ã߰˻â߰ ͵Ȧΰ ȸ
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л Խ
͸ Talk!
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[л] Խ

 _ Խ

å 5õ (078)

LV47alexҹ ȸ 347 õ 0 2024-03-14 11:54:21
[ ]

å 5õ (078)

== i (081) ~ (100) ==




081. in.sur.ance/in.ʃúər.əns/[. ́.()]

[] (), , (,)


*in.sure/in.ʃúər/ [] (), μϴ[ô].


082. in.tel.li.gent/in.tél.ǝ.dʒənt/[. ́..Ʈ]

[] , , ִ, ط پ,

an ~ child Ѹ

be a bit more ~/in.tél.ǝ.dʒənt/ ! / ϰ ൿض.


083. in.tend/in.ténd/[.ĵ ́]

[] - ̴, ǵϴ, ϴ

i ~.ed/in.tén.did/[. ́.] to have come.

/ Ͽ( ߴ).


084. in.ten.si.ty/in.tén.sə.ti:/[. ́..Ƽ]

[] , , , .; . ϵ.

the storm resumed with even greater intensity.

/ dz ξ ݷ ⼼ ٽ ƴ.


085. in.ter.change/ìn.tər.tʃéindʒ/[ ̀.().ä ́]

[] ȣ ȯ, ְޱ

[] ȯϴ, ü[ü]Ű

sad moments were ~ed/ìn.tər.tʃéindʒd/[ ̀.().ä ́]

with hours of mer.ri.ment/mér.i.mǝnt/.

/ ź ȯ ߴ.


# in.ter.est/ín.tər.ist/[ ́..()Ʈ]

n. , , ,

the book is of no ~/ín.tər.ist/. / å ̾.

v. ̸ Ű ϴ, Ű, Ű

i am not ~.ed/ín.tər.is.tid/[ ́..().] in it.

/ װͿ ̰ .

this novel is interesting, so i am very interested in it.

/ Ҽ ʹ ̷Ӵ, ׷ ʹ ִ.


*in.ter.est.ed/ín.tris.tid/[ ́.Ʈ().] [] ̸ ִ, ܿϴ

*in.ter.est.ing/ín.tris.tig/[ ́.Ʈ().] л


# in.te.ri.or/in.tíər.i:.ər/[.Ƽ ́.().()]

ɑ. , , , .opp.exterior.

he studied ~/in.tíər.i:.ər/ design at an art school.

/ ״ б dz ߴ.

(), , ؾ . , .opp.foreign.

n. (the ~) , of

the ~ of a korean house / ѿ .

(the ~) , . (the ~) ,


088. in.ter.na.tion.al/ìn.tər.ńʃ.ən.əl/[ ̀.().^ƾ ́..]

[] (), ,

does your father work in ~/ìn.tər.ńʃ.ən.əl/ trade?

/ ƹ Ͻô?


* : in.ter.na.tion.al / ìn. tǝr. nǽ. ʃǝn. əl /[ ̀. (). ^ ́. . ] (x)


# in.ter.net/ín.tər.nèt/[.́ ().W ̀]

n. ͳ ߽ ǻ Ʈũ


# in.ter.pre.ta.tion/in.tə̀:r.prǝ.téi.ʃən/[.() ̀.(). ́.]

n. ؼ, . ( ) Ǵof. .

~al /-ʃǝn.ǝl/ ɑ. ؼ; .


*in.ter.pre.ter/in.tə́:r.prǝ.tǝr/ [] (fem. -pretress [-prǝtris]) ؼ, Ǵof. ().ǻؼø ؼϴ,


thus, reading becomes a more complicated kind of interpretation than it was when childrens attention was focused on the printed text, with sketches or pictures as an adjunct. (2024 ) (31)

б ̵ ġ ׸ ΰ μ ؽƮ ߵǾ ؼ ˴ϴ.


089. in.ter.rupt/ìn.tə.rʌ́pt/[ ̀..()^Ʈ ́]

[] θ, ѹ , (̾߱ ) ߴܽŰ, ( ) ϴ

may i ~/ìn.tə.rʌ́pt/ you a while?

/ (̾߱Ͻôµ) Ƿص ڽϱ?


*in.ter.rupt.ed/ìn.tə.rʌ́p.tid/ [] ߴܵ, , θ; ( ) .

*in.ter.rup.tion/ìn.tə.rʌ́p.ʃən/ [] θ, , ѻ(),


090. in.ter.sec.tion/ìn.tər.sék.ʃən/[ ̀.(). ́.]

[] , , () (), ()


091. in.ter.state/ín.tər.stèit/[ ́.().Ÿ ̀]

[/] (̱ ) () [], .


092. in.ter.val/ín.tər.vəl/[ ́.().]

[] () , Ÿ, (ð)


093. in.ter.view/ín.tər.vjù:/[ ́.(). ̀]

[] ȸ, ȸ, ,

i have a job ~/ín.tər.vjù:/ tomorrow. / Ի ͺ䰡 ִ.


@ 094. in.to/ín.tu:/[ ́.]( ), /ín.tə/[ ́.]( )

[]η [], []

he went ~/ín.tu:/ a restaurant. / ״  Ĵ .


095. in.tran.si.tive/in.tŕn.sə.tiv/[.Ʈ()^ ́..M]

[] ڵ = intransitive verb (vi) ڵ


the verb die as in he died suddenly, is ~/in.tŕn.sə.tiv/.

/ he died suddenly die ڵ̴.


# in.tro.duce/ìn.trə.djú:s/[ ̀.Ʈ().́]

v. Ұϴ, ϴ

i ~/ìn.trə.djú:s/ you to him.

/ ׿ Ұ Ѵ.


# in.tro.duc.tion/ìn.trǝ.dʌ́k.ʃən/[ ̀.Ʈ().^ ́.]

n. ޾Ƶ, ä () ; , ù( )Ư Ĺ, ()ܷinto; to

the ~ of christianity into korea / ⵶ ѱ .

Ұ, Ƿ(); (Ǿ ) of

a letter of ~ / Ұto make an ~ / ƹ Ұϴ.

󰆴 , , Ӹ. 󰆴 Թ(), ʺ , to

an ~ to (the study of) electricity / Թ.

synintroduction ˱ ϱ .

preface ϴ ,

ٸ .

foreword preface ѵ, ̸.


097(1). in.va.lid/ín.və.lid/[ ́..()]

[] (), , ȯ() (an diet / ȯڿ Ļ.)

my wife is ~/. / ó ϴ.

[] (Ư ) ü ,

the ~/ín.və.lid/ is passing the crisis today.

/ ȯڴ .

[] ϰ ϴ, ڷμ ϴ

he was ~.ed/ín.və.lid.id/[ ́..().] out of the army.

/ ״ λ(ݶ߿) (ܲ) Ǿ.


097(2). in.val.id/in.v́l.id/[.^ ́.]

[] ( ) ھ, , ٰ[] , ġ,

the treaty was declared ~/in.v́l.id/

because it had not been rat.i.fied/ŕt.ə.fàid/.

/ ʾǷ ȿ Ǿ.


098. in.val.u.a.ble/in.v́l.ju.ə.bl/[.^ ́.̿..]

[] Ƹ , , ſ

i had an ~/in.v́l.ju.ə.bl/ experience while traveling.

/ ϸ鼭 ü ׾Ҵ.


099. in.vent/in.vént/[.Ʈ ́]

[] ߸ϴ, [â]ϴ, ( ) ϴ

he ~.ed/in.vén.tid/[. ́.] an excuse for being late.

/ ״ ΰ踦 ٸ.


*in.ven.tion/in.vén.ʃən/ [] ߸, , , ()â, â

*in.ven.tive/in.vén.tiv/ [] ߸, ߸(â) ִ, âǷ dz


100. in.ven.tor.y/ín.vən.tɔ̀:r.i:/[ ́..^ ̀.()]

[] ǰ , (ǰ ) () ̱ǰ []

[] (ǰ ) Ͽ ϴ,̱ǰ 縦 ϴ

they ~ied/ín.vən.tɔ̀:r.i:d/[ ́..^ ̀.()] our garage.

/ ׵ 츮 â Ͽ.


LV47alexҹ ٸ [ ]
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