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å 5õ (069)

LV47alexҹ ȸ 1407 õ 0 2024-02-28 12:35:10
[ ]

å 5õ (069)

== h (021) ~ (040) ==


(08) h ==


021. harm/hɑ:rm/[Ͼ()]

[] (), ؾ, *[] in.jur.y(ín.dʒər.i:)

there is no ~/hɑ:rm/[()] in doing so.

/ ׷ ص () .

[] ġ, ؾ ġ, ذ

did they really ~/hɑ:rm/[()] each other?

/ ġ ߴ?


*harm.ful/hɑ́:rm.fəl/ [] طο, ذ Ǵ

*harm.less/hɑ́:rm.lis/ [] ذ , , ,


# har.mo.ni.ous/hɑ:r.mó́u.ni.əs/[Ͼ(). ́..]

a. ȭ, with.ȭ, ´, ȭ.

the spa.tial/spéi.ʃəl/ layout is natural and ~/hɑ:r.mó́u.ni.əs/.

/ ڿ ȭӴ.


*har.mo.ny/hά:r.mǝ.ni:/ n.

*har.mo.ni.ous.ly/hɑ:r.mó́u.ni.əs.li:/ ɑd.

*har.mo.ni.ous.ness/hɑ:r.mó́u.ni.əs.nis/ n.


023. harsh/hɑ:rʃ/[Ͼ()]

[] ģ, .opp.smooth. (Ҹ) , ȣ, , Ȥ

she was ~/hɑ:rʃ/[()] to her maid.

/ ׳ ϳ࿡ ߴ.


024. har.vest/hɑ́:r.vist/[Ͼ() ́.Ʈ]

[] Ȯ, ߼, Ȯ [] Ȯϴ, ߼ϴ


@ 025. has/hz/[^]

[] have 3Īܼ

she ~/hz/[^] a pencil. / ׳ ִ.


*hasnt/h́z.nt/ == has not .


026. hash/hʃ/[^ƾ]

[] ؽ[߰ ] () (), ȥ

[] (ä) ߰ () ̾߱⸦ ذϴ

ill have to ~/hʃ/[^ƾ] it over with my partner.

/ ڶ غ߰ڴµ.


@ 027. hat/ht/[^]

[] (װ ִ)

put a ~/ht/[^] on your head. / ڸ .


028. hatch/hʧ/[^]

[] Ƹ() °

[] (׸) () ǰ ߴ;

[] (Ƹ) , ȭϴ, ( ) ٹ̴

ten chicks ~.ed/hʧt/[^Ʈ] this morning.

/ ħ Ƹ ȭߴ.


# hate/heit/[؟]

vt. ̿ϴ, ϴ; Ⱦϴ

we ~ injustice. / 츮 Ѵ.

he ~s me for it. / ״ ̿Ѵ.

hate .


i ~ to trouble troubling you. / ļ ˼մϴ.

Ⱦϴ; ϰ ʴ

i ~ to do it. / ׷ ϰ ʴ

i ~ thɑt you should talk about it.

/ װ ̾߱⸦ ʹ.

vi. ̿ ǰ

we should all ~ less and love more.

/ ̿ ϰ ؾ Ѵ.

*hate.ful/héit.fəl/ a. ̿, ܿ, .


@ 030. have/hv/[^] ϰ (həv, əv) ; to տ (hf)

[]. (p., pp. had [hd, ϰ həd, əd]; л having [hvin])

() ִ, ([] ð ) ִ, ( 踦 Ÿ) ִ( Ұ), (ü κü Ư¡ɷ ) ִ;

( ) ɸ

i ~/hv/[^] a book. / å ִ.


*havent/h́v.nt/ == have not .


*̱ ü :

i have no time. / ð .; ٺ.


031. ha.ven/héi.vən/[ ́.]

[] ױ, ڼ, Ƚó, dzó.

[] () dzŰ.


032. ha.wai.i/hə.wái.i:/[. ́.]

[] Ͽ ()(1959 ̱ 50° ַ °)


033. hay/hei/[̀]

[] , . b) ʿ Ǯ. c) (̱Ӿ) ȭ. () , . b) (̱) Ǭ.

make ~/hei/[̀ while the sun shines.

/ (Ӵ) Ǯ ; ȣ⸦ ġ .


*hay.stack/héi.st̀k/ [] ʰ


034. haz.ard/h́z.ərd/[^ ́.()]

[] , , ,  ñ, , , ֻ

*haz.ar.dous/h́z.ər.dəs/ [] , ,  ñ


@ 035. he/hi:/[]

[] װ[], []

he/hi:/ is a teacher. / ״ ̴.


* : he/hi:/[], [-][-]Ѵ.

e/i:/ i /i/[]ʹ ª ̰ ƴ϶ ٸ.

ʰ Ҹ ŵϸ ٸ ʴ´.


*hed/hi:d/ == he had, he would .

*hell/hil/ == he will(shall)

*hes/hi:z/ [ϰ hiz, iz] == he is; he has .


*̱ ü :

he didnt show up. / Ÿ ʾҾ.

he is history to me. / ̹ ̿.


@ 036. head/hed/[P]

[] Ӹ, κ

i hit my ~/hed/[P] a.gainst/ə.génst/ the wall.

/ Ӹ εƾ.


*head.light(s) /héd.làit(s)/ [] ( pl.) Ʈ; () ().


037. heal/hi:l/[]

[] (ó ) ġ, ϴ. [syn.] cure. (ȭ) ȭؽŰ, ϴ. ȭŰ, ϴ.

time ~s/hi:ls/[Ͻ] all sorrows.

/ ذ Ѵ.


*healing /hí:.li/ [] ġ; ϴ, ȸŰ.

[] ġ; ȸ, ƹ.


038. health/helɵ/[]

[] ǰ(), , ,


*heal.thy/hél.ɵi:/ [] (-.thi.er/-.thi.est) ǰ, , ưư

*health.ful/hélɵ.fəl/ [] ǰ , , ǰ[], [cf.] healthy


red represents love and green represents health. (2023 ) (45)

Ÿ ǰ Ÿϴ.


@ 039. hear/hiər/[()]

[] (p., pp. heard[hərd]) ,

can you ~/hiər/[()] me? / ?

she laughed to hear his reply.

/ ׳ .


*heard/hə:rd/[()] [] hear źл.

*̱ ü : i hear you loud and clear. ֽϴ.


@ 040. heart/hɑ:rt/[Ͼ()Ʈ]

[] , , , , *[] mind(maind)

my ~/hɑ:rt/[Ͼ()Ʈ] is beating all the time.

/ ׻ ٰ ִ.


LV47alexҹ ٸ [ ]
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