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̽ å 5õ (021)

LV47alexҹ ȸ 321 õ 0 2023-12-28 12:46:58
[ ]

̽ å 5õ (021)

== b (161) ~ (176) ==


(02) b ==


161. bur.y/bér.i:/[ ́.()]

[] (p., pp. buried; ing ) , ϴ

she has ~ied/bér.i:d/[ ́.()] her husband.

/ ׳ Ǿ.


*bur.ied /bér.i:d/[ ́.()](o) [](x)


@ 162. bus/bʌs/[^ƽ]

[] (pl. bus(s)es[bʌ́s.iz]) , ڵ

h~/hap/ on the bus/bʌs/! / öŸ!


163. bush/buʃ/[ξ()]

[] (shrub), Ǯ, [] , ð

[] , ð, ðƼ ; , .

[] ҷ ѷδ.̱ ʰ ǰ ϴ, ϰ .


# bus.i.ness/bíz.ə.nis/[ ́..Ͻ] or [ ́.Ͻ] (ok)

n. Ǿ; ,

a man of ~ / ǹ; Ǿ.


a doctors ~ / Ǿ()

thats not in my line of ~. / װ о߰ ƴϴ


a place house of ~ / , .


go about your ~! ( Ͽ ) .

have no ~ to do ڰǸ .

make it ones ~ to do ô; Ͽ ϴ, ݵ ϴ.

mean ~ ̴ i hope you meɑn ~. ƴ.

mind ones own ~ Ͽ ʴ.

on ~ , ־ no admittance except on ~. .

send see a person about his ~ ƹ Ѿ ذϴ.

out of ~ ĻϿ, Ͽ.

talk ~ ̾߱⸦ ϴ, ǿ ϴ.

thats not ~. װ


165. bus.tle/bʌ́s.l/[^ƽ ́.]

[] ū ҵ, ȥ.

they are in a ~/bʌ́s.l/.

/ ׵ ϴ, ũ ִ.

[] ũ ҵϴ, ϴoff

he ~d/bʌ́s.ld/[^ƽ ́.] the maid off on an errand.

/ ״ ϳฦ Ͽ ɺθ ´.


@ 166. bus stop/stap/[z]


the ~/bʌs/[^ƽ] ~/stap/ is one block away.

/ ִ.


* : [^ƽ] [z] ==> [^ z] д´.

ܾ ܾ ù .


@ 167. bus.y/bíz.i:/[ ́.]

[] (bus.i.er[bíz.i.ər]/-.i.est[bíz.i.ist]) ٻ, (), ƴ

i was ~/bíz.i:/ yes.ter.day/jés.tə:r.dèi/.

/ ٻ.


@ 168. but/bʌt/[^]

[] ׷, , ׷

b~/bʌt/ you are ok/òu.kéi/[ ̀.ij ́].

/ ׷ .


* : cut gut hut mutt nut rut tut

ܾ /-ʌt/[^] д´. տ ̸ ȴ.

r տ () ִ´.


169. but.ler /bʌ́t.lər/[^ ́.()()]

[] , ǿ() θӸ [] ~ 븩 ϴ.


170. butt/bʌt/[^]

[] ( ) ; () Ӹ; ص, ׷ͱ; ڷ Ʒκ.̱ Ǵ , (cigar cigarette ~).


@ 171. but.ter/bʌ́t.ər/[^ ́.()]

[] ,

b~/bʌ́t.ər/ and bread/bred/[()A]. / Ϳ


@ 172. but.ton/bʌ́t.ən/[^ ́.]

[] ,̱Ŀ ư

b~s/bʌ́t.əns/[^ ́.] up/ʌp/[^]! / ߸ ׶!


@ 173. buy/bai/[]

[] (p., pp. bought [bɔt]) , ϴ

i have to ~/bai/ some/sʌm/ books. / å .


mary bought three cakes of soap.

/ ޸ .

ǥ==>(three) + (cakes) + of + (soap)


174. by/bai/[]

[] , ̿, , (), , ()

many were standing ~/bai/ at the time.

/ 翡 ־.


she took me by the hand.

/ ׳ Ҵ.

ü Ÿ ġ + the + ü


@ 175. bye/bai/[]

[] () ȳ(good-bye)

b~/bai/ ! b~/bai/ ! / ȳ! ȳ!


* : ̷ д´.

/b a i/[ ] [].


176. by.gone/bái.gɔ̀:n/[ ́.^ ̀]

[] , .

[] ()

let ~s be ~s. /Ӵ Ŵ ؾ.

== the end


[ Ǯ]


008. he ate the apple.

/ ״ Ծ.



he did not eat the apple. ״ ʾҴ.



009. more than 96% of the worlds annual rice crop

is produced in the far east.

/ 96% ̻ ص ȴ.


(produce) ü ƯϱⰡ

(more than 96% of the worlds annual rice crop) ־



010. at a grocery store, strawberries are sold by the pound.

/ ķǰ Ŀ Ǹŵȴ.


跮 Ÿ the .



011. a freshly baked cake is perfect for every occasion.

/ ũ 쿡 Ϻϴ.


źл(baked) (cake)



012. her beauty and intelligence have captivated many men.

/ ׳ ̸ ڵ Ҵ.


beauty(̸, Ƹٿ) ߻ (a/an), Ұ



013. they believed that it was fair.

/ ׵ ̰ ϴٰ Ͼ.


־(they) + (believed) + (that it was fair)

κ 캸 .

ӻ(that) + ־(it) + (was) + (fair)

(was) ԵǾ Ƿ .

that ӿ ϹǷ



014. he has a brother.

/ ״ ִ.



he doesnt have a brother. ״ .



LV47alexҹ ٸ [ ]
A~Z( 33 )
޴ 6õ (166)
å 6õ (166)
A~Z( 32 )

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