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A~Z( 41

LV47alexҹ ȸ 295 õ 0 2024-02-14 2:48:33
[ ]

a~z( 41 ) :


step 21-15 : Ǿ


138. watt & what :


(1) watt/wɑt/[]


i need a light bulb of 60 watts/wɑts/. 

/ 60 watt ʿϴ.

(2) what/hwɑt/[]

[]ǹ: ־μ, [], (),

what/wɑt/ is your name? 

/ ̸ ΰ?


139. way & weigh :


(1) way/wei/[]

[] , *[] road(roud) , , , (Ư) , ( pl.)

theres no way/wei/ through.

 / ΰ .

(2) weigh/wei/[]

[] Ը ޴, ϴ

how much does the baggage weigh/wei/ ? 

 / ȭ Դ 󸶳 ?


140. we & whee :


(1) we/wi:/[]

[] our, us, oursĪ 1Ī ְ [] ==> (we) .

we/wi:/ are all same blood. 

/ 츰 ̾.

(2) whee/hwi:/[]

[] ;, ߾ Ÿ.

[] ( ~ up) ̱Ӿ () ϴ, нŰ.

his words whee/hwi:/ me up. / ڰ Ͽ.



141. weak & week :


(1) weak/wi:k/[̟]

[] , , Ӹ

he is a weak/wi:k/ character.

 / ״ ( )̾.

(2) week/wi:k/[̟]

[] (sunday Ͽ saturday ) (Ͽ ) 7ϰ, 1ְ

lets meet 2 weeks/wi:ks/ later. 

/ 2 Ŀ .


142. weather & whether :


(1) weath.er/wé.ər/[ ́.()]

[] ϱ, (), *[] cli.mate(klái.mit)

how is the weath.er/wé.ər/ today? 

/ ?

(2) wheth.er/hwé.ǝr/[ ́.()]

[] ε(, )

im not sure wheth.er/hwé.ǝr/ (or not) i can do it.

/ ڽ


143. which & witch :


(1) which/hwitʃ/[]

[]ǹ (, )

which/hwitʃ/ is mine?

 / ΰ?

(2) witch/witʃ/[]

[] , ; .

she is a white witch/witʃ/.

 / ׳ ϴ .


144. whine & wine :


(1) whine/hwain/[]

[] (̵) ä Ҹ

[] óο Ҹ , ( ) Ÿ. Ǫϴ, ɑbout

theres no time to whine/hwain/.

 / ð ϴ.

(2) wine/wain/[]

[] ,

wine/wain/ is made from grapes. 

/ .


145. wood & would :


(1) wood/wud/[L]

[] , , ( s) , Ǯ(forest ۰ grove ŭ)

the desk is made of wood/wud/. 

/ å .

(2) would/wud/[L]

[] () (would not wouldnt[wúdnt]; 2Ī ܼ)[] ̴, ϰڴ, () Ϸ ߴ, [̾] ̴

i said that i would/wud/ be twenty next birthday.

/ ̸ 20 ȴٰ Ͽ.


146. your & youre :


(1) your/ju:ər/[̿()]

[]you (), (), () ϴ, ̸, ==> (your) ̸ Դϱ?

what is your/ju:ər/ name? 

 / ̸ ̳?

(2) youre/ju:ər/[̿()]

you are .

youre/ju:ər/ all my friends. 

 / ģ̾.


== the end ==




a~z( 41 ) :


step 21-15 : Ǿ


138. watt & what :


(1) watt/wɑt/[]


i need a light bulb of 60 watts/wɑts/. 

/ 60 watt ʿϴ.

(2) what/hwɑt/[]

[]ǹ: ־μ, [], (),

what/wɑt/ is your name? 

/ ̸ ΰ?


139. way & weigh :


(1) way/wei/[]

[] , *[] road(roud) , , , (Ư) , ( pl.)

theres no way/wei/ through.

 / ΰ .

(2) weigh/wei/[]

[] Ը ޴, ϴ

how much does the baggage weigh/wei/ ? 

 / ȭ Դ 󸶳 ?


140. we & whee :


(1) we/wi:/[]

[] our, us, oursĪ 1Ī ְ [] ==> (we) .

we/wi:/ are all same blood. 

/ 츰 ̾.

(2) whee/hwi:/[]

[] ;, ߾ Ÿ.

[] ( ~ up) ̱Ӿ () ϴ, нŰ.

his words whee/hwi:/ me up. / ڰ Ͽ.



141. weak & week :


(1) weak/wi:k/[̟]

[] , , Ӹ

he is a weak/wi:k/ character.

 / ״ ( )̾.

(2) week/wi:k/[̟]

[] (sunday Ͽ saturday ) (Ͽ ) 7ϰ, 1ְ

lets meet 2 weeks/wi:ks/ later. 

/ 2 Ŀ .


142. weather & whether :


(1) weath.er/wé.ər/[ ́.()]

[] ϱ, (), *[] cli.mate(klái.mit)

how is the weath.er/wé.ər/ today? 

/ ?

(2) wheth.er/hwé.ǝr/[ ́.()]

[] ε(, )

im not sure wheth.er/hwé.ǝr/ (or not) i can do it.

/ ڽ


143. which & witch :


(1) which/hwitʃ/[]

[]ǹ (, )

which/hwitʃ/ is mine?

 / ΰ?

(2) witch/witʃ/[]

[] , ; .

she is a white witch/witʃ/.

 / ׳ ϴ .


144. whine & wine :


(1) whine/hwain/[]

[] (̵) ä Ҹ

[] óο Ҹ , ( ) Ÿ. Ǫϴ, ɑbout

theres no time to whine/hwain/.

 / ð ϴ.

(2) wine/wain/[]

[] ,

wine/wain/ is made from grapes. 

/ .


145. wood & would :


(1) wood/wud/[L]

[] , , ( s) , Ǯ(forest ۰ grove ŭ)

the desk is made of wood/wud/. 

/ å .

(2) would/wud/[L]

[] () (would not wouldnt[wúdnt]; 2Ī ܼ)[] ̴, ϰڴ, () Ϸ ߴ, [̾] ̴

i said that i would/wud/ be twenty next birthday.

/ ̸ 20 ȴٰ Ͽ.


146. your & youre :


(1) your/ju:ər/[̿()]

[]you (), (), () ϴ, ̸, ==> (your) ̸ Դϱ?

what is your/ju:ər/ name? 

 / ̸ ̳?

(2) youre/ju:ər/[̿()]

you are .

youre/ju:ər/ all my friends. 

 / ģ̾.


== the end ==



LV47alexҹ ٸ [ ]
A~Z( 31 )
޴ 6õ (164)
å 6õ (164)
A~Z( 30 )

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