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å 5õ (088)

LV47alexҹ ȸ 252 õ 0 2024-03-26 2:43:32
[ ]

å 5õ (088)

== l (081) ~ (100) ==


(11) l ==


@ 081. lock/lɑ:k/[()]

[] ڹ, () () ġ

[] ڹ踦 ä, ġ ϴ

be sure to ~/lɑk/ the door before you leave.

/ ״ Ȯ .


*lock.er/lɑ́:k.ər/ [] (ڹ谡 ޸) *locker room(ru:m) / Żǽ

*lock.ed /la:kt/[()Ʈ]


082. log/lɔ:g/[()^]

[] , () , () ֱ, ٺ


083. log.ic/lɑ́:dʒ.ik/[() ́.]

[] , , , ùٸ ,


*log.ic.al/lɑ́:dʒ.ik.əl/ []


084. loi.ter/lɔ́it.ər/[()^ ́.()]

[] հŸ, üϴ, θ

they were ~.ing/lɔ́it.ər.i/[()^ ́..()] around the park.

/ ׵ ȸϰ ִ.

no l~.ing/lɔ́it.ər.i/[()^ ́..()]!

/ (ֺ) ȸ!


*loit.er.ing.ly/lɔ́it.ər.i.li:/ [] , θ.


# lone/loun/[()ο]

a. ()ȥ, ϴ. [syn.] alone.

a ~/loun/ traveler / ܷο ׳.


*lone.ly/lóun.li:/ [] ܷο, շ ,


@ 086. long/lɔ:/[()^]

[] (er [lɔ́gər / lɔ́g-]; est [-gist]) () , ̰ ; *[] short. ̰ , (ð) , , ӵǴ, ٶ

how ~/lɔ:/ is it? / ̰ 󸶳 dz?

[] ; ξ( Ǵ ). , , , .

he has been ~/lɔ:/ dead. / װ .

[] , ð.,

did you stay in seoul for ~/lɔ:/? / £ ӹ?

[] ٶ, ϴ(for; to do); ϴ, ׸ϴ, ϴ.

i ~/lɔ:/ to go home. / ʹ.


*̱ ü :

i have a long way to go. / ӳ׿.


@ 087. look/luk/[()]

[] , ٶ󺸴, ϰ ̴, [] ó ̴

everybody, ~/luk/ up here! / !

you look tired. you should take a rest.

/ ǰ . ޽ ؾ մϴ.


*look.ing/lúk.i/ [] ( ), Ž(ϴ) *look л,


*̱ ü :

look you look good. / ̳׿.

you look good. / ̳׿.


@ 088. loose/lu:s/[()]

[] , Ʈ, *[] fast(fst) , [ٹ] , , (Ǻ ) ſ, ߹

i have a ~/lu:s/ tooth. / ġ ϳ 鸰.

[] վ ϰ(loosely): loose-fitting.

he played fast and loose/lu:s/ with her af.fec.tions/ǝ.fék.ʃən/.

/ ״ ߴ.

[] ع, ߻(ۡ)

he is on the ~/lu:s/. / ״ Ӵ(Ǯ.)

[] Ǯ, [Ǯ] ִ, (Ȱ) , ſ, ϴ

you shouldnt let your dog ~/lu:s/.

/ Ǯ ʾƾ մϴ.


*loose.ly/lú:s.li:/ [] ϰ, , ϰ, ġ ϰ


089. lose/lu:z/[()]

[] (p., pp. lost) Ҿ, , ʴ, ٴ

my watch ~s/lú:z.is/[() ́.] two minutes a day.

/ ð Ϸ翡 2 .


*los.es /lú:.ziz/[() ́.]

*los.ing /lú:.zi/[() ́.¡]

*lost /lɔ:st/[()^Ʈ]


*̱ ü :

you have lost me. / Ͻô 𸣰ھ.


090. loss/lɔ:s/[()^]

[] , ս(), Ҹ,


@ 091. lot/ lɑ:t, lɔ:t /[()]

[] , ̾ [÷] , (share).̱ ȹ

it will be decided by ~/lɑ:t/. / װ ÷ ̴.

weve had a lot of snow this winter. / ̹ ܿ£ Դ.

[] (ǰ ) , зϴ(out). Ҵ[]ϴ. ̱⸦ ϴ

they ~.ted/lɑ́t.id/[() ́.] out apples by the basketful.

/ ׵ ٱϾ .

[] , ũ. , .

thanks a ~/lɑ:t/ ! / մϴ.


@ 092. loud/laud/[()L]

[] (ҸҸ) ò, ū, Ҹ ū,

he was ~/laud/ in prais.es/préi.zis/[() ́.].

/ ״ ũ ĪϿ.

[] ū Ҹ. (Ǻµ ) ϰ, õϰ. () ϰ, .

dont talk so ~/laud/!

/ ׷ ʹ ū Ҹ () .

i heard someone shouting very loudly.

/ ū Ҹ ġ Ҹ .


*loud.er/lάu.dər/[() ́.()]

*loud.ly/láud.li:/[()L ́()] [] ū Ҹ; Ҹ ,


@ 093. love/lʌv/[()^]

[] , , ȣ,

he is in ~/lʌv/ with her. (o)

he is in a love with her. (x)

/ ״ ׳ .

[] (p., pp. loved[lʌvd]) ϴ, ȣϴ *[] like(laik)

i ~/lʌv/[()^] my mom. / Ѵ.


*love.ly/lʌ́v.li:/ [] , Ϳ

*lov.er/lʌ́v.ər/ [] , ( ʿ ) , ȣ, , ȣ().

*lov.ing/lʌ́v.i/ [] ǰ ִ, Ÿ, , .

*loved/lʌvd/ love źл


@ 094. low/lou/[()ο]

[] (۵, ź ). *[] high(hai)

i got ~/lou/ marks. / ޾Ҵ.


*low.er/lóu.ər/ [] ߴ, , ϴ, *[] height.en(háit.ən)

[]low 񱳱

*low.est/lóu.ist/ []low ֻ


095. loy.al/lɔ́i.əl/[()^ ́.]

[] ( pl.) , ֱ,

[] () , (ǹ )

she is ~/lɔ́i.əl/ to her family.

/ ׳ Դϴ.


*loy.al.ty/lɔ́i.əl.ti:/ [] , . , , .


@ 096. luck/lʌk/[()^]

[] (chance), . [syn.] fortune. , .

good ~/lʌk/! / ֱ ٶϴ!


*luck.y/lʌ́k.i:/ [] (luckier; -iest) , , ,


*̱ ü :

i was lucky. / .

lucky you! / ڳ Ҿ!


097. lug.gage/lʌ́g.idʒ/[()^ ́.]

[] ޴ǰ, , ȭ


@ 098. lunch/lʌntʃ/[()^ġ]

[] , ֽ(), ()Ļ

i am having my ~/lʌntʃ/. / ϰ ִ.


* : i am eating lunch. (x)

i am eating a hamburger.(o)

breakfast/ħ, supper, dinner/,

brunch/brʌntʃ/[()^] ħ Ļ


099. lung/lʌ/[()^]

[] ,


100. lux.ur.y/lʌ́k.ʃə.ri:/[()^ ́..()]

[] ġ, ȣ ( pl.) ġǰ, ǰ

[] ġ[ȣȭ],

he had to trade up

before he could buy the ~/lʌ́k.ʃə.ri:/ house.

/ ״ ְ ־.


[ Ǯ]


071. he can lift this.

/ ״ ̰ ø ִ.



he cant lift this. ״ ̰ ø .



072. i like to read novels.

/ Ҽ д Ѵ.


to read .



073. i was living with my family at that time.

/ ÿ Բ ־.


that: (time) ϴ ()



074. he is in love with her.

he is in a love with her. (x)

/ ״ ׳ .


̶ ߻ (Ұ)

(a/an), Ұ



075. you look tired. you should take a rest.

/ ǰ . ޽ ؾ մϴ.


־(you) + (look) + (tired)

źл(tired) ְ



076. weve had a lot of snow this winter.

/ ̹ ܿ£ Դ.


this: (winter) ϴ ()



077. i heard someone shouting very loudly.

/ ū Ҹ ġ Ҹ .


־(i) + (heard) + (someone) + (shouting) + ľ(very loudly)



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