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å 5õ (103)

LV47alexҹ ȸ 185 õ 0 2024-04-13 11:38:57
[ ]

å 5õ (103)

== o (061) ~ (071) ==


(14) o ==


061. ought/ɔ:t/[^i]

[] -ؾ Ѵ, ϱ Ǿ ִ, (Ʋ) ̴

you ~/ɔ:t/ to start at once. / ؾ Ѵ.


062. ounce/ɑuns/[ƿ]

[]. (߷ ) ½: oz.; () 116Ŀ, 28.3495g; , ()() 112Ŀ, 31.1035g.

(׷ ) ½(fluid ~)̱ 116Ʈ, 29.6cc; 120Ʈ, 28.4cc

he hasnt got an ~/ɑuns/ of humanity.

/ ״ ̶ гŭ .


*ounc.es /ɑ́un.siz/


@ 063. our/auər/[ƿ()]

[]we ,

we do not choose ~/auər/ parents.

/ 츮 θ ʴ´.


* : ѻ(ǻ ҹ) our/auər/ Ǿִ. ou/au/[ƿ] /ə/

r н ǻ ׻ /ər/[()] Ǿ ϰ

our/auər/ or our/auər/)[ƿ()](o) *our/auər/ or our/auər/(x).


*ours/auərz/ []we ;

*our.self/àuər.sélf/ [] () ģ; , (ί)

*our.selves/àuər.sélvz/ []ǿ츮 ڽͿ츮 ڽ[], 츮 ΰ


*̱ ü :

it is out of style. / ƴϳ׿.


@ 064. out/aut/[ƟW]

[] ۿ[], ܺο[], ۿ

she is ~/aut/. / ׳ ̴.

[] Ͽ ; κ, (through, out of).

the garage is ~/aut/ this door. / ٱ ִ.


*out.come/áut.kʌ̀m/ [] , ; *[] re.sult(ri.zʌ́lt)

*out.go.ing/áut.gòu.i/ [] , ϴ, , ϴ, []

[] , , , , , ( pl.) (ި),

*out.let/áut.let/ [] (), ϱ(Ϣ), , Ƿ, ܼƮ

*out.line/áut.làin/ [] ( pl.) , , , ,ǻ׵θ

[] [] ׸[ǥϴ], ʾ

*out.put/áut.pùt/ [] , [], ( ) ǰ []

*out.side/áut.sàid/ [] ٱ, *[] in.side(ín.sáid) () ܰ, ǥ

[] ٱ, ܸ, ǥ, Ѹ, ()

[] ۿ[], ٱʿ; []; ػ[], .

[] ۿ[, ], Ѿ, ̻

*out.stand.ing/àut.st́n.di/ [] , , ̰, []ϴ


*̱ ü :

out of the question. / Ұؿ.; ʿ䵵 .


biological organisms, including human societies both with and without market systems, discount distant outputs over those available at the present time based on risks associated with an uncertain future. (2019 ) (40)

ý ֵ ΰ ȸ ü Ȯ ̷ õ ͺ 귮 մϴ.


@ 065. ov.en/ʌ́v.ən/[^ ́.]

[] , ȭ, ,


@ 066. o.ver/óu.vər/[ ́.()]

[] ٷ ġ [], ʿ[], *[] un.der(ʌ́n.dər)

she leaned ~/óu.vər/ the fence.

/ ׳ Ÿ о.

english is spoken all over the world.

/ 迡 ȴ.


[] (), ٷ , Ƣ[] , ָ , Ѿ, dzʼ

winter is ~/óu.vər/[ ́.()]. / ܿ .


* : over, above, on

*over ٷ 踦 Ÿ

, ġ ̵.

*above ٷ Ͽ θ ġ Ÿ.

*on ؼ ǥ鿡


*o.ver.all/óu.vər.ɔ̀:l/ [] (pl.) ( ̰ ޸) ۾

[] ̳, ü[, Ϲ]

[] , [Ϲ, ]

*o.ver.come/òu.vər.kʌ́m/ [] (-came [-kéim]; -come) ̰ܳ, غϴ

[] (p., pp. -heard [-hərd] ) Ӱῡ[¼] , () ,

*o.ver.sea(s)/óu.vər.sí:(z)/ [] ؿ(κ), ܱ, ؿܷ []

[] ؿܷ[, ]

*o.ver.sleep/òu.vər.slí:p/[ .̀(). ́] [] ʹ ڴ

*o.ver.turn/òu.vər.tə́:rn/ [] , , Ű[ϴ], Ű

[] , Ÿ, ر, ĸ,

*over.head/óu.vər.hèd/ [] Ӹ , (), Ӹ

*o.ver.take/òu.vər.téik/ [] (-took; -taken) ٴ; ߿ϴ


067(1). o.ver.throw/òu.vǝr.róu/[ .̀().()ο ́]

[] (-threw [-]; -thrown [-róun]) , , ( ) Ű,߱(̽) ()ϴ.

they were plotting to ~/òu.vǝr.róu/ the government.

/ ׵ ϰ ־.


067(2). o.ver.throw /óu.vǝr.ròu/[ .́().()ο ̀]

[] Ÿ, (upset). ; .߱, ̴, .

the ~/óu.vǝr.ròu/ of the military regime/rei.ʒí:m/

was followed by a period of anarchy/ǽn.ǝr.ki:/.

/ ǰ ̾ ѵ ° ̾.


068. owe/ou/[]

[] , ż, ԰ ִ, ̴, ż

i ~/ou/ john 10 dollars. = i owe 10 dollars to john.

/ ܿ 10޷ ִ.

do i ~/ou/ you? you ~/ou/ me?

/ ſ °? °?


* :

Կ ܵ ( ? ſ?)

ְ Ҵ° ̴ ϻ ü.)

1 ϰ ڶ ̴.


*̱ ü :

i owe you one. / ż ڽϴ.


@ 069. own/oun/[]

[] ( ƴ϶) ڱ ڽ, Ư, ڽ

this is my ~/oun/ house. / ̰ () Դϴ.

[] ϴ; ϴ, ڱ ̶ ϴ

who ~/ouns/[] the house? / ΰ.


*own.er/óu.nər/ [] , ()


*[̱ Ȱ] :

i own this place. / ̴.

are you owner/óun.ǝr/ here? / Դϱ?


070. ox.y.gen/ɑ́:k.si.dʒən/[Ɲ ́..]

[]ȭ((ު)ݼ ; ȣ o; ȣ 8)


071. o.zone/óu.zoun/[ ́.]

[]ȭ, () (غ ) ż()


[ Ǯ]


092. if i knew her phone number, i would call her.

/ ׳ ȭ ȣ ȴٸ ׳࿡ ȭ ٵ.


if (knew) + would (call)



093. if he had studied, he would have passed the exam.

/ װ θ ߴٸ 迡 հ ٵ.


if ſϷ(had studied) + would have źл(passed)



094. he picked up a stone.

/ ״ ̸ ϳ .


a stone: ϳ



095. he can not play the piano.

/ ״ ǾƳ븦 .

+ not + , (he can play the piano. =)


096. the water in this pond is dirty.

/ .

(water) (in this pond) ؼ ޱ

ƴ϶ Ư ȴ. ׷ (the) .


097. the population of seoul is greater than that of busan.

/ α λ꺸 .

that + ľ(of busan)



098. this stores prices were not competitive with those of the internet.

/ ͳ ݿ .

those + ľ(of the internet)



LV47alexҹ ٸ [ ]
A~Z( 31 )
޴ 6õ (164)
å 6õ (164)
A~Z( 30 )

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