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å 5õ (104)

LV47alexҹ ȸ 228 õ 0 2024-04-14 11:35:50
[ ]

å 5õ (104)

== p (001) ~ (020) ==


(15) p ==


001. pace/peis/[̽]

[] () , 1(2 ft.) , ȴ ӵ,

he ad.vanced/əd.v́nst/[.^ȽƮ ́] twenty ~s/péi.sis/[ ́.ý].

/ ״ 20 ߴ.


* : 28. p /p/[/]


1) ڿ տ δ.

*pen/pen/[] pipe/paip/[]

2) տ ħ δ.

*peep/pi:p/[] hip/hip/[Q]



1) ڿ .

*please/pli:s/[̽] pill/pil/[]

2) տ

*help/help/[] harp/hɑ:rp/[()]

3) ܾ ù

*ma.ple/méi.pl/[ ́.] a.pril/éi.prəl/[ ́.()]


* : face lace mace place race trace /-eis/[-̽] д´.

տ ٲٸ ȴ. , r տ () ִ´.


002. pa.cif.ic/pə.síf.ik/[. ́.]

[] ȭο, , (peaceful); (ٴ )

[] (the p-) (pacific ocean).


* : the pacific states ̱ california, oregon, washington.


@ 003. pack/pk/[^]

[] ٷ, [], , , ( ö) Ϸ

open your back ~/pk/. / .

[] (ٸ), (δ), (ϴ(Ǵ))

he ~.ed/pkt/[^Ʈ] the clothes into the trunk.

/ ״ Ʈũ ì ־.


*pack.ed/pkt/[^Ʈ] pack л

*pack.age/ṕk.idʒ/ [] ٸ, , ٷ, ,

*pack.ing/ṕk.i/ [] ٸ, , ǰ[]̱()


004. pact/pkt/[^Ʈ]

[] , ,

[] ϴ, ϴ.


*fact /fkt/ n. (߻߻ϰ ִ) , ( ), ,


@ 005. pad/pd/[^]

[] (ջ ) , ޿ ִ , ħ, е

put a hot ~/pd/ on your belly for your stomachache.

/ () ߰ſ h ÷.


*pad.dle/ṕd.l/[^ ́.] [] (ī ) ª , [ְ] ,

[] , , ְ ,

ӿ öŸ( )

*fad/fd/ n. Ͻ (craze); ;


@ 006. page/peidʒ/[]

[] (: p., pl. pp.), , , (μ⹰)

open ~/peidʒ/ 123(one twenty three)!

/ 123 page !

[] ű; (å ) å ѱ. å Ⱦ

she was ~.ing/péi.dʒi][ ́.¡]

through an immense/i.méns/[.ǽ ́] pile of sunday newspapers.

/ ׳ Ͽ Ź Ŵ ̸ ó Ⱦ ־.

[] ޻; õ(), ٽ();̱ (ȸǿ ) ȯ().

[] (޻簡 ϴ ) ̸ ҷ (ƹ) ã, ˸

he ~d/peidʒd/[] the fact to his owner.

/ ״ ο ˷ȴ.


@ 007. pain/pein/[]

[] , , ο, ( pl.)

i have a back ~/pein/. / 㸮 ־.


*pain.ful/péin.fəl/ [] , ο, óο, ( ) , ;

*pain.ful.ly/péin.fəl.i:/ [] ; ؼ; ֽ; ³

*pain.ful.ness/péin.fəl.nis/ [] , ,

*pains/peinz/ [] , , ο, ( pl.)

*fain/fein/[] ɑ. ؼ ϴ, ϰ ; ϴ(willing)


*̱ ü :

it is painful for me. / װ 뽺׿.


@ 008. paint/peint/[Ʈ]

[] (pl.) ׸, ä, Ʈ, , , ä, ȭǰ(ƽ )

[] Ʈ ĥϴ, (׸) ׸, ϴ ( ) ȭϴ

he ~.ed/péin.tid/[ ́.] the gate green.

/ ״ ʷϻ ĥߴ.


*paint.er/péin.tər/ [] ȭ(artist), Ʈ , ĥ,踦 Ŵ

*paint.ing/péin.ti/ [] ׸, ׸׸, ȭ (), ä, Ʈĥ

*faint/feint/ [] Dz(dim), () , (Ҹ) ,


@ 009. pair/pɛər/[()]

[] (pl. pairs[pɛərs]) , ( )

*a pair/pɛər/ of shoes [glasses, scissors, trousers]

/ ӷ[Ȱ ϳ, ӷ ڷ, ]


* : ¦ one shoe


* : chair fair hair stair /-ɛər/[-()] д´. ٲٸ ȴ.


*fair/fǝr/ ɑ. , , ùٸ,


010. pal.ace/ṕl.is/[^ ́.̽]

[] , ձ, ñ, , , ȣȭ ǹ


011. pale/peil/[]

[] () ۾, â, ( ) , () Ǫ

you look ~/peil/. / Ȼ ʴ.


*pail/peil/[] n. , Ŷ. ( ).

*fail/feil/[] vi. ϴ, Ǽϴ.


@ 012. palm/pɑ:m/[ľ]

[] չٴ, ո񿡼 հ Ĺ, , ڰ Ĺ *߹ٴ (the sole of a foot)

their face, fingers, ~s/pɑ:ms/[ľϽ] of the hands,

and soles of the feet are hairless.

/ ׵ , հ, չٴ, ߹ٴڿ ʴ.

*յ : the back of the hands.

*ߵ : instep of foot. or instep


* : -lm ܾ  l ʴ´. Ģ .

calm/kɑm/ helm/helm/ film/film/ balm/bɑm/

palm/pɑm/ realm/relm/ qualm/kwɑm/ psalm/sɑm/


013. pam.phlet/ṕm.flit/[^ ́.]

[] (ö) ø, å. û [], ҳ.


@ 014. pan/pn/[^]

[] , ( ) , ø ǫ


*fan/fn/[^] n. ä; dz, dz


015. pan.cake/ṕn.kèik/[^ ́.ij ̀]

[] ũ(а翡 ް ҿ )


016. pane/pein/[]

[] ( ) â(windowpane); Ǻ(panel). (׸) ȹ, (ٵ) , (̴) Ʋ. ǥ Ʈ Ǵ ø.

[] â . ( ) ̾ .


*pain/pein/[] [] ( Ϻ) a ~ in the head

*fain/fein/[] []þ ؼ ϴ, ϰ ; ϴ

*fane/fein/[] []þ , a holy ~ , .


017. pan.el/ṕn.əl/[^ ́.]

[] Ǻ , Ӹ, (â)Ʋ, ׸ , , κ


018. pant/pnt/[^Ʈ]

[] 涱Ÿ(gasp),

[] 涱Ÿ, αٰŸ, []ϴ, ( ) Ȯ մ

she ~.ed/ṕn.tid/[^ ́.] out her message.

/ ׳ 涱̸鼭 ߴ.


*pant.ing/ṕn.ti/ [] 涱Ÿ( )


@ 019. pants/pnts/[^Ʈ]

[] , Ƽ


* : [](x) [^Ƚ](o)

̱ Ȱ t ̿ Ͽ [^Ƚ] д´.


@ 020. pa.pa/pɑ́:.pə/[ľ ́.]

[] (Ҿƾ̱()) ƺ, *[] mam.ma(mɑ́:.mə) *[] fa.ther(fɑ́:.ər)



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å 6õ (164)
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