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< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (027)

LV47alexҹ ȸ 544 õ 0 2023-10-03 12:45:10
[ ]


                                                                           < ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (027)

                                                                         == (03) c (101~120) ==


(03) c ==


@ 101. cir.cle/sə́:r.kl/[() ́.ũ]

[] , , ,

make a ~/sə́:r.kl/!

/ ׷()!


*cir.cuit/sə́:r.kit/ [] ȸ, ȸ, ȸ,

*cir.cu.late/sə́:r.kjə.lèit/ [] , ȯϴ,  ϴ,


102. cite/sait/[]

[] οϴ(quote), ϴ(mention); ϴ; ( ) ϰ ϴ.

syn⟩ ⇨quote. () ȯϴ



[] ð(), , ϰ, ð, , Ǵ,

the ship came into sight/sait/.

/ 谡 þ߿ Դ.



[] ġ, ( ) , , (ǹ ) ,

the city has plans to redevelop the site/sait/.

/ ÿ Ҹ 簳 ȹ ִ.

* :

c ڿ i /s/ Ǵ ȴ.

sight gh ̹ Ͽ.


103. cit.i.zen/sít.ə.zən/[ ́..]

[] ù̱Ϲ, ΰ(civilian)( Ͽ)


@ 104. cit.y/sít.i:/[ ́.]

[] , ȸ,

what ~/sít.i:/ do you live in?

/ () ֳ?


this is the city where i was born.

/ ¾ ̴.

λ(where) ̲ (the city) ٸִ

(where i was born) (where) (the city)

i was born in the city.


* : ̻ ܾ y

/i:/[], /ai/[] ȴ.


/i/[] Լ ణ и鼭 ª []ϰ

/i:/[] [-] 鼭 ٽ[-]Ѵ.

ȳ, ƴѰ ̷ ޶.


105. civ.il/sív.əl/[ ́.]

[] ù, μ, , ٸ

be more ~/sív.əl/ to me.

/ ǹٸ .

a ~/sív.əl/[ ́.] war

/ .


# claim/kleim/[ũ]

vt. (翬 Ǹμ) 䱸ϴ, ~ damages 䱸ϴ.

syn⟩ ⇨demand.

(ǹ) ̶ ϴ, ã, (Ź) ã(Ƴ)

does anyone ~ this umbrella? ڴ ʴϱ.

(Ǹ) 䱸ϴ, ϴ.

ϴ; ϴ

i ~ to be thɑt i am the rightful heir. Ѵ.

( Ǹ) , ϴ(call for); ( ) ġ ִ(deserve)

the problem ~s our attention. ġ ִ.

( θ) Ѵ death ~ed him. ״ ׾.


vi. ( ) ûϴɑgɑinst; on; Ǹ ϴ; ǰ ϴon; for; ϴ


n. (翬 Ǹμ) , û(demand); û, Ŭ

we have put in the ~ to the maker. 츮 ڿ Ŭ ´.

(䱸ϴ) Ǹ(right), ڰ(title)

we have no ~ on you. 츮 ʿ 䱸 Ǹ

( )

her ~ to be promoted to the post was quite legitimate. ڸ ޽ ޶ ׳ ̾.

ʿ i have many ~s on my time. Ͽ ð .


107. clap/klp/[ũ^]

[] (-pp-) ġ, ε帮, εġ (ջ) ġ, ڼäϴ

i ~.ped/klpt/[ũ^Ʈ] him on the shoulder.

/ ƴ.


@ 108. class/kls/[ũ^ƽ]

[] ( ) , , б, (pl.) (ȸ)

we have no ~/kls/ today.

/ .

*class.mate/kĺs.mèit/ [] ޻, ޿; â.

*class.room/kĺs.rù:m/ []


109. clas.sic/kĺs.ik/[ũ^ ́.]

[] (ǰ ) Ϸ, ,

we will have a ~/kĺs.ik/ event next week.

/ 츮 ֿ ( ) ̴.


110. class.mate/kĺs.mèit/[ũ^ƽ ́.ş ̀]

[] ޻, ޿; â.

she was my ~/kĺs.mèit/ in highschool.

/ ׳ ϱ ޿쿴.


* : մܾ

ܾ ܾ ϳ [մܾ].

̶ ˾ƾ Ѵ.

: class.mate/kĺs.mèit/[ũ^ƽ ́.ş ̀]

room.mate/rú:m.mèit/[() ́.ş ̀]


@ 111. clean/kli:n/[ũ]

[] û, ,

cl~/kli:n/ up a.round/ə.ráund/[.() ́] your desk.

/ å ֺ ض.


*clean.er/klí:.nər/ [] () Ź , Ź , ûҺ

*clean.ing/klí:.ni/ [] û; Ź, Ŭ. (Ӿ) (), () .


*̱ : clean.er/klí:.nər/[ũ ́. ()]

<cleaner> google how many syllables

how many syllables in cleaner? 2 syllables ( )

divide cleaner into syllables: clean-er ( )

stressed syllable in cleaner: clean-er ()

how to pronounce cleaner: klee-ner ( )


112. clear/kliər/[ũ̾()]

[] , , ʴ, Ȯ

the road is ~.ed/kliərd/[ũ̾()].

/ δ ְ Ǿ.


*clear.ly/klíər.li:/ [] ȶ, и, ǽ , Ȯ


113. clerk/klə:rk/[ũ()ũ]

[] [], , ȸ


114. clev.er/klév.ər/[ũ ́.()]

[] , ȶ, ġ

he is a student ~/klév.ər/ at mathematics.

/ ״ ϴ л̾.


* : clever / ְ ְ Ӹ ġ ; .

׷ wise Ÿ 迡 ,

پ Ŀ Ǵ û .

bright / ذ Ӹ .

clever ط¿ .

adroit / ϴ ,

ؾ ִ, ƴ: an adroit politician / ƴ ġ.


*a.droit /ǝ.drɔ́it/[.()^ ́] [] ϴ


@ 115. climb/klaim/[ũ]

[] , ϴ

he ~.ed/klaimd/[ũӵ] up a tree.

/ ״ ö󰬴.


i would like to climb that mountain.

/ 꿡 ʹ.

־(i) + (would like) + (to climb that mountain)

(, )


* : m b Ǵ ִ.

* : numb womb tomb bomb comb limb lamb jamb dumb

crumb climb abomb plumb rhomb


@ 116. clock/klɑk/[ũ]

[] ð(Źð . ޴ ʴ )

my desk ~/klɑk/[ũ] rings at 6 oclock[.ũ ́]!

/ å ð 6 ÿ ︰.


*clock watch :

޴ ʴ (clock) ޴ϴ (watch) Ѵ.

̷ Ǿ?

͵ see look watch ؼ ϵ ð赵 .

*ð wall clock, *ոð wrist watch, *ָӴ(ȸ)ð pocket watch


@ 117(1). close/klouz/[ũ]

[] , , ; () . , . , ; () .

a nuclear/njú:.kliər/ war began

since the ~/klouz/ of the world war 2.

/ 2 κ ߴ.

[] () , ( ) ݴ

the committee have decided to ~/klouz/ the theatre.

/ ȸ ϱ ߽ϴ.

ȸ ŸǷ have


the committee has decided to ~/klouz/ the theatre.

/ ȸ ϱ ߽ϴ.

ȸ ü ܼ Ǿ has


*clo.sure/klóu.ʒər/ [] , , ; ; , ޾


* : su, si /ʒ/ = j /dʒ/ ==> [, ()]


@ 117(2). close/klous/[ũ콺]

[] (Ÿð) (near), (), (),

he is my ~/klous/ friend.

/ ״ ģ ģ.

[] Ͽ, °, , , ª, , ˼ϰ

it is ~/klous/ on ten oclock.

/ 10 ô.


*close.ly/klóus.li:/ [] Ͽ, ٽ, , ϰ


118. clos.et/klɑ́z.it/[ũ ́.]

[]̱ħ, , , , ; (); .

our clothes are in the ~/klɑ́z.it/. / 츮 ʵ 忡 ִ.

[] (), [], , ƴ.

cl~/klɑ́z.it/ the.o.ry/í:.ǝ.ri:/ / Ź.

[] (д ) () δ; (̳ ġ Ϸ) (ƹ) д ϴ(together; with); Ϳ () δ.

they were ~.ed/klɑ́z.it.id/[ũ ́..] with him.

/ ׵ ׿ д .


* : s /s/ /z/ ħ ٿ ʴ Ģ Ѵ.

, s ڿ /i/[] ħ .

*mis.sing/mís.i/[ ́.] ex.ces.sive/ek.sés.iv/[. ́.]


119. cloth/klɔ:ɵ/[ũ^]

[] (pl. s[-z,-ɵs]) õ, , ,


* : th /ɵ/() //() Ϸ .

th ϴ

ణ ̴ ô ϸ鼭 Լ ¿ ,

ġƿ ణ ¿ Ѵ.


@ 120. clothes/klouz/[ũY]

[] , Ǻ

fine ~/klouz/ make the man. / (Ӵ) .


*cloth.ing/klóu.i/[ũ ́.] []Ǻ, Ƿ, Ǻ



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