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å 5õ (090)

LV47alexҹ ȸ 245 õ 0 2024-03-27 11:43:22
[ ]

å 5õ (090)

== m (021) ~ (040) ==


(12) m ==


021. mane/mein/[]

[] ( ) ; ( ) Ӹ.


022. man.hole/ḿn.hòul/[^ ́.ȣ ̀]

[] Ȧ; Ա(Ϣ); (ͳ ) Ǽ


023. man.ner/ḿn.ər/[^ ́.()]

[] , µ, ǹ

his ~/ḿn.ər/ was very good. / ǹ Ҵ.


024. man.u.al/ḿn.ju.əl/[^ ́.̿.]

[] ϴ[̴], (å ) , () ߿ ִ

i was ~/ḿn.ju.əl/ worker before. / ü뵿ڿ.

[] å,(), () ǻ

in my view, the ~/ḿn.ju.əl/ is awk.ward/ɔ́:k.wǝrd/.

/ ٷδ, Ŵ ̴.


025. man.u.fac.ture/m̀n.ju.f́k.tʃər/[^ ̀.̿.^ ́.ó()]

[] (Ը) , () (pl.) ǰ

[] ϴ(Ư Ը) (̾߱ ) ٸ系

all of their socks

are ~d/m̀n.ju.f́k.tʃərd/[^ ̀.̿.^ ́.ó()] in north carolina.

/ ׵ 縻 δ north carolina ȴ.


@ 026. man.y/mén.i:/[ ́.]

[] (more [mɔr]; most [moust]) տ ̾, ټ,

he does not have ~/mén.i:/ friends.

/ ״ ģ ״ ʴ.


*̱ ü :

many thanks in advance. / ̸ .

many thanks. / .


@ 027. map/mp/[^]

[] , õü, (), , (Ӿ) , Լ


028. mar.a.thon/ḿr.ə.ɵɑ̀n/[^ ́.(). ̀]

[] (m-) (athens Ϲ ο) ( m-)

(ǥ Ÿ42.195 km),ϹŸ


@ 029(1). march/mɑ:rtʃ/[()]

[] , ,, (the ) () ,

[]() ϴ, ϴ, ( ) ϴ

we ~.ed/mɑ:rtʃt/[()Ʈ] along the street.

/ 츰 θ Ͽ.


@ 029(2). march/mɑ:rtʃ/[()]

[] 3(: mar.).


# mar.ie/mά:r.i:/[ ́.()]

n. ̸.


@ 030. mark/mɑ:rk/[()ũ]

[] ǥ, ()ȣǻǥ, ũ, , ǥ, Ư, ()

[] ǥ ϴ, ȣ[ȣ] ̴, [] , ϴ

m~/mɑ:rk/ the destination on the map.

/ ǥ϶.


*mark.er/mά:r.kǝr/ [] ǥ ϴ ; ä


@ 031. mar.ket/mɑ́:r.kit/[() ́.g]

[] , , (the ) (Ư ǰ) Ÿ(),̱ķǰ , ۸


@ 032. mar.ry/ḿr.i:/[^ ́.()]

[] ȥϴ, ȥŰ(to); [] (off)

susan ~ied/ḿr.id/[^ ́.()] edd.

/ ȥߴ.


*mar.riage/ḿr.idʒ/ [] ȥ, ȥȰ, κ , ȥ

*mar.ried/ḿr.id/ [] ȥ, ڰ ִ *[] sing.le(sí.gəl)


000. mars /mɑ:rz/[()]

n. õȭ a) θȭ(); ׸ ares ش; cf.bellona. b) ȭ; .


@ 033. mask/msk/[^ƽũ]

[] Ż, , ũ,Ϲ

[] , ,[]ϴ

he ~ed/mskt/[^ƽũƮ] his anger with a grin.

/ ״ ̼ҷ 뿩 .


034. mass/ms/[^ƽ]

[] , , ٷ, (the es) Ϲ

[] , Ը, ,

we depend upon the ~/ms/ me.di.a/mí:di:.ǝ/ for daily news.

/ 츮 ŽĿ Ѵ.


*mas.sive/ḿs.iv/ [] ū, Ŵ


@ 035. mat/mt/[^]

[] Ʈ, ڸ, ( ) Źٴ , (ɺ ) Ŀ ħ

[] (-tt-) Ʈ ; Ʈ . Ű ϴ(together).

the swimmers wet hair was ~.ted/ḿt.id/[^ ́.] together.

/ Ӹ Ŭ.


@ 036. match/mtʃ/[^]

[] , , , ȥ (ĺ)

[] ϴ, []Ű,

he is more than a ~/mtʃ/ for me. / ״ ٴ .


*match.ing /ḿtʃ.i/[^ ́.]

*match.stick(s) /ḿtʃ.stìk(s)/ [̀] ɰ


037. mate/meit/[ş]

[] , (Ư) (̳ Ƴ), ¦[ ] , , ģ

[] (Ǵ), κΰ ǰ ϴ, ̽Ű

birds ~/meit/ in (the) spring. / ö Ѵ.


* : classmate, roommate


# ma.ter.i.al /mǝ.tíər.i.ǝl/[.Ƽ ́.().]

ɑ. , (physical); ü,

~ civilization / a ~ noun /

ü(corporeal); , . opp.spirituɑl.

~ needs / () ~ pleasure / .

, .

n. ( pl.) ; () syn⟩ ⇨substance.

, (), ڷ(data)

(pl.) ()

writing ~s / ʱ 뱸.

* : б ڷ() material ̶ .


educators began to notice that the pendulum had swung too far to the hands-on component of inquiry as they realized that the knowledge was not inherent in the materials themselves, but in the thought and cognition about what students had done in the activity. (2020 ) (41)

ڵ ڷ ü ƴ϶ л Ȱ ۾ Ÿ Ǿ ִٴ ޾ ڰ Ž "ǽ" ҷ ʹ ٴ ˾ ߽ϴ.


039. math.e.mat.ics/m̀ɵ.ə.ḿt.iks/[^ ̀..^ ́.]

[]ܼ, [ó, Ӽ], ̿

*math.e.mat.i.cal/m̀ɵ.ə.ḿt.i.kəl/ [] (),


# mat.ter/mǽt.ǝr/[^ ́.()]

n. .cf.mind, spirit.

solid ~ / ü. syn⟩ ⇨substance.

󰇆󰆴 (Ư) ; ü

vegetable ~ / Ĺ a foreign ~ / ̹(ڪ).

󰇆 ( ) (substance); (), .


this time, the playful and curious boy was interested in his brother felix,

who committed himself to studying no matter where he was.

(2021 ) (43)

峭 ȣ ҳ ̹ ֵ ο ϴ

縯 ϴ.


040. max.i.mum/ḿk.sə.məm/[^ ́..]

[] (pl. -s[-s], -a[-ə]) ִ, ִ(), ִ뷮[],ش()

[] ִ, ְ, شش밪

this mo.tor.car/móut.ǝr.kὰ:r/ de.vel.ops/di.vél.ǝps/

a ~/ḿk.sə.məm/[^ ́..] speed of 150 miles.

/ ڵ ִ 150ϱ ӷ ִ



LV47alexҹ ٸ [ ]
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