ã߰˻â߰ ͵Ȧΰ ȸ
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[л] Խ

 _ Խ

å 5õ (102)

LV47alexҹ ȸ 272 õ 0 2024-04-12 11:40:14
[ ]

å 5õ (102)

== o (041) ~ (060) ==


(14) o ==


041. on.to/ɑ́:n.tu:/[ƾ ́.]

[] , () () ˾, ( ߰)

im ~/ɑ́n.tu:/ your tricks. / Ӽ ˰ ִ.


@ 042. o.pen/óu.pən/[ ́.]

[] (more , er; most , est) ( ) , () ִ() *[] shut(ʃʌt), closed(klóuzd) Ѳ , (µ ) ͳ ϴ

the store ~s/óu.pəns/[ ́.ݽ] at nine oclock in the morning.

/ Դ ħ 9ÿ .



*o.pen.ing/óu.pən.i/ [] , , , , , , ڸ


043. op.e.rate/ɑ́:p.ə.rèit, ɔ́́:p.- /[ƾ ́..() ̀]

[] ۵ϴ, ϴ, ̴, ϴ, ۿϴ, ϴ

most domestic freezers ~/ɑ́:p.ə.rèit/ at below -18.

/ κ õ 18 ȴ.


* : -18 ==> minus eighteen degrees centigrade/sén.tə.grèid/



*op.e.ra.tor/ɑ́:p.ə.rèit.ər/ [] () , , ȭ ȯ(telephone ).


044. o.pin.ion/ə.pín.jən/[. ́.̾]

[] ǰ, ǰ()

i agree with your ~/ə.pín.jən/. / ǰ߿ Ѵ.


# op.por.tu.ni.ty/ɑ̀:p.ər.tjú:.nə.ti:/[ƾ ̀.().Ƽ ́..Ƽ]

n. ȸ, ȣ, ,

dont miss out the ~/ɑ̀:p.ər.tjú:.nə.ti:/ ! / ȸ ġ !

opportunity seldom knocks twice.

/Ӵ ȸ ٽ ʴ´.


046. op.pose/ə.póuz/[. ́]

[] ݴϴ, Ǹ ϴ, ϴ, 븳Ű, []Ű

never ~/ə.póuz/ violence to violence.

/ ¿ .


047. op.po.site/ɑ́:p.ə.zit/[ƾ ́..£]

[] ִ, , (), 볳 ʴ

the ~/ɑ́:p.ə.zit/ of love is indifference.

/ ̴.


# op.ti.mis.tic, -tical /ὰ:p.tǝ.mís.tik/, /-əl/[ƾ ̀..̽ ́.J]

a. , õɑbout; of

hes ~/ὰ:p.tǝ.mís.tik/ ɑbout the future.

/ ״ 巡 ̴.


# op.tion/ɑ́:p.ʃən, ɔ́:p.-/[ƾ ́.] Ǵ [^ ́.]

n. ñ, , , ()

there is no ~/ɑ́:p.ʃən/ to chose.

/ ִ ɼ .

you have the ~ of marrying her or not.

/ ׳ ȥϰ ϰ ޷ ִ


@ 050. or/ɔ:r/[^()]

[] Ȥ, Ǵ, ̳ Ǵ

which one do you like, blue ~/ɔ:r/ red?

/ մϱ, û Ȥ ?


051. or.al/ɔ́:r.əl/[^ ́.()]

[] (Ϣ), *[] writ.ten(rít.n)غ,

we will have an ~/ɔ́:r.əl/ examination [test] tomorrow.

/ [] ̴.


@ 052. or.ange/ɔ́:r.indʒ/[^ ́.()]

[] , () ַ(),

o~/ɔ́:r.indʒ/ is a fruit, not vegetable.

/ , ä ƴϴ.

[] , , Ȳ

that color was ~/ɔ́:r.indʒ/. / ()̾.


053. or.chid/ɔ́:r.kid/[^() ́.T]

[]Ĺ( ), ڻ


# or.der/ɔ́:r.dər/[^() ́.()]

n. , , ɼ, (ȸ ) Ģ, ǻ,

v. ϴ, ϴ, ֹϴ

he was ~.ed/ɔ́:r.dərd/[^() ́.()] to africa.

/ ״ ī ɹ޾Ҵ.

i ~ed them to wait. / ׵鿡 ٸ ߴ.


* : or.der.ed/ɔ́:r.dərd/[^() ́.()]?

order ed ε ̷ д°?

Ģȭ 翡

(/t/ /id/ /d/) .

ܾ r ed /d/[] д´.


055. or.di.nar.y/ɔ́:r.də.nèr.i:/[^() ́.. ̀.()]

[] , ,

[] , , , ,

i am only one ~/ɔ́:r.də.nèr.i:/ man.

/ ׳ ʾ.


056. or.gan/ɔ́:r.gən/[^() ́.]

[] , (Ư) , () (ί), (ΰ) ߼, Ҹ


# or.gan.ize/ɔ́:r.gə.nàiz/[^() ́.. ̀]

vt. (ü ) ϴ, ϴ; ϴ

~ students into three groups / л ׷ ϴ.

, üȭϴ; ϴ

~ ones knowledge in a coherent system of thought

/ ڱ üȭϴ.

(ȹ ) غϴ; (ȸ ) âϴ

~ a protest meeting / ȸ غϴ

vi. ȭϴ; ܰϴ

workers have a right to ~. / 뵿ڴ ȭ Ǹ ִ.

̱ (뵿) Ἲϴ ϴ.

*or.gan.iz.ing/ɔ́:r.gə.nài.zi/ л,

*or.gan.i.za.tion/ɔ̀:r.gə.nə.zéi.ʃən/ n. (ȭ), , ü; ü,


many teachers believed that students merely engaging in activities and manipulating objects would organize the ination to be gained and the knowledge to be understood into concept comprehension. (2020 ) (42)

л Ȱ ϰ 繰 ϴ ͸ε ؾ ط ̶ Ͼϴ.


058. or.gan.i.za.tion/ɔ̀:r.gə.ni.zéi.ʃən/[ ^() ̀. . . ́. ]

[] ü, ,


* : or.gan.i.za.tion /ɔ̀:r. gən. i. zéi. ʃən/[^() ̀. .. ́.] (x)


059. o.rig.i.nal/ə.rídʒ.ə.nəl/[.() ́..]

[] (,ȭ,,(), , ( ) , ǹ, () ¥,

[] , , (ڪ), , â, ٸ, ,

the room still has many of its ~/ə.rídʒ.ə.nəl/ features.

/ 濡 Ư ִ.


*fea.tures/fí:.tʃərs/ [] (̸񱸺 ) ; (pl.) , Ư¡, Ư


060. oth.er/ʌ́.ər/[^ ́.()]

[] ٸ, () [̿], (ʹ) ٸ, ̿

he and one ~/ʌ́.ər/ person came in. / ׿ Դ.

[] ٸ[] , ٸ[] , [̿]

please show me one ~/ʌ́.ər/. / ϳ ּ.

(one other another).

[] ׷ ʰ, (ʹ) ٸ , ޸

i cant do ~/ʌ́.ər/ than (to) wait. / ٸ ۿ .


* : other, others, another, the other, the others :

볪 ڸ ̴.

1. ߿

ù°? - one °? - the other ȴ.


2. ߿

ù°? - one

°? - ƹų ϴ.

̶ another( an other/ٸ ϳ) .

°? - ϳ Ư ǹǷ the other ȴ.


3. ߿

ù°? - one °? - another °? - another °? - the other

° ° ϸ the others ȴ.

ֳϸ ߿ ϳ ̶ ڰ ̴.

׷ ڸ others ȴ.


4. 10 ڸ Ϻδ ϰ ݴѴٰ

ڴ some̶ ϰ, others Ѵ.

׷ 2̰ 8 ڰ Ȯ

ڴ 2 persons ̰, the others Ѵ.

others other people<ٸ > ȴ.


*oth.er.wise/ʌ́.ər.wàiz/ [] , ׷ ʰ, ׷

[] , ׷ ʴٸ [ 𸣴].



LV47alexҹ ٸ [ ]
б ٸ б( 09 )
Ʈ 6õ (065)

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