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å 5õ (098)

LV47alexҹ ȸ 251 õ 0 2024-04-07 11:50:41
[ ]

å 5õ (098)

== n (021) ~ (040) ==


(13) n ==


021. neph.ew/néf.ju:/[Y ́.̿]

[] ī, (ϰ) , () ڼ


# nerve/nə:rv/[ʾ()]

n. Ű; (ġ()) Ű, ġ Ű.

, , , ü, Ű

he didnt have enoughthe ~ to mention it to his teacher.

/ ״ װ Բ Ⱑ .


he had the ~ to tell me to leave.

/ ״ Ե ߴ.

vt. ϵ; ~ oneself

her advice ~d him to go his own way.

/ ״ ׳ ⸦ ڱⰡ ߴ.


*ner.vous/nə́:r.vəs/ [] , Ű, Ű, ҽ, , Ҿ


@ 023. nest/nest/[Ʈ]

[] , ڸ, տ츮


024. net/net/[W]

[] ׹, , ð, Ź

[] (), ߷, , , []

[] (-tt-) ׹ , ( ) , (Ӿ) ð[] ɸ ϴ

[] ˼, , , ñ, . *[] gross(grous)

n~/net/[W] gain is on the rise this year.

/ ݳ⿡ ϰ ִ.


# neu.tral/njú:.trəl/[Ͽ ́.Ʈ()]

ɑ. ߸, () ߸; ߸

a ~ nation state / ߸.

δ, ߿; ߰,

take a ~ stand / ߸ ϴ.

( ʵ) Ȯ , ָ; () , ѷġ

a ~ tint / ߰, ȸ, .

journalists are supposed to be politically ~/njú:.trəl/.

/ ġ ߸̾ Ѵ.

n. ߸; ߸(). Ϲ () ġ.

߰ȸ .

~ly ɑd.

~ness n.


@ 026. nev.er/név.ər/[Y ́.()]

[] ( ) , ʴ(not at all). ƴϰ

ive ~/név.ər/ seen him cry before.

/ װ .


*nev.er.the.less/nèv.ər.ə.lés/ [] ׷ ұϰ, ׷(yet)


*̱ ü :

its now or never. / ƴϸ .; ȣ ȸ.

never better. / ְ.; ƿ.

never mind. / Ű澲 .

never say die. / .

never too late. / ʹ Ƴ.


@ 027. new/nju:/[Ͽ]

[] ο, Ÿ[], ()߰, Ź߸ *[] old(ould)

you are a ~/nju:/ person.

/ (ο) ̱.


i wake up early to read the news.

/ б Ͼ.

to read λ


*new.ly/njú:.li:/ [] ֱ, , , ٽ

*news/nju:z/[] ܼ(), , (Ź) (),

news ==> n(north) e(east) w(west) s(south)

*news.paper/njú:z.pèi.pər/ [] Ź


028. new york, /nju:/[Ͽ] /jɔ:rk/[̿^()ũ]

a) (=néw yòrk cíty)(: n.y.c.). /njú: - jɔ̀:rk/[Ͽ ́-̿^()ũ ̀]

b) (=nèw yórk státe)(: n.y., ny) /njù:-jɔ́:rk/[Ͽ ̀-̿^()ũ ́]


@ 029. next/nekst/[]

[]ð, ̹,

turn to the right at the ~/nekst/ corner.

/ ̿ .

[] [], , []

he was the ~/nekst/.

/ װ ̾.

[] , ̹. ( ) , ٷ ڿ(to);

when shall i meet you ~/nekst/?

/ ְڼ?

[] [], .

take a seat ~/nekst/ the fire.

/ ڸ .


@ 030. nice/nais/[̽]

[] (nicer; nicest) , Ǹ,

you are a ~/nais/ boy.

/ ʴ ҳ̾.


*nice.ly/náis.li:/ [] , ɼϰ, ϰ, ϰ, ϰ,


*̱ ü :

nice meeting you. / () ݰ.

nice neet you. / ݰϴ.

nice talking to you. / ( ) ȭ ſ.

*+ ing Ÿ ϴ ߿.


031. nick.el/ník.əl/[ ́.]

[]ȭ(ݼ ; ȣ ni; ȣ 28) (̱can.) 5Ʈ¥ 뵷


@ 032. night/nait/[]

[] , ߰, ()([opp.] day); ź () ȳ ֹ(good

night). ; Ϲ .

have a good ~/nait/ ! / ǽʽÿ!


@ 033. nine/nain/[]

[/] 9(), 9[]()


*nine.teen/náin.tí:n/ [/] 19(), 19[, ](). 19°()

*nine.teenth/náin.tí:nɵ/ [/] 19(), ȩ°(), 19 1(), 19()

*nine.ty/náin.ti:/ [/] 90(), 90[, ](), 90() 90޷[Ŀ Ʈ]

*nine.ti.eth/náin.ti.iɵ/ [/] 90(); 90 1().(náin.ti:)[.Ƽ]

*ninth/nainɵ/ [/] 9(), ȩ°() 9 1(). () 9()

*thir.teen/ə́:r.tí:n/ *four.teen/fɔ́:r.tí:n/ *fif.teen/fíf.tí:n/ *six.teen/síks.tí:n/

*seventeen/sév.ən.tí:n/ *eigh.teen/éi.tí:n/

* : nineth ߸.


034. nip/nip/[]

[] (-pp-) (Թ ) , , , ( ) (Ӿ) ä

he ~.ped/nipt/[Ʈ] a pen between his lips.

/ ״ Լ .


@ 035. no/nou/[]

[] ϳ[ ] [ʴ, ƴ], ݵ[]

there is ~/nou/ bread. / .

= there isnt any bread. / .


* : 09. Ō /ou/[]

ѱ [] ״ ȴ.

[] ϴ 찡 ̴ ݹ! []θ ȣ .

*no/nou/[](o) [](x) go/gou/[](o) [](x)


* : [+o] Ǵ [+o++e] ̷ .

*so/sou/[ҿ] go/gou/[] no/nou/[]

home/houm/[ȣ] lone/loun/[()ο] mole/moul/[]


*̱ ü :

no kidding. / ̾?; ׷ !

no problem. / ȵ˴ϴ.; ƿ.

no sweat. / װ ϵ ƴ.; ̿.

no way. / ȵ.

no wonder. / ¾ ׷ .


036. no.bel/nou.bél/[. ́]

[] ̸.alfred bernhard ~ ȭ̳ʸƮ ߸; 1833-96.


037. no.ble/nóu.bl/[ ́.]

[] ,
[] (-bler; -blest) ( ) , *[] ig.no.ble(ig.nóu.bl)

he was a man of ~/nóu.bl/ character. / ״ ι̾.


038. no.bod.y/nóu.bɑ̀:d.i:/[ ́.ٝ ̀.]

[] ƹ ~ ƴ


# nod/nɑ:d/[]

[] (-dd-) (Ӹ)̴

he ~.ded/nɑ́d.id/[ ́.] to show that he understood.

/ ״ ߴٴ Ÿ´.


# noise/nɔiz/[^]

[] Ҹ *[] sound(saund) , , Ҷ, (ڷ)

hold your ~/nɔiz/! / ()!


*noi.sy/nɔ́i.zi:/[^ ́. ]

[] (noisier; -iest) ò, , ȭ(ä ) *[] loud(laud)


040. none/nʌn/[^]

[] ƹ() ʴ[], ݵ ʴ[]

none/nʌn/ have left yet. / ƹ ʾҴ.


*non.sense/nɑ́n.sens/ [] ǹ, ͹Ͼ , , ư []

[] ǹ, ͸



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