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å 5õ (072)

LV47alexҹ ȸ 281 õ 0 2024-03-04 12:36:08
[ ]

å 5õ (072)

== h (081) ~ (100) ==


(08) h ==


081. hood/hud/[Z]

[] ΰ, ( ) ĵ,̱ (ڵ) Ѳ(() bonnet)


082. hook/huk/[l]

[] , , ɼ,


*hook.up/húk.ʌ̀p/ [], ߰ (̱) , ,


083. hop/ha:p/[Ͼ]

[] ѹ߷ ٴ, ( ) ٴ

h~/hɑp/[J] on! / پ ö!


* : ¿ get in!, Ʈ hop on! == Ÿ!


# hope/houp/[ȣX]

n. ; ; . [opp.] despair. 븦 ް ִ [].

do not give up your ~/houp/[ȣX]!

/ !

v. ٶ, ϴ; () (ٶ ) ϴ. () ϴ

i ~/houp/[ȣX] to see you again.

/ ˱⸦ ٶϴ.


*hope.ful/hóup.fəl/ [] ִ, Ȱ ִ, 뿡 Ǭ.

[] ; () ĺ

*hope.ful.ly/hóup.fəl.i:/ [] ϰ, ɰ, ٶǴ

*hope.less/hóup.lis/ [] , (desperate), .


085. ho.ri.zon/hə.rái.zən/[.() ́.]

[] , , ð(ͣ), þ

science gives us a new ~. / ο þ߸ ش.


*hor.i.zon.tal.ly/hɔ̀:r.ə.́:n.tl.i:/ [] ; , η.


086. horn/hɔ:rn/[ȣ^()]

[] , ǰ, (ڵ)

[] , () ().

do not ~/hɔ:rn/[ȣ^()]! / !


* : born corn morn torn worn

ܾ /-ɔ:rn/[^()] [] ٲٸ ȴ.


# hor.ri.ble/hɔ́:r.ə.bl/[ȣ^ ́.().]

a/n. (), ۿ(), () Ȥ(), ()

that night i dreamed a ~/hɔ́:r.ə.bl/ dream.

/ ׳ پ.


*hor.ri.fied/hɔ́:r.ə.fɑ̀id/ [] Ҹġ ϴ, () [ݰ] ϴ.

*hor.ror/hɔ́:r.ər/ [] , , , , Ȥ (),

[] , ,


@ 088. horse/hɔ:rs/[ȣ^()]

[] () [] hors.es /hɔ́:r.siz/[ȣ^() ́.]


* : [Ȧ](x)


# horseback/hɔ́:rs.b̀k/[ȣ^() ́.^ ̀]

n. ; =hogback. ad. Ÿ

a. ̱ , ; ̱Ӿ () .


@ 089. hose/houz/[ȣ]

n. (pl. ~, hosen [hóuzn])

, Ÿŷ(stockings); ݹ, (doublet Բ ) Ÿ syn⟩ ⇨socks.

six pairs of ~ / 6ӷ half ~ / ª 縻, ӽ.

(pl. hóses) 󰇆󰆴 ȣ.

vt. (ȣ ) Ѹ, ( ) ѷ Ĵdown; Ӿ ȣ ġ; can. ̴, ġ; 縻 ű

~ (down) the car. / (ȣ) ѷ ϴ.


090. hos.pi.ta.ble/hά:s.pit.ǝ.bl/[Ͼƽ ́...]

[] ȣǷν ϴ, ϴ. (  Ͽ)

the local people are very ~/hάs.pit.ǝ.bl/ to strangers.

/ 鿡 ģϴ.


* : hos.pi.ta.ble / hά:s. pi. tǝ. bl /[ Ͼƽ ́. . . ] (x)


@ 091. hos.pi.tal/hɑ́:s.pit.əl/[Ͼƽ ́..]

[] , ڼ ü( )

*hos.pi.tal.i.ty/hɑ̀:s.pi.t́l.ə.ti:/ [] ȯ, , (pl.) ģ, ȣ

*hos.pi.tal.ize/hɑ́:s.pit.əl.àiz/ [] ԿŰ; ġḦ ϴ.


092. host/houst/[ȣ콺Ʈ]

[]ü(), (ܿ)(ü ̻ ).

[] (fem. ess [hóustis]) (ȸ ) (), ȣƮ(to); ( ) (landlord); tvȸ. [cf.] guest.

[] , , ټ(of); () , .

[] ϴ; (Ƽ ) ϴ; ȸ ϴ

when this show finishes,

would you like to ~/houst/[ȣ콺Ʈ] a talk show?

/ ̹  ũ غ ʰڴ?


*host.ing/hóus.ti/ host л

*host.ess/hóus.tis/ [] (ȸ) (), , () Ʃ


@ 093. hot/hɑ:t, hɔ:t/[Ͼ]

[] ߰ſ, ݷ

this summer is so ~/ha:t/. / ̴߰.


* : cot dot got lot not pot rot sot tot

ܾ /-ɑt/[-()] տ ̸ ȴ.


*hot.ter/hɑ́:t.ər/ == hot 񱳱


# hot-air ballon /


@ 094. ho.tel/hou.tél/[ȣ. ́]

[] ȣ,

i stay in a ~/hou.tél/. /  ȣڿ ӹ.


@ 095. hour/auər/[ƿ()]

[] ð , , ð

one ~/auər/ is 60 minutes. / ð 60̴.


@ 096(1). house/haus/[Ͽ콺]

[] (pl. hous.es[háu.ziz]) , , , , (the h-) ȸ[̱]

my ~/haus/ is across the stream.

/ dzʿ ִ.


*house.hold/háus.hòuld/ [/] (), (), ( )()

*house.keep.er/háus.kì:.pər/ [] ֺ,

*house.plant /háus.pl̀nt/[Ͽ콺 ́.^Ʈ ̀] [] dz ȭ Ĺ.


@ 096(2). house/hauz/[Ͽ]

[] (p., pp. housed; hóusing) ó ִ; ޾Ƶ̴; , ڽŰ; ִ, ϴ. ; ٶ ִ;

he ~s/háu.ziz/[Ͽ ́.] his books in an attic.

/ ״ å ٶ ־ д.


*hous.ing/háu.zi/ [] , Ǽ,


@ 097. how/hau/[Ͽ]

[](۰)(ӫ), , []

h~/hau/ are you? / ʴϱ? ȳϽʴϱ?


*how.ev.er/hau.év.ər/ [] ƹ , ƹ [ϴ]

[] ׷, ׷, (ϴ)  ζ


* : 16. /au/[ƿ] :

/au/[ƿ] ׶ [-]ϰ

ٽ Լ ణ и[-]Ѵ.


* : [ ow, ou ] ´.

* flow.er/fláu.ər/[ƿ ́.()] how/hau/[Ͽ]


flour/flauər/[ƿ()] house/haus/[Ͽ콺]



*̱ ü :

how about you? / ʴ ?

how big is it? / 󸶳 ū?

how come? why? / ? ?

how do you like here? / ϼ?

how have you been? / ׵  ¾?

how many times do i have to say? / ̳ ؾ ˰ھ?

how many? / ?

how much? / 󸶳 ?

how was your trip (vacation)? / (ް)?

how? / ?

hows everything? / ǰ ?

hows work? / ?

hows your family? / ־?


098. huge/hju:ʤ/[]

[] Ŵ, ,

i am a ~/hju:ʤ/[] fan of the baseball player.

/ ߱ ()̴.

*huge.ly/hjú:ʤ.li:/ [] Ŵ, , ũ, ſ

camila yelled uneasily, 

watching her sister carrying a huge cake to the table.

(2023 ) (45)

īж ϰ Ŀٶ ũ ̺ ű Ҿϰ Ҹƽϴ.


099. hu.man/hjú:.mən/[ ́.]

[] ΰ, η [] ΰ


100. hu.man.i.ty/hju:.mǽn.ǝ.ti:/[.^ ́..Ƽ]

[] η, ΰ, ΰ, ھ, ( pl.) ڼ



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