up!

̸ "pick up " == pick up the pen!


*peek/pi:k/[ǟ] vi. (peep) n. ;


*̱ ü :

pick it up! / ֿ!


092. pick.le/pík.l/[ ́.]

[] (pl.) ( ), Ŭ, (ä ) ̴ ()

[] ұݹ ̴, ״( )

chunks of green tomatoes ~d/pík.ld/[ ́.] in brine.

/ ұݹ ׸ 丶 

he picked up a stone. / ״ ̸ ϳ .


093. pic.nic/pík.nik/[ ́.]

[] ũ, dz, (ݵ) ȸ


@ 094. pic.ture/pík.tʃər/[ ́.ó()]

[] ׸, ȸȭ. .

i want to take a ~/pík.tʃər/. / ʹ.


@ 095. pie/pai/[]

[] , ũġ (̱)


@ 096. piece/pi:s/[̽]

[] , ( ) Ϻ, κ, κǰ

i ate two ~s/pí:.siz/[ ́.] of cake.

/ ɟ Ծ.


*piec.es/pí:.siz/ [] piece ,


* : ִ Ģ ȭϴ

ܾ es δ. e ܾ s δ.


*̱ ü :

a piece of cake. / Ա.


097. pier/piǝr/[Ǿ()]

[] ε, ܱ(), . , ().


* : ܾ er ȣ ƴϰ r ִ

e /ǝ/ ǥǾ Ѵ.

i e ܾ ȴ.


@ 098. pig/pig/[]

[] []


@ 099. pi.geon/pídʒ.ən/[ ́.]

[] (pl. s, ) ѱ

̷ ޶.

* : pi.geon/pí.dʒən/ ==> /pídʒ.ən/ܾ ȣ ǥð ٸ.

i/i/ ϰ Ǹ

p/p-/ g/-dʒ/ Ǿ д´.

++ Ѵ.

ѻ ȣ ʾ ̿

н ˱ Ǿִ.


@ 100. pill/pil/[]

[] ˾, ȯ


*fill/fil/[] vt. ä; (ܶ) ä ִ; ä ִִ


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