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å 5õ (105)

LV47alexҹ ȸ 238 õ 0 2024-04-15 11:51:29
[ ]

å 5õ (105)

== p (021) ~ (040) ==


(15) p ==


@ 021. pa.per/péi.pər/[ ́.()]

[] . Ź() (pl.) , ,


* : Ģ. sheet, piece ϴ

̳ δ 쵵 :

(ü) fetch me a paper. / ְ.

(ü) fetch me a sheet(piece) of paper. / ְ.


022. pa.rade/pə.réid/[.() ́]

n. , ; =parade ground

hold a ~ / ϴ.

( ) ,

march in ~ / ϴ

, ڶϱ

vt. ϴ; () ĽŰ, Ű.

(Ÿ ) ƴٴϴ. ڶ ̴, ϴsyn⟩ ⇨show.

~ ones abilities / ڱ ɷ ڶϴ.

vi. ( Ͽ) ϴ. ( ) ϴ

the military band ~d through the town.

/ Ǵ밡 Ͽ .

ƴٴϴ, Ȱϴ.


023. par.a.dise/ṕr.ə.dàiz/[^ ́.(). ̀]

[] õ, ض, ȶ, (), , (Ư 丣þ)


024. par.a.graph/ṕr.ə.gr̀f/[^ ́.().()^ ̀]

[] () (), (), ܶ(: par(a)., pl. par(a)s.), (Ź)


025. par.al.lel/ṕr.ə.lèl/[^ ́.().() ̀]

[] [], , (), ϴ [], , ,

[] , ϴ, , [],(並֪)

the road runs ~/ṕr.ə.lèl/ to the sea.

/ ٴٿ ִ.

[] Ͽ

we drove on the road running ~/ṕr.ə.lèl/ with the railway.

/ 츮 ο θ ޷ȴ.


026. par.cel/pɑ́:r.səl/[ľ() ́.]

[] ٷ, , ȭ *[] pack.age(ṕk.idʒ)


@ 027. par.don/pɑ́:r.dən/[ľ() ́.]

[] , *[] ex.cuse(iks.kjú:z) Ư(ϴ)

[] 뼭ϴ, ϴ *[] ex.cuse(iks.kjú:z) Ư(ϴ)

p~/pɑ́:r.dən/ me. = i beg your pardon. / ˼մϴ.

p~/pɑ́:r.dən/ me? / ϼ? (*(me) ø.)


028. pare/pǝr/[()]

[] ( ) .

ٳ ް ó peel.

() ; (ʿ ) ߶ off; ɑwɑy

p~/pǝr/ ɑwɑy excess fat from a piece of meat

/ 踦 ߶󳻴.


*pair/pǝr/[()] [] (pl. ~s, ~) , ( )

*fare/fǝr/[()] [] , , ;

*fair/fǝr/[()] [] , , ٸ


@ 029. par.ent/pɛ́ər.ənt/[ ́.()Ʈ]

[] (ƹ Ǵ Ӵ), (pl.) ģ

my ~s/pɛ́ər.ənts/[ ́.()] / ģ


* : par.ents/pɛ́ər.ənts/[ ́.()Ʈ](x) [ ́.()](o)


@ 030. park/pɑ:rk/[ľ()ũ]

[] ,̱, (parking lot) ( Ǵ ѷ)

[] [ͷ] ϴ, ϴ () δ, ΰ (leave)

no ~.ing/pɑ́:r.ki/[ľ() ́.ŷ] in the park. /


*park.ed/pɑ́:rkt/ park źл

*park.ing/pɑ́:r.ki/ [] , ,


031. par.rot/ṕr.ət/[^ ́.()]

[] ޹. ޹ó[] Գ .

[] ( ) ޹ó dz( ).


032. part/pɑ:rt/[ľ()Ʈ]

[] (ü ) Ϻ, κ


*par.tial/pɑ́:r.ʃəl/ [] κ, Ϻκ, ҿ, Ұ

*part.ly/pɑ́:rt.li:/ [] κ, 󸶰, ,

*part.ner/pɑ́:rt.nər/ [] , , ( ) , ( )


*fart/fɑ:rt/[ľ()Ʈ] [] ; . [] .


# par.tic.i.pate/pər.tís.ǝ.pèit/[().Ƽ ́..П ̀]

vi. ϴ, ϴ, ϴin; withsyn⟩ ⇨share.

~ in a game discussion / ϴ

() , () ִof.

vt. .. ϴ, Ϻθ .


*par.tic.i.pa.tion/pər.tìs.ǝ.péi.ʃən/ n. , , ,

*par.tíc.i.pa.tive/pər.tís.ǝ.pèit.iv/ ɑ.


033. par.tic.u.lar/pǝr.tík.jǝ.lǝr/[().J ́.̾.()()]

ɑ. Ư, Ư, Ư

its ~ advantage / װ Ư .

syn⟩ ⇨special.

Ư, Ư , ٷ , Ͽsyn⟩ ⇨definite.

why did you choose this ~ chair? / Ư ڸ Ͽ?

she came home late on that ~ day.

/ ׳׳ ׳ ʰ Ͱߴ.

, Ư

be of ~ interest / Ư() ̱

give ~ thanks / Ǹ ǥϴ

n. (pl.) , ,

everybody wanted to know the ~s.

/ ˰ ߴ.

(ϳϳ) ׸, ()

exact in every ~ / Ȯ.

* par.tic.u.lar.ly/pər.tík.jə.lər.li:/[().J ́.̾.()().()]

[] Ư, *[] es.pec.i.al.ly(i.spéʃ.ə.li:) , ε,

i ~/pər.tík.jə.lər.li:/ mentioned that point.

/ Ư ߴ.


@ 034. par.ty/pɑ́:r.ti:/[ľ() ́.Ƽ]

[] () , Ƽ, ߴܹ *[] com.pa.ny(kʌ́m.pə.ni:) ,


* : [ľ ́.()] " +r t " "t ϴ ִ.


@ 035. pass/ps/[^ƽ]

[] (p., pp. ed [-t], () past [-t]) , ư, ȭϴ

he ~ed/pst/[^ƽƮ] the exam. / ״ 迡 ߴ.

he passed the exam with ease. / ״ 迡 ϰ հߴ.

with ease = easily()


*pas.sage/ṕs.idʒ/ [] , (), (ٴϴ) , , (Ǿ)

*pas.sen.ger/ṕs.ən.dʒər/ [] ° () () ()


# pas.sion/pǽʃ.ən/[^ƾ ́.]]

n. (); (̭); forsyn⟩ ⇨feeling.

(a ~) ݳ, ȭ;

be in a ~ / ݳ ִ

, ; ( )


# pas.sion.ate/ṕʃ.ə.nit/[^ƾ ́..]

ɑ. , ǰ, ǿ

a ~ advocate of socialism / ȸ ȣ

( ) ݷ,

~ hatred/héi.trid/ / .

̰ , .

*pas.sion.ate.ly/ṕʃ.ən.it.li:/[^ƾ ́...()] ad.


038. pas.sive/ṕs.iv/[^ ́.]

[] , , *[] ac.tive(́k.tiv) , ϴ

he is a man of active, not of ~/ṕs.iv/.

/ ״ Ȱ , ƴϴ.


039. past/pst/[^ƽƮ]

ɑ. , , ̹

in ~ years times =in years times ~ / ſ,

the troubles are ~. / Ǿ.

, (ݺ) ()

he has been sick for some time ~. / ״ ΰ ־.

ӱⰡ , ()

a ~ president / ȸ.

n. ( the ~) ,

in the ~ / ſ ־

we cannot undo the ~. / ¿ .

ܼ ; , (Ư ο) ̷, Ȱ


prep. (ð) (). cf.to.

half ~ eight / 8

() , , (ƹ)

i went ~ the house by mistake. / ߸Ͽ Ĺȴ.

( ־) Ѿ a woman ~ middle age.

ɑd. ()

the train is ~ due. / ̴.

fling the ~ in a persons face 㹰 ΰ ƹ ϴ.

~ and present ݼ(), .

get ~ (ǹ ) ġ; ( ) ϴ.

get ~ oneself ȭ ; ϴ.

go ~ oneself Ӿ ڱ ѵм Ѵ.

~ it ʹ ̵, ó .

wouldnt put it ~ a person to do ƹ ϰ ϴ

i wouldnt put it ~ him to betray us. ״ 츮 ϰ .


*past par.ti.cip.le/pɑ́:r.tə.sìp.əl/ ==źл(p.p)

*past per.fect/pə́:r.fikt/ == Ϸ.

*past tense/tens/ == .


040. paste/peist/[̽Ʈ]

[] Ǯ, , ,

[] Ǯ ٸ[̴], ̸ ٸ

p~/peist/[̽Ʈ] the wall with paper.

/ ̸ ٸ.


LV47alexҹ ٸ [ ]
A~Z( 31 )
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å 6õ (164)
A~Z( 30 )

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