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[л] Խ

 _ Խ

å 5õ (087)

LV47alexҹ ȸ 283 õ 0 2024-03-24 11:49:53
[ ]

å 5õ (087)

== l (061) ~ (080) ==


(11) l ==


@ 061. light/lait/[()]

[] , , , ,

we have to leave before the ~/lait/ fails.

/ .

[] *[] dark(dɑrk), () , ,

we need a ~/lait/ room. / 츰 ʿϴ.

[] , *[] heav.y(hév.i:) , ø,

it was ~/lait/ as a feath.er/fé.ǝr/[h ́.()].

/ װ ó .

[] (p., pp. lit [lit], ed [láitid] Ѵ[], ȭϴ

l~/lait/ a candle! / ʿ ٿ!

[] , ϰ, , ϰ,

l~/lait/ come, light go. / (Ӵ) .


* : might plight right sight slight

/-ait/[-] д´. տ ̸ ȴ.


* :

l ϴ ܾ õ忡 Ҵ 鼭 ϰ

ܾ õ忡 ¼ .

r ϴ ܾ õ 𿡵 ʰ Ѵ.

ܾ õ 𿡵 ¼ .


* :

ܾ 4 letter words ( ĺ ܾ) [+++e ]

⺻ ù() , (ݵ e ; ) .

[ ++ ] ܾ ⺻̳

, i ڿ -ld, -nd, -ght, ´.

mild/maild/, mind/maind/, might/mait/ (*ܴ ִ.)


*light.ing/láit.i/ [] ä(); (); , ȭ.

*light.ning/láit.ni/ [] ,

*light.bulb /lɑ́it.bʌ̀lb/ []


@ 062. like/laik/[()]

[] ϴ,

i ~/laik/ to read novels. / Ҽ д Ѵ.

[] (more ~/most ~) () , ٿ,

i cannot cite a ~/laik/ ins.tance/íns.tǝns/.

/ ʴ´(ο ).

[] [ó], , , ̸׸

do it ~/laik/ this. / ̷ ض.

[] () , , , () Ƹ, ʽ

"what time is it?" "l~/laik/ three oclock."

/ (Ӿ) ? 3ó Ǿ.

[] () () (as)̱ ġ ó(as if).

i cannot do it ~/laik/ you do. / ( ϴ )ó ϰڴ.

[] [], , , Ƿ, ,

i shall never do the ~/laik/ again.

/ ̷ ٽô ʰڴ.


*like.ly/láik.li:/ [] , , , ,

[] very, quite, most Բ Ƹ, ȱ.

*like.ness/láik.nis/ [] , . , [] []

*like.wise/láik.wàiz/ [] Ȱ, , , Դٰ


*̱ ü :

i dont like it. װ Ⱦ.


one could then suppose that the ant had equally complicated

internal navigational abilities, and work out what these were likely

to be by analyzing the trajectory to infer the rules and mechanisms

that could produce such a complex navigational path. (2021 ) (41)

׷ ̰ Ȱ Ž ɷ ִٰ ϰ,

׷ Ž θ ִ Ģ Ŀ ߷ϱ

мϿ ̷ ɷ ˾Ƴ ֽϴ.


063. lim.it/lím.it/[() ́.]

[] , Ѱ(), ѵ, . .

there is a ~/lím.it/ to everything. / Ż翡 ִ.

[] ϴ

i was told to ~/lím.it/ the expense to $20.

/ 20޷ ̳ ߴ.


*lim.i.ta.tion/lìm.ǝ.té.iʃən/ [] , ( pl.) (ɷ )Ѱ, ѵ, .

*lim.it.less/lím.it.lis/ [] , , , .


@ 064. line/lain/[()]

[] , , ( ׸)

[] ߴ. Ϸķ (þ) , (Ǻ )

dont cut the ~/lain/! / ġ !


@ 065. li.on/lái.ən/[() ́.]

[] ()


* :

1) ٸ ϳ о鼭 Ǵ

쵵 ִ. *team/ti:m/[Ƽ]

2) 鼭 ϳ Ǿ ٸ ȴ.


@ 066. lip/lip/[()]

[] (pl) Լ, Լ ,

*upper lip/lip/[()], lower lip/lip/ / Լ, ƷԼ


* :

Լ ̱ lips Ѵ.

Լ ٸ lips stick ε ܾ ڿ ܾ ù ڰ

ܾ Ͽ [()J] ȴ.


067. liq.uid/lík.wid/[() ́.]

[] ü, ü

[] ü, ü, ϴ

marks can be re.moved/ri.mú:vd/

with ~/lík.wid/[() ́.] de.ter.gent/di.tə́:r.dʒǝnt/.

/ ⸧ ڱ ü ִ.


*liq.uor/lík.ər/ [] ڿ,

*liq.uid [()](x) [K](x)


068. list/list/[()Ʈ]

[] ǥ, ϶ǥ,

make a ~/list/ ! / !

[] [϶ǥ] , ο ø

l~/list/ up! / !


*list up list/list/ /up/ʌp/ ==> /lis/ /tʌp/ .


@ 069. lis.ten/lís.ən/[() ́.]

[] ͸ ̴, ûϴ,

l~/lís.ən/ to me carefully! / !


* : [()](x)


*lis.ten.ing/lís.ən.i/ [] û;û(); ( ) û, .

*lis.ten.er/lís.ən.ər/ [] , û.

*lis.tens /lís.əns/[() ́.]


# lit.er.ar.y/lít.ər.èr.i:/[() ́.().() ̀.()]

a. (,), й, п ϴ () .

her po.e.try/póu.ə.tri:/ is full of ob.scure/ǝb.skjúǝr/

~/lít.ər.èr.i:/ al.lu.sion/ǝ.lú:.ʒən/.

/ ׳ ô ȣ Ͻ ̴.


~ crit.i.cism/krít.i.sìzm/ / () .


071. lit.tle/lít.l/[() ́.]

[] (less [les], lesser [lésər]; least [list].ٸ, ,

smaller/smallest )

Ҿ (Ը) ; (۰) Ϳ. [opp.] big, large.

he is too ~/lít.l/ to go to school.

/ ״ б ̰ ʾҴ.

Ҿý, , λ, . [opp.] great.

we know his ~/lít.l/ ways. / ġ 츰 ˰ ִ.

( ) (ðŸ ) ª, .

he will be back in a ~/lít.l/ while. / ״ ƿ ̴.


*̱ ü :

i am a little disappointed. / Ǹ߾.


#(1). live/laiv/[()]

a. ִ([opp.] dead); () ¥, (ä).)

this is a ~/laiv/ show. / ̰ (ȭ ƴ).

ad. ߰, Ȳ.

the concert will show ~/laiv/ tomorrow evening.

/ ܼƮ ῡ ۵ȴ.


*live.ly/láiv.li:/[] (-lier; -liest) [Ȱ] ģ, , ( )


#(2). live/liv/[()]

vi. , ִ, ϴ;

plants cannot ~ without moisture. / Ĺ ư .

he ~d to see his grandchildren. / ״ Ƽ ڸ ô.

live and let ~. /Ӵ , .


*liv.ing /lív.i/ ɑ. ִ, all ~ things


073. liz.ard/líz.ərd/[() ́.()]



074. load/loud/[()ΟL]

[] , (Ư ſ) , () ִ *[] bur.den(bə́r.dən)

*[] un.load(ʌn.lóud)

[] () ƴ, () ¿, (Ż °) ¿

the bus ~s/loudz/[()ΟL] at the right door.

/ () ¿.


*load.ing/lóu.di/ [] Ʊ, (), Ͽ


075. loaf/louf/[()ΟY]

[] (pl. loaves[louvz]) ( ) ,


076. loan/loun/[()ο]

[/] (޴), ( ϴ)


077. lob.by/lɑ́:b.i:/[() ́.]

[] (ȣ) κ, (Ա)

[] (ȸ κ񿡼 ǿ) з ϴ, κ ϴ


078. lob.ster/lɑ́:b.stər/[() ́.()]

[]ٴٰ (ū Ŀ ), ()


079. lo.cal/lóu.kəl/[() ́.]

[] , , , (Ư)


at neighborhood meetings in school auditoriums,

and in back rooms at libraries and churches, local residents

across the nation gather for often-contentious discussions

about transportation proposals that would change a citys streets.

(2024 ) (34)

б Ӱ , ȸ ޹濡

ֹε Ÿ ٲ ȿ



080. lo.cate/lóu.keit/[()ο ́.ij]

[] ġ ϴ, δ, ġ[] Ű

where is cin.cin.nat.i/sìn.sǝ.nǽt.i:/ ~d/lóu.keit.id/[()ο ́.ij.]?

/ ŽóƼ ִ?


*lo.ca.tion/lou.kéi.ʃən/ [] , ġ, ,



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