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< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (048)

LV48alexҹ ȸ 509 õ 0 2023-11-04 11:53:29
[ ]

< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (048)

                          == (05) e (021~040) ==


(05) e ==


@ 021. egg/eg/[]
[] () , ް

the fe.male/fí:.meil/ sits on the ~/egs/[׽] until they hatch/hʧ/.

/ ȭ ǰ´.


* : 02. Ě /e/[]

Ư Ʒ ʿ .

ѱ [] ״ ϸ ȴ.

* : [e+] Ǵ [+e+] ̷ .

*egg/eg/[] else/els/[ٽ] end/end/[ص]

pen/pen/[] ten/ten/[] when/hwen/[]


@ 022. eight/eit/[֟]

[/] (), 8(), 8[](); 8()

we work eight/eit/[֟] hours a day. / 츮 Ϸ翡 8ð Ѵ.

簡 ִ each, per ǹ̷ ̴


*eight.een/éi.tí:n/ [/] (), 18(), 18(), (), 18()

*eighth/eitɵ/ [/] 8()°(), 8(), 8 1().

*eight.y/éit.i:/ [/] (), 80(), 80()


* : 18 /eight.een/éi.tí:n/[ ́.Ƽ ́] & 80 / eight.y/éit.i:/[֟ ́.]


023. ei.ther/í:.ər, ái.-/[ ́.()] or [ ́.()]

[] (ƴϴ, ʴ), , Դٰ, ׷

ڿ (ƴϴ)

i dont like eggs. i dont like meat, ~/í:.ər/[ ́.()].

/ ް ʴ´. Ѵ.

ڿ, ص( ƴϴ)

it is a nice place, and not too far, ~/í:.ər/[ ́.()].

/ װ ̰ Դٰ ʴ.

()ǹ Դٰ

he has no family, or friends ~/í:.ər/[ ́.()].

/ Դٰ ׿Դ , ģ .

[]( ) ,

e~/í:.ər/[ ́.()] day is ok. / ( ) ϴ.

( ) ; ʵ

i dont know ~/í:.ər/[ ́.()] boy.

=i know neither boy.

/ ( ߿) ҳ⵵ 𸥴.

[] ̾( ) , ̵

e~/í:.ər/[ ́.()] will do.

/ ̵ .

̾( ) [] (ƴ())

i dont like ~/í:.ər/[ ́.()] of them.

=i like neither of them.

/ ʵ ʴ´.

[]either or__ ·μ

1ų[] Ǵ ų[] ( ϳ[ΰ]

e~/í:.ər/[ ́.()] you or i must go.

/ ڳ׵ () ϳ.


you can do it ~/í:.ər/[ ́.()] here or at home.

/ ⼭ ϵ ϵ .

Ͽ ƴϴ[ƴϴ]

he cannot ~/í:.ər/[ ́.()] read or write.

=he can neither read nor write.

/ ״ Ѵ.


*̱ ü : either will do. ߿  ̵ ſ. = anything will do.


024. e.lab.o.rate/i:.ĺb.ə.rit/[.()^ ́..()]

[] ,

dont ~/i:.ĺb.ə.rit/[.()^ ́..()].

/ ʹ .

[] ,

it is an ~/i:.ĺb.ə.rit/[.()^ ́..()] design.

/ װ ()̾.


@ 025. el.bow/él.bou/[ ́.]

[] Ȳġ, Ȳġ , (ؾȼ ) , () Ȱ

i hit my ~/él.bou/[ ́.] a.gainst/ə.génst/ the window.

/ â Ȳġ εƴ.

[] Ȳġ д[], Ȳġ оġ ư

he ~.ed/él.boud/[ ́.] himself into a crowd.ed/kráud.id/ train.

/ ״ оġ ȥ .


026. eld.er/él.dər/[ ́.()]

[] ,

[]old 񱳱 , *[] young.er(jʌ́.gər)

he(she) is my ~/él.dər/[ ́.()] brother(sister).

/ (׳) ().


*eld.er.ly/él.dər.li:/ [] ߳ , ̰ , ʷ(),


* : eld.er / éld. ǝr /[ ٵ ́. () ] (x)


027. e.lect/i:.lékt/[.()́]

[] , ,

[] ϴ, (ϴ ) ϴ

he was ~.ed/i:.lék.tid/[.()L.́] for [to] congress in 2011.

/ ״ 2011⿡ ȸǿ Ǿ.


*e.lec.tion/i:.lék.ʃən/ [] ,


* : e.lect/i:.lékt, i.-/[.()́] or [.()́] (ok)

/i/[] ڿ , ⿡ ̰ .

/i/[] ܾ ̶ ϸ , ִ .


baby ѿ /béi.bi/[ ́.] ǰ ̱ /béi.bi:/[ ́.].

y ̻ ܾ 鼭 /i:/ Ǿ ϴµ

/i/ Ǿ ־ /i:/ ƴ.

ܾ 忡 ڿ ܾ ֱ ̴.


028. e.lec.tric/i:.lék.trik/[.()L ́.Ʈ()]


an ~/i:.lék.trik/[.()L ́.Ʈ()] bill. / û

*e.lec.tric.i.ty/i:.lèk.trís.ə.ti:/ [] ,

*e.lec.tron/i:.lèk.trɑ́n/ [], ϷƮ

*e.lec.tron.ic/i:.lèk.trɑ́n.ik/ [] (), ϷƮ.

*e.lec.tron.ics/i:.lèk.trɑ́n.iks/ [] ڰ


029. el.e.ment/él.ə.mənt/[ ́..Ʈ]

[] , , ()ȭ

cost was a key ~/él.ə.mənt/[ ́..Ʈ] in our decision.

/ 츮 ٽ ҿ.



[] (), ()(, , , ٶ), , [̱

[] 4 ϳ, ( pl.) .


*el.e.men.ta.ry/èl.ə.mén.tə.ri:/ [] ʵ,

* ~ school ʵб


030. el.e.phant/él.ə.fənt/[ ́..Ʈ]

[] ڳ. ( bull ; cow ;)

an ~/él.ə.fənt/[ ́..Ʈ] is a big animal.

/ ڳ () ū ̿.


031. el.e.vate/él.ə.vèit/[ ́.. ̀]

[] () ø, ̴. [syn.] raise. Ű; ϴ(to).

e~/él.ə.vèit/[ ́.. ̀] the voice. / Ҹ ̴().


*el.e.va.tor/él.ə.vèit.ər/ [] , °(() lift). ø ġ


032. e.lev.en/i.lév.ən/[.()O ́.]

[/] 11(), 11(), 11()(), 11()(),11(), 11 ȣ()


*e.lev.enth/i.lév.ənɵ/ [/] ()°(), 11(), 11 1(),


033. el.i.gi.ble/él.i.dʒə.bl/[ ́...]

[] ڰ, , .

[] ڰ ִ; (); ٶ, (Ư ȥμ) (for; to do).

an ~/él.i.dʒə.bl/[ ́...] young man for ones daughter

/ ˸ û


034. else/els/[ٽ]

[] ܿ, ۿ, ޸,


*else.where/éls.h̀ər/ []  ٸ ,  ٸ


035. e-mail, e-mail, e.mail /í:.mèil/[ ́. ̀]

[] (electronic mail).

i was writing an e.mail/í:.mèil/[ ́. ̀] at 7pm yesterday.

/ 7ÿ ̸ ۼϰ ־.

be (was) + л(writing)


# em.bar.rass.ed/im.b́r.əst/[.^ ́.()Ʈ]

ɑ. ź, Ȥ, ó

an ~ smile Ȥ

i wasfelt very ~. ſ Ȥ

i was ~ byɑt her unexpected question. ׳ ¿¿̴.

() ,

hes financially ~. ״ ִ.

*em.bar.rass.ed.ly/im.b́r.əst.li:/ ɑd.


037. em.brace/im.bréis/[.()̽ ́]

[] .( pl.) , . ( ) ä, .

[](ɿ ) żϴ, ϴ.

[] ȴ(hug), () ѷ[]δ. ϴ, () ϴ, ȯϴ

e~/em.bréis/[.()̽ ́] the whole village.

/ ü Ѵ ٶ󺸴.


038. e.mer.gen.cy/i:.mə́:r.dʒən.si:/[.() ́..]

[] [] ,

gov.ern.ment/gʌ́v.ərn.mənt/ has de.clared/di.klɛ́ərd/

a state of ~/i:.mə́:r.dʒən.si:/[.() ́..]

following the earth.quake/ə́:rɵ.kwèik/.

/ ߻ ΰ ¸ ߴ.


039. e.mo.tion/i:.móu.ʃən/[. ́.]

[] , , , , (ξֶ) *[] feel.ing(fí:.li)

he lost control of his ~s/i:.móu.ʃəns/[. ́.].

/ ״ ߴ.


040. em.ploy/im.plɔ́i/[.^ ́]

[] ϴ, () , ϴ

this work will ~/em.plɔ́i/[.^ ́] 60 men.

/ Ͽ 60 ʿϴ( ̴).


*em.ploy.a.ble/im.plɔ́i.ə.bl, im.-/ [] ִ, ǿ ´

*em.ploy.ee/èm.plɔi.í:/[ ̀.^. ́] [] , ,

*em.ploy.er/im.plɔ́i.ər/ [] ,

*em.ploy.ment/im.plɔ́i.mənt/ [] , ,



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б ٸ б( 09 )
Ʈ 6õ (065)

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