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̽ å 5õ (031)

LV47alexҹ ȸ 313 õ 0 2024-01-09 2:22:59
[ ]

̽ å 5õ (031)

== c (181) ~ (200) ==


(03) c ==


181. cone/koun/[ڿ]

[] ü, Բ,

let me get an ice cream/kri:m/ ~/koun/ cake.

/ ̽ ũ ڿ ɟ ϳ ּ.


182. con.fer.ence/kɑ́n.fər.əns/[ĭ ́..()]

[] ȸ, , dz, ȸ, ȸ


183. con.fess/kən.fés/[.н ́]

[] (˸) [ڹ]ϴ, ϴ, о

he ~.ed/kən.fést/ to me that he had broken the vase.

/ װ ɺ ߸ ߴ.


*con.fes.sion/kən.féʃ.ən/ [] , , ž , ȸ,


184. con.fi.dence/kɑ́n.fə.dəns/[ĭ ́..]

[] ( ) ſ, ŷ, ӳ , Ȯ *[] dif.fi.dence(díf.ə.dəns)


*con.fi.dent/kɑ́n.fə.dənt/ [] Ȯϴ, ڽ ִ, = confidant.

*con.fi.den.tial/kɑ̀n.fə.dén.ʃəl/ [] (secret), , Ϳ

*con.fi.den.ti.al.i.ty/kɑ̀n.fə.dèn.ʃi:.́l.ə.ti:/ [] [].


# con.firm/kən.fə́:rm/[.() ́]

vt. Ȯ ϴ, Ȯ ϴ

this report ~s my suspicions.

/ ǽ Ȯ ˾Ҵ.

ȿ Ȯϴ

~ a reservation / Ȯ δ.

this re.port/ri.pɔ́:rt/ ~s/kən.fə́:rms/[- ́] my sus.pi.cions/sə.spíʃ.əns/.

/ Ȥ Ȯν ش.

̱ ( Ӹ ) ϴ.


186(1). con.flict/kάn.flikt/[ĭ ́.Ʈ]

[] (¿ Ⱓ) ο, , ; syn⟩ ⇨fight.

the ~/kάn.flikt/ between the two countries

continued for hundreds of years.

/ ߴ.


186(2). con.flict/kǝn.flíkt/[.Ʈ ́]

[] ϴwith, . 浹ϴ, Ǵ,

his tes.ti.mony/tést.ǝ.mòuni/ ~s/kǝn.flíkts/[.Ʈ ́] with yours.

/ ڳ Ͱ ߳.


# con.fuse/kən.fjú:z/[.ǿ ́]

vt. ȥϴ, 갥 ϴ, ߸ ˴. ( ) ȥŰ, .  ϴ, ȥŰ, Ȳ ϴ.

i always ~/kən.fjú:z/ it with the other.

/ ׻ װ ٸ Ͱ ȥѴ.

*con.fused/kən.fjú:zd/ [] Ȳ; ȥ, ; .

*con.fus.ing/kən.fjú:.zi/ [] ȥŰ, Ȳ ϴ

*con.fu.sion/kən.fjú:.ʒən/ [] ȥ(with; between). ȥ(), б; Ȳ,



confuse (Ӹ) ȥŰ, 𸣰 ϴ:

confuse by giving contrary directions / Ǵ ø Ͽ ȥŰ.


disconcert (ӿ غǾ ڱ ų Ͽ)  ϴ, Ȳ ϴ:

disconcert by asking irrelevant questions / Ͽ Ȳ ϴ.


embarrass óϰ ϴ, źϰ ϴ:

embɑrrɑss by treating with rudeness / ϰ ٷ Ȳ ϴ.


188. con.gest/kən.dʒést/[.罺Ʈ ́]

[] 游Ű,[]Ű, () ϴ, ׵ .

the traffic is ~.ed/kən.dʒés.tid/[.́.]. / ȥϴ.


# con.grat.u.late/kən.gŕtʃ.ə.lèit/[.()^ ́..() ̀]

vt. ϴ, ϴon; ~ oneself ⻵ϴ

i ~ you. / մϴ.

we ~d him on his success. / ߴ

he ~d himself thɑt he had found a job.

/ ״ ڸ ã ⻵ߴ.


*con.grat.u.la.tion/kən.gr̀tʃ.ə.léi.ʃən/ [] , (on); (pl.) .


190. con.junc.tion/kən.dʒʌ́k.ʃən/[.^ũ ́.]

[] , , յ,ӻ


191. con.nect/kə.nékt/[Ŀ.́]

[] ϴ́ *[] join(dʒɔin) ϴ

will you please ~/kə.nékt/ me with mr. jones?

/ ֽðڽϱ?


# con.nec.tion -nexion /kǝ.nék.ʃən/[

n. , ; .

(ΰ) , ; () , յ

the ~ between crime and poverty / ˿ .

( pl.) ( ) ,

there are good ~s between buses in seoul.

/ £ ȴ.


192. con.quer/kɑ́.kər/[IJ ́.Ŀ()]

[] ϴ, [syn.] defeat. ( ) ȹϴ. ¸

i want to ~/kɑ́.kər/ the world.

/ ϰ ʹ.


*con.quest/kɑ́.kwest/ [] (of), ̼[] ȹ, ǰ,


193. cons.cience/kɑ́n.ʃəns/[ĭ ́.]

[] , ǽ,


*con.scious/kɑ́n.ʃəs/ [] ǽ[ڰ]ϰ ִ, ˰ ִ


194. con.se.quence/kɑ́n.sə.kwèns/[ĭ ́..ũؽ ̀]

[] , *[] re.sult(ri.zʌ́lt) ߴ뼺Ͱ


*con.se.quent/kɑ́n.sə.kwènt/[ĭ ́..ũƮ ̀]

[] յ Ͼ , , Ͱ

[] Ͼ, ()ʿ,

this increase of the unemployed is ~/kɑ́n.sə.kwènt/

on the business depression.

/ Ǿ ̷ Ұ 翬 ̴.


*con.se.quent.ly/kɑ́n.sə.kwènt.li:/ [] [] μ


similarly most mutations have harmful consequences for the organism

in which they occur, meaning that they reduce its reproductive fitness.

(2024 ) (39)

κ ̴ ش ̰ ߻ ü طο

, ̴ ̰ ռ ҽŲٴ ǹմϴ.


# con.ser.va.tive/kən.sə́:r.və.tiv/[.() ́..M]

n. , ִ , , .

a. , , . ִ, , ( )

her style of dress was never ~/kən.sə́:r.və.tiv/.

/ ׳ ǻ Ÿ ʾҴ.


~ly [] ; ɽ.


# con.sid.er/kən.síd.ər/[. ́.()]

vt. ϴ, ϴ

~ a matter in all its aspects / 鿡 ϴ.

i ~ thɑt he ought to help me.

/ װ ; ̶ Ѵ.


i ~ him (to be ɑs) a coward. / ׸ ̶ Ѵ.


we should ~ his youth. / ؾ ̴.


vi. ϴ

let me ~ a moment. / ٿ.



all things ~ed 縦 Ͽ, .


consider Ӹӿ ϴ:

consider the cost before buying a new car

/ ϴ.

reflect on ݻϴӸӿ ϴ:

reflect on ones virtues and faults

/ ڱ ݼϴ.

weigh Ը Ͽ Ƹ:

weigh ones words / Ͽ .

contemplate ܺϴ:

contemplate a problem. / ܺ.


*con.sid.er.a.ble/kən.síd.ər.ə.bl/ [] () ߿, ,

*con.sid.er.a.bly/kən.síd.ər.ə.bli:/ [] ʰ, ſ, , .

*con.sid.er.a.tion/kən.sìd.ər.éi.ʃən/ [] , (), ( ) , ,

*con.sid.er.ing/kən.síd.ər.i/ [] ϸ, ϸ

[] ϸ, ӿ ؼ, ̴ϱ

[] () ׷,

*con.sid.er.ate/kən.síd.ər.it/ [] , [syn.] kind


== ( 5) ==

he considers me his best friend. / ״ ģ ģ Ѵ.

־(he) + (considers) + (me) + (his best friend)

* : ɿ ܾ ѱ 侾(()) ̷ ٴ´.

ݿ ~, ~ (),

~ ()

(ľ) ~ ϴ(Ͽ).



~/, ~/


~/, ~




197. con.sist/kən.síst/[.ýƮ ́]

[] - ̷ ִ, ϴ, 縳Ѵ

water ~s/kən.sísts/[.ýƮ ́]

of hy.dro.gen/hái.drǝ.dʒən/ and ox.y.gen/άk.si.dʒən/.

/ ҿ ҷ Ǿ ִ.

*con.sist.ing/kən.sís.ti/[.ý ́.]


# con.sis.tent/kən.sís.tənt/[.ý ́.Ʈ]

ɑ. (ǰൿų ) () ġϴ; ȭwithhis views are ~ with his action. / ൿ ġϰ ִ          (ħ ) Һ, ߽in

an explanation must be ~. / ϰؾ Ѵ.

( ) , .

*con.sis.tent.ly/kən.sís.tən.tli:/ [] ϰϰ, ְ, (with)


199. con.spir.a.cy/kən.spír.ə.si:/[. ́.().]

[] , , ,


*con.spire /kən.spáiər/[.() ́]

[] ϴ, ۴ϴ, ٹ̴

events ~d/kən.spáiərd/[.() ́] to bring about his ruin.

/ ǵ 췯 ĸ Դ.


* : -.ire /-.aiər/[-.()] д´.


*dire, fire, mire, fire, hire ٸ ̸ ȴ.


200. con.stant/kɑ́n.stənt/[ĭ ́.Ʈ]

[] ġ ʴ, ױ, *[] var.i.a.ble(vɛ́ər.i:.ə.bl) *[] con.tin.u.al(kən.tín.ju.əl) ( ) ε, ұ, ߰. ,

she was a ~/kɑ́n.stənt/ woman.

/ ׳ ̾.


*con.stant.ly/kɑ́n.stənt.li:/ [] Ծ; ׻; Ӿ; .


LV47alexҹ ٸ [ ]
A~Z( 33 )
޴ 6õ (166)
å 6õ (166)
A~Z( 32 )

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