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A~Z( 44 )

LV47alexҹ ȸ 303 õ 0 2024-02-19 12:46:35
[ ]

a~z( 44 ) :


5 : н(̱ ȭ)


< н(1) >


̱ε ޾Ƶ̴ ѱ



⸸ ؼ ȴ.

Ʈ డ

̱ mcdonalds ĿǸ ۵

ѱ ˾Ƶ Ͼ episode ̴


ѱ ˾Ƶ


ϳ , ٸ ̴.


Ȱ ټ ü 游 ϸ ȴ.

( ´ ʺڿ ݹ!)


ó one coffee, please!

-- ϸ ˾Ƶ´.


regular ? decaf(ī )?

(ٸ ˾Ƶ ܾ ȴ.)

ڱⰡ ϴ ϳ(regular or decaf) .


ٸ ϴµ  sugar & cream ? ִ.

˾Ƶ sugar & cream

ƹ ͵ black! ̶ ϸ ȴ.

sugar cream

no sugar, no cream ȴ.


߼ .


// []ϰ []Ͽ

ϸ鼭 ʵ ƴϴ.

[]̳ [] ϸ ȴ.

[ ^ ] ٿ [^] .


cof.fee/kɔ́:f.i:/[^j ́.]

/ɔ/ []ϰ Ʒ Ʈ鼭 []Ͽ

ϸ鼭 ʵ ƴϴ.

[] [] ϸ ǰ

Ʒ [] ȴ.

[ ^ ] ٿ [^] .


̷ ϴ ʺ ̴.

ϰ ܾ ϳ ٸ ǹڶǹ .


ѱ ־ Ȯ .

ѱ ̷ ̰ ̹ Ǿ ִ ͵

߷ϱ ƴ.

̷ ̰ ٰ Ѵ.


< н(2) >


google read, listen & learn click ϸ

read, listen & learn - voa - voice of america english news




/tips !

1.ϴ Ѵ.

2.play ϸ ڰ ۵ȴ.

3.com ű.


4. 鿡 ڽ ְ ִ ܾ ã´.

5. 4 ܾ ܾ ȣ ް д´.

(ȣ ѱ 並 ޸ Ȯϰ а ȴ.)


6.play ؼ Ҹ ũ ϰ ´. .

7.ٽ ó . ټ 鸱 ̴.

8.ó ٽ 鼭 ܶ .


9.ó ٽ 鼭 ø ϴ .

10. ʰ Ҹ !

շȴ! ! ( )


ϴ :

https://learningenglish.voanews.com/z/952 .


Ʈ ּҸ Ÿ ϸ ̷ ȴ.


̰ ͳ ּâ ̷ .


â ؿ load more ´.

video program

Ʒ lets learn english level 1 - click .

ù ȭ鿡 lesson 1 : welcome! - click Ͽ .


Ʒ డ λ縦 Ѵ.

pete : hi! are you anna?

anna : yes! hi there! are you pete?


pete: i am pete.

anna : nice to meet you.

anna : lets try that again.

im anna. nice to meet you.


pete : im pete. "anna" is that a-n-a?

anna: no. a-n-n-a


pete : well, anna with two "ns" ... welcome to ...

one four zero zero(1400) /ə́:r.vi/ /stri:t/ !


anna : my new apartment! yes!


ܾ ȣ д .

pete : hi! are you anna?

/pi:t/ : /hai/! /ɑ:r/ /ju:/ /ǽn.ǝ/ ?


anna : yes! hi there! are you pete?

/ǽn.ǝ/ : /jes/! /hai/ /ǝr/! /ɑ:r/ /ju:/ /pi:t/ ?


pete: i am pete.

/pi:t/ : /ai/ /m/ /pi:t/.

anna : nice to meet you.

/ǽn.ǝ/ : /nais/ /tu:/ /mi:t/ /ju:/.


anna : lets try that again.

/ǽn.ǝ/ : /lets/ /trai/ /t/ /ǝ.gén/.


im anna. nice to meet you.

/aim/ /ǽn.ǝ/. /nais/ /tu:/ /mi:t/ /ju:/.


pete : im pete. "anna" is that a-n-a?

/pi:t/ : /aim/ /pi:t/. "anna" /is/ /t/ a-n-a?


anna: no. a-n-n-a

/ǽn.ǝ/ : /nou/. a-n-n-a


pete : well, anna with two "ns" ...

welcome to ... one four zero zero(1400) /ə́:r.vi/ /stri:t/ !

/pi:t/ : /wel/, anna /wi/ /tu:/ "ns" ...

/wél.kǝm/ /tu:/... one four zero zero /ə́:r.vi/ /stri:t/ !


anna : my new apartment! yes!

/ǽn.ǝ/ : /mai/ /nju:/ /ǝ.pά:rt.mǝnt/ ! /jes/ !


lets learn english level 2 .


<level 2 >

anna : hum. oh! important meeting. everyone must come.

well, back to work!

and my boss has called a meeting.

i wonder what its about.

maybe were all getting raises!

ooo, theres jonathan! maybe he knows.


professor bot : hi! im professor bot!

this video is all about work.

people talk about jobs

and things that happen at work.

your assignment is to find as many work words as you can.

dont worry, ill help.


anna : so, jonathan, what do you think todays meeting is about?

the email sounded important.


jonathan : well,

i have heard people in the building talking about budget cuts.


anna : oh! budget cuts?

wait, who has been talking about budget cuts?


jonathan : mark in accounting.


anna : mark in accounting?

thats one person. thats not people.


jonathan : i know,

but mark knows everything that goes on at the studio.


anna : that is true. but wait, look at us.

we shouldnt gossip.

thats how rumors start.

well just go to the meeting and see what happens.


jonathan : youre right.

no more talk about budget cuts.


amelia : budget cuts? oh no!


amelia : i just heard anna and jonathan talking about budget cuts.


kaveh : that must be what the meeting is about.

when there are budget cuts, people lose their jobs.


amelia : not you. youre a good reporter.


kaveh : and its not you.

youve done a great job as a videographer.


amelia : i cant go back to being a detective.

criminals scare me!


kaveh : and i cant go back to being a teacher!

high school kids scare me!


== ϴ Ͱ ==

 ȣ ݺ.

⼱ ڽ ְ д ܾ ãƼ ȣ .

ȣ ܾ ȣ ϸ鼭 .


ص !

忡 ټ Ʋ .

ϴٺ .

! !

մϴ! ո!


== the end ==


LV47alexҹ ٸ [ ]
A~Z( 31 )
޴ 6õ (164)
å 6õ (164)
A~Z( 30 )

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