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å 5õ (100)

LV47alexҹ ȸ 349 õ 0 2024-04-09 11:29:27
[ ]

å 5õ (100)

== o (001) ~ (020) ==


(14) o ==


001. oak/ouk/[V]

[] (pl. s, )Ĺũ(ó )


* : oa o ǰ a ʴ´.

׷ ƴϴ. ܾ ޶.

Ϲ (Ģ ƴ)

1) ϳ , ٸ /ə/[] ǰų

2) ϳ 쵵 ִ.


* : 09. Ō /ou/[]

ѱ [] ״ ȴ.

[] ϴ 찡 ̴ ݹ! []θ ȣ .

*no/nou/[](o) [](x) go/gou/[](o) [](x)


* : [+o] Ǵ [+o++e] ̷ .

*so/sou/[ҿ] go/gou/[] no/nou/[]

home/houm/[ȣ] lone/loun/[()ο] mole/moul/[]


002. oath/ouɵ/[]

[] (pl. oaths[ouz]) ͼ, , ,


# o.be.di.ence/ə.bí:.di.əns/[. ́..]

[] , , , () غ. *[] dis.o.be.di.ence(dìs.ə.bí:.di,əns)

active passive ~ / ڹ ϴ

blind ~ / ().


*o.be.di.ent/ə.bí:.di.ənt/ [] ϴ, , toopp.disobedient.

are you ~ to your parents? θ ϴ°.

*o.be.di.ent.ly/ə.bí:.di.ənt.li:/ [] аϰ; ϰ

obediently yours = yours ~ly Һ δ .


@ 004. o.bey/ə.béi/[. ́]

[] ϴ,

the driver should ~/ə.béi/ the traffic laws.

/ ڴ Ը Ѿ Ѵ.


#(1). ob.ject/ɑ́:b.dʒikt/[ƾ ́.Ʈ]

n. , ( ) ,

o~s/ɑ́:b.dʒikts/[ƾ ́.Ʈ] in mirror are closer than they appear.

/ ſ ü װ͵ .

(*ڵ back mirror .)


#(2). ob.ject/əb.dʒékt/[.́]

v. ݴϴ, Ǹ ϴ, ϴ, ǰ

if you dont ~/əb.dʒékt/...

/ () ٸ


*ob.jec.tion/əb.dʒék.ʃən/ [] ݴ, , ݰ, ݴ, (to),

*ob.jec.tive/əb.dʒék.tiv/ [] *[] sub.jec.tive(səb.dʒék.tiv), ,

[] , ǥ.[]


006. ob.li.ga.tion/ɑ̀:b.lə.géi.ʃən/[ƾ ̀.(). ́.]

[] ǹ, å. *[] du.ty(djú:t.i:)ä, ä[ä]

civil servants have an ~ to serve the people.

/ ο ǹ ִ.


007. ob.ser.va.tion/ɑ̀:b.zər.véi.ʃən/[ƾ ̀.(). ́.]

[] , ֽ, (л) ,õ() (pl.)

she was correct in her ~ thɑt the man was an impostor.

/ ڰ ̶ ׳ ǾҴ.


# ob.serve/əb.zə́:rv/[.() ́]

v. (dzð ) Ű, Ű, ϴ, , ˰ Ǵ, (Ұ) ϴ

i ~d/əb.zə́:rvd/[.() ́] that he became very pale.

/ װ Ķ ˰ Ǿ.


*ob.serv.er/əb.zə́:r.vər/ [] , , , ȸ,

*ob.serv.a.tory/əb.zə́:rv.ə.tɔ̀:r.i:/ [] õ[, ], ļ, , ü


put more generally, the parable of the ant illustrates that there is no necessary correlation between the complexity of an observed behavior and the complexity of the mechanism that produces it. (2021 ) (41)

Ϲ ϸ, ൿ ⼺ װ  Ŀ ⼺ ̿ ʿ 谡 ݴϴ.


009. ob.sta.cle/ɑ́:b.stə.kl/[ƾ ́..ũ]

[] (), ()

the cost is the biggest obstacle at this point.

/ ū ֹԴϴ.


010. ob.tain/əb.téin/[. ́]

[] , ȹϴ, ϴ *[] get(get), (θ) , ϴ

the custom still ~s/əb.téins/[.ν ́] in some districts.

/ dz  Ͽ ִ.


011. ob.vi.ous/ɑ́:b.vi.əs/[ƾ ́..]

[] , Ȯ *[] clear evident (kliər év.ə.dənt) ( ) 鿩ٺƴ,

it ́s ~/ɑ́:b.vi.əs/[ƾ ́..] what you should do with it.

/  ؾ ϴ ݼ.


*ob.vi.ous.ly/ɑ́:b.vi.əs.li:/ [] ϰ, ε巯


012. oc.ca.sion/ə.kéi.ʒən/[.ij ́.]

[] (Ư) , , (), , ȸ, , ߿ ,

this is not an ~ for laughter. / ƴϴ.


*oc.ca.sion.al/ə.kéi.ʒən.əl/ [] ̵ ,

*oc.ca.sion.al.ly/ə.kéi.ʒən.əl.i:/ [] ̵, , տ, ӽ÷


013. oc.cu.pa.tion/ɑ̀:k.jə.péi.ʃən/[Ɲ ̀.̾. ́.]

[] , , , , [], , ֱ[]

his ~ is farming. =he is a farmer by ~. / ̴.


* : Ϲ job

ü occupation,

what do you do for living?


*oc.cu.pa.tion.al/ɑ̀:k.jə.péi.ʃən.əl/ [] (), Ͼ.


014. oc.cu.py/ɑ́:k.jə.pài/[Ɲ ́.̾. ̀]

[] (ð ) ()ϴ, (ð) ϴ, ϴ, ()

the ceremony ~ied/ɑ́:k.jə.pàid/[Ɲ ́.̾.ğ ̀] three hours.

/ ð ɷȴ.


*̱ ü : occupied. (ȭ ) .


015. oc.cur/ə.kə́:r/[.Ŀ() ́]

[] (-rr-) Ͼ, Ÿ, ϴ, (Ӹ)

when did the accident ~/ə.kə́:r/[.Ŀ() ́]?

/ Ͼ°?


*oc.cur.red/ə.kə́:rd/[.Ŀ() ́] occur źл


similarly most mutations have harmful consequences for the organism in which they occur, meaning that they reduce its reproductive fitness. (2024 ) (39)

κ ̴ ش ̰ ߻ ü طο , ̴ ̰ ռ ҽŲٴ ǹմϴ.


016. o.cean/óu.ʃən/[ ́.]

[] , ū ٴ, ؾ, (þ) ٴ(sea),

the plane hit the ocean several miles offshore.

/ ٴٷ ߶ߴ.


: 5 6?

5(the five oceans)

(the pacific ocean) (the atlantic ocean)

ε(the indian ocean) (the antarctic ocean)

ϱ(the arctic ocean Ǵ the north sea)


6(the six continents)

ƽþ(asia) (europe) ī(africa) ƴϾ(oceania)

ϾƸ޸ī(north america) Ƹ޸ī(south america)


@ 017. oclock/ə.klɑ́:k / -.klɔ́k/[.ũƝ ́]

[] (). *[] time(taim)

see you at two ~/ə.klɑ́:k/.

/ 2ÿ .


*clock/klɑ:k/ [] ð(Źð . ޴ ʴ watch )

*wall clock ð, *wrist watch ոð


@ 018. oc.to.ber/ɑ:k.tóu.bər/[Ɲ. ́.()]

[] 10(: oct.)


019. oc.to.pus/ɑ́:k.tə.pəs/[Ɲ ́..۽]

[] (pl. es, ()-pi[-pài])ϹȰ() , ,


020. odd/ɑ:d/[Ɲ]

[] [Ȧ] *[] e.ven(í:.vən) , , ׶׶(ұĢ)

an odd number / Ȧ. odd months / ū(31 ִ ).

an even number / ¦. even months / (28, 30 ִ ).

you may keep the ~/ɑd/[] change [money].

/ ׳ ־ νÿ.


* : 04. Ǒ /a/[ƾ]

ڿ Լ ׶ Ͽ [ƾ]ϸ ȴ.


* : [o+] Ǵ [+o/a+] ̷ .

*odd/a:d/[Ɲ] on/a:n/[ƾ] ox/a:ks/[Ɲڽ]

mom/ma:m/[] pop/pa:p/[ľ] what/hwɑ:t/[ƾ]


* : 1) a Ǵ o ́:/ Ǿ ִ /a:/[ƾ] .

/a:/[ƾ] ¿ [-]ص ޶ ʰ

׷ Ҹ .

2) /i/[] /i:/[] ٸ ̴. 07. /i:/[] ؼ .

3) /u/[] /u:/[] ٸ ̴. /i:/[] .




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Ʈ 6õ (065)

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