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å 5õ (099)

LV47alexҹ ȸ 253 õ 0 2024-04-08 11:37:09
[ ]

å 5õ (099)

== n (041) ~ (060) ==


(13) n ==


@ 041. noon/nu:n/[]

[] , ѳ(midday), â, ,

see you at ~/nu:n/ tomorrow. / .


042. nor/nɔ:r/[^()]

[] ʴ, ʴ

i have neither money, ~/nɔ:r/ job. / .


043. nor.mal/nɔ́:r.məl/[^() ́.]

[] , , , ǥ

[] , ǥ *[] ab.nor.mal(b.nɔ́:r.məl) *[] com.mon(kɑ́:m.ən)

he is not ~/nɔ́:r.məl/ person. / ״ ƴϾ.


@ 044. north/nɔ:rɵ/[^()]

[] ( the ) , Ϲ(: n, n., n.).

[] , Ϲ濡 ִ, , ʿ(ٶ )

they came from ~/nɔ:rɵ/ america. / ׵ Ϲ̿ Դ.

[] , Ϲ, ʿ

we drove ~/nɔ:rɵ/. / 츮 ޷ȴ.


*north a.mer.i.ca/ə.mér.i.kə/ == ϾƸ޸ī(̱߽ij).

*north.ern/nɔ́:r.ərn/ [] ʿ ִ, Ϻο , κ

*north.west /nɔ̀:rɵ.wést/ [] ϼ


@ 045. nose/nouz/[]

[] , İ, () ä , , ,


@ 046. nos.tril/nɑ́s.trəl/[ ́.Ʈ()]

[] .


@ 047. not/nɑ:t/[]

[] ʴ, () ƴϴ, () ʴ[]

he is ~/nɑt/ a bad boy. / ״ ҳ ƴϾ.


*̱ ü :

not a chance. / ȵ.

not bad. / .; .

not really. / ׷ ʾ.

not too good. / ׸ ʾ.; ׷.

not too bad. / ׸ ʾ.; ׷.


@ 048. note/nout/[W]

[] , , ޸ (pl.) ( ) , ª , (), ּ

[] ϴ, ּ ޴, ָ()ϴ, Ű

please ~/nout/ my words. / .


*note.book/nóut.bùk/ [] Ʈ, å, ʱ, ø


but i put the notebook away and promptly forgot about it and about becoming a journalist. (2012 ) (47)

׷ å ġ å θƮ Ǵ ؾȽϴ.


049. noth.ing/nʌ́ɵ.i/[^ ́.]

[] ƹ [ƹ ] ƴ[ ]; [ƴ], ġ, ǹ

he said ~/nʌ́ɵ.i/. / ״ ƹ ʾҴ.

[] (), ,(), () ȣ,

the sound ~/féid.id/[П ́.] to nothing.

/ Ҹ ȴ.


*̱ ü :

nothing much. / .

nothing new. / ҽ .

nothing new about that. / װͿ ؼ ޶ .


# no.tice/nóut.is/[W ́.̽]

n. , ָ; ; Ĵ, ְ() ,

send a ~ / .

( ) ; (warning)

we were given ~ to move out. / ϶ ޾Ҵ.

vt. ˾ä(perceive), ϴ; ϴ, ϴ

they ~d me come in. / ׵  ˾ȴ.

̱ (ƹ) ϴ; ϴ

the police ~d him to appear.

/ ׿ ϶ ߴ.

(ƹ ˾ƺ) λϴ(recognize)

she ~d him with a nod.

/ ׳ ׸ Ӹ λߴ.


*no.ti.fy/nóut.ə.fài/ [] ()ϴ, Űϴ, ǥϴ

*no.ticed/nóut.ist/[W ́.̽Ʈ]


watching the salmon, marie noticed nina fixing her eyes on their continuing challenge. (2020 ) (43)

 Ѻ marie nina ׵ ӵǴ ü ϴ ߽߰ϴ.


051. noun/naun/[]



# nov.el/nɑ́:v.əl/[ ́.]

a. ű, ο, , ̻

it is a ~/nɑ́:v.əl/ idea.

/ װ ̾( ̵).

n. () Ҽ, (the ) Ҽ

this novel is really interesting.

/ Ҽ ִ.


* : no.bel/nou.bél/ novel  ϳ ε

д ٸ. ̷ н ư Ѵ.

a) alfred bernhard ~

ȭ̳ʸƮ ߸; 1833-96.

b) =nobel prize.


* : no.ble /nóu.bl/[ ́.]

[] () , . () , ,

[] , .


@ 053. no.vem.ber/nou.vém.bər/[. ́.()]

[] 11(: nov.).


@ 054. now/nau/[]

[] , , پ, ѵ, ׷

leave right ~/nau/ ! / !


* : 16. /au/[ƿ]

/au/[ƿ] ׶ [-]ϰ

ٽ Լ ణ и[-]Ѵ.


* : [ ow, ou ] ´.

* flow.er/fláu.ər/[ƿ ́.()] how/hau/[Ͽ] now/nau/[],

flour/flauər/[ƿ()] house/haus/[Ͽ콺] noun/naun/[]


*̱ ü :

now what? / ¼?

now you are talking. / ϴ±.


055. no.where/nóu.h̀ər/[ ́.() ̀]

[] ( ), 𸣴 , ( )

[] ƹ ()

he was ~/nóu.h̀ər/ to be found.

/ ƹ ׸ ãƳ ߴ.


* : ere/ɛər/[()] д´.


056. nu.cle.ar/njú:.kli.ər/[Ͽ ́.ũ.()]

[](), ߽, ̷

n~/njú:.kli.ər/ power is used as a fuel to produce electricity.

/ ڷ ˴ϴ.


@ 057. num.ber/nʌ́m.bər/[^ ́.()]

[] , (pl.) , , ȣ


058. nu.mer.al/njú:.mə.rǝl/[Ͽ ́. . ()]

[] , Ÿ

a ~ adjective / ().

[] ; ()

the arabic [ǽrǝbik]roman ~s / ƶθ.


059. nun/nʌn/[^]

[] . cf.monk. ѱ ; .


@ 060. nurse/nə:rs/[ʾ()]

[] , , , (ȯڸ) ȣϴ, ϴ

she ~s/nə́:r.siz/[() ́.] a patient. / ׳ ȯڸ .

[] ȣ, ȣ, (), 缺ϴ ,Ĺȣ

being a nurse is very rewarding.

/ ȣ簡 Ǵ ſ ִ ̴.


*nur.se.ry/nə́:r.sə.ri:/ [] , ƽ, () Żƽ, ,

*nurs.ing/nə́:r.si/ [] ()[]ϴ, []ϴ, ȣϴ

[] (μ) (), ȣ()

*nur.ture/nə́:r.tʃər/ [] , , , (),

[] ϴ, 繰 ִ, ϴ


@ 061. nut/nʌt/[^]

[] ߰(ȣ ) [cf.] berry. , ٷ .Ʈ, . (Ӿ) , ¥, ٺ, ([cf.] nuts); (̱Ӿ) , .

(pl.) ϴ

this is the ~s/nʌts/ to me. / ̰ .


062. nu.tri.tion/nju.tríʃ.ən/[Ͽ.Ʈ() ́.]

[] , [], ھ繰, Ĺ,


*nu.tri.tious/nju.tríʃ.əs/ [] ִ,


[ Ǯ]


085. new york is the largest city in the world.

/ 迡 ū ̴.


(city) (largest) (in the world) ޾Ƽ

Ư ø ǹϱ (the) .



086. i wake up early to read the news.

/ б Ͼ.


to read λ



087. this novel is really interesting.

/ Ҽ ִ.


־(this novel) + (is) + (very interesting)

л(interesting) ְ



088. being a nurse is very rewarding.

/ ȣ簡 Ǵ ſ ִ ̴.


־(being a nurse) + (is) + (very rewarding)

־(being a nurse): (being) + (a nurse)

׸ λ簡 縦 ִ ó 絵 ֽϴ.

+ing =



089. one of the beauties of running is that you can run whenever you want.

/ ޸ ϳ ִٴ ̴.


beauty(, , ) (a/an),

of + ߻ =



090. he passed the exam with ease.

/ ״ 迡 ϰ հߴ.


with ease = easily()



091. i know a girl who is a very kind person.

/ ſ ģ ҳฦ ˰ ִ.


(who) ̲ (a girl) ٸִ

(who is a very kind person) (who) (a girl)

a girl is a very kind person



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