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< ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (023)

LV47alexҹ ȸ 457 õ 0 2023-09-27 11:48:20
[ ]


                                                                        < ޿ Ʈ 5õ > (023)

                                                                       == (03) c (021~040) ==


(03) c ==


@ 021. can.dle/ḱn.dl/[ij^ ́.]

[] ,

light/lait/ a ~/ḱn.dl/[ij^ ́.]!

/ к Ѷ!


* : [ĵ ́.](x) [ĵ ́.](x)


@ 022. can.dy/ḱn.di:/[ij^ ́.]

[] ĵ,

take one/wʌn/ ~/ḱn.di:/!

/ ϳ !


* : one/wʌn/[^](o) [](x) [](x)


@ 023. cant/knt/[ij^Ʈ]

cannot . *maynt

i ~/knt/ do it my.self/mai.sélf/.

/ װ ȥڼ .


* : *i cant do it myself. ==> κ ϰ ش.


*can.not/ḱn.ɑt/[ij^ ́.](o) [ij^ ́.](x) == can not

ݵ [-́.] ؾ Ѵ.


@ 024. cap/kp/[ij^]

[] (߱ ) , ()

put a ~/kp/ on/an/ your head!

/ , (Ӹ) ڸ ϳ !

[] ڸ , () ϴ, ǥ

snow has ~ped mt. halla.

/ Ѷ


* : ܾ + Ǵ ܾ ++

ص .

: on/an/[] [ƾ] ok. head/hed/[P/ [؝] ok


025. ca.pac.i.ty/kə.ṕs.ə.ti:/[Ŀ.^ƽ ́..Ƽ]

[] (ִ ɷ)

the the.a.ter/í:.ǝ.tǝr/ has

a seating ~/kə.ṕs.ə.ti:/ of 2000.

/ ο 2õ ̴.


*ca.pa.ble/kéi.pə.bl/ [] ִ, ɷ ִ, , һϴ


* : [Ŀ.^ƽ ́..Ƽ] ==> [Ŀ.^ƽ ́.Ƽ] ok!


@ 026. cap.i.tal/ḱp.ət.əl/[ij^ ́.i.]

[] , , ں()

the ~/ḱp.ət.əl/ of ko.re.a/kə.rí:.ə/ is seoul.

/ ѱ ̴.

[] ֿ, [] *[] chief(tʃi:f)

seoul is the ~/ḱp.ət.əl/ cit.y/sít.i:/ of korea.

/ ѱ ̴.


* : ko.re.a/kə.rí:.ə, kou.rí:.ə / ͵ . /-.rí:-/ .


* : ̱ cap.i.tol/kap ́ət l/ = /ḱp.ət.əl/[ij^ ́.i.]

ܾ l [] .

"/-t l/ " "/ / /ə/ ǥ . [] .

*cap.i.tal.ize/ḱp.ət.əl.àiz/ [] 빮ڷ . []ϴ, ںȭϴ

*cap.i.tal.ize/ḱp.ət.əl.àiz/[ij^ ́.i.. ̀](o)

 [ij^ ́.i.. ̀](x)

*cap.i.tol/ḱp.ət.əl/ [] ̱(the ) ȸǻ


@ 027. cap.tain/ḱp.tən/[ij^ ́.]

[] , (),

he is our ~/ḱp.tən/.

/ ״ 츮 åھ.

[] ְ Ǵ, ϴ

who will ~ the team?

/ Ǵ.


028. cap.tion/ḱp.ʃən/[ij^ ́.]

[] ( ) ǥ, (ȭ)

she is putting a ~/ḱp.ʃən/ on the book.

/ ׳ å ǥ ְ ִ.

[] ǥ [, ŸƲ] ̴

the draw.ings/drɔ́:.is/ were ~.ed/ḱp.ʃənd/[ij^ ́.]

with hu.mor.ous/hjú:.mǝr.ǝs/ texts.

/ ׸ ӽ پϴ.


029. cap.ture/ḱp.tʃər/[ij^ ́.ó()]

[] ȹ, , ȹ, [] , ϴ, ȹϴ

the point is to ~/ḱp.tʃər/ first

and e.val.u.ate/i.vǽl.ju.èit/ later.

/ 켱 ϴ ߿ϰ 򰡴 ߿ ̴.

[] , ϴ; ϴ; ȹϴ, տ ִ.

the police ~ed/ḱp.tʃərd/[ij^ ́.ó()] a criminal.

/ Ҵ. (ɵü)

the suspected murderer was caught/kɔ:t/[^i].

/ ڴ .(ü)


* : point ܾ ϳ /pɔint/[^Ʈ]

忡 ڿ t ̰

: point is / pɔin iz /[^ ] д ̴.


*captured /ḱp.tʃərd/ ܾ ̳ ȴ.

*caught [kɔt] catch л.


@ 030. car/kɑ:r/[ī()]


i parked/pɑ:rkt/ my ~/kɑ:r/ in the street.

/ () ߴ.


* : /k ɑ : r/ = /k ɑ ə r/ ==> [ī()] /k ɑ ə r/(x)


* : bar far jar mar par tar var war

ܾ /-ɑ:r/[ ()] д´. տ ̸ ȴ.


* :  ѻ /k ɑ́ ə r/ ͵ ִ. ̴.

ܾ ϰ r /ə/

ƴϸ 缱 /ə/ Ͽ /ər/ Ǿ Ѵ.


@ 031. card/kɑ:rd/[ī()]

[] ī, ,

i gave him my christmas ~/kɑ:rd/ last year.

/ ۳⿡ ׿ ũ ī带 ־.


032. care/kɛər/[ɾ()]

[] , ٽ, *[] an.xi.e.ty(.zái.ə.ti:)

he was never free from/frʌm/ ~/kɛər/.

/ ״ .

[] []ϴ, (about ; for), ϴ, ϴ, Ÿ.

do you ~/kɛər/ for a cup of cof.fee/kɔ́:f.i:/?

/ Ŀ Ͻ÷ƴϱ?


* : care ϴ.

mind ϴ.

̸ :

i dont care for him to talk that way.

/ װ ڴ.

i dont mind his talking that way.

/ װ ʴ´.


*care.ful/kɛ́ər.fəl/ [] , ɽ

*care.ful.ly/kɛ́ər.fəl.i:/ [] , ,

*are.less/kɛ́ər.lis/ [] , , Ȧ,


*̱ ü : i dont care. .


033. car.pen.ter/kɑ́:r.pən.tər/[ī() ́..()]

[] , ϴ

my dad was a ~/kɑ́:r.pən.tər/.

/ ƹ .


034 car.riage/ḱr.idʒ/[ij^ ́.()]

[]Ϲ, Ż , , ,


@ # car.ry/ḱr.i:/[ij^ ́.()]

vt. (p., pp. carried; carrying) ϴ, (transport), Ǿ , ((Ѧ)(ި)ð ()) ϴ; ޴ϴ, (Ҹҹ ) ϴ, ( ) ű

~ a bag upstɑirs

some pets ~ diseases. ֿϵ ߿ ű ִ

business cɑrried me to america. ̱

he cɑrried the news to everyone. ״ ҽ ư ˷ȴ.



he cɑrried me to his lodgings. ״ ҷ

̰ų ̹Ƿ take Ȯ.(==> he took me ~ .)


() ̲; () ̸ ϴ(conduct), ϴ, (ϰ)

young people often ~ logic to extremes. ̵ شܱ

such a discussion will ~ us nowhere. ׷ ҵ ̴

the gas was not enough to ~ us through the land. ŭ ֹ

this money will ~ us for another week. ̸ Դ.

( ) ϴ; (ǹ) Ȯϴ; () Ȯϴ; ( ) Ű

the war was cɑrried into asia. ƽþƱ ȮǾ

you cɑrried the joke too fɑr. ƴ.

(տ) ִ, , ȴ, ޴

she is ~ing a child in her arms. ׳ Ʊ⸦ Ȱ ִ

he is ~ing a suitcase on his shoulder. ״ ް ִ.

޴ϴ, ( ) ߴ; (̸)

he never cɑrries much money (ɑbout) with him. ״ ʰ ٴѴ.

the man cɑrries a scar on his face. ڴ 󱼿 Ͱ ִ

she cɑrries a baby. ׳ ̸ .

( Ϻθ) ڼ ϴ; ~ oneself ϴ, ൿϴ

she cɑrries her head high. ׳ Ӹ Ʋ () ִ

he cɑrried his head on one side. ״ Ӹ ̰ ־

she cɑrries herself with dignity. ׳ ǰְ ൿѴ.

; (ǹ ), (Ը) ϴ, ϴ; (ڰ) ٴ

freedom cɑrries responsibility with it. å

one decision cɑrries another. ϳ ϸ ϳ ְ ȴ

he used the word so that it cɑrried a profound meaning. ΰ

the loan cɑrries 3 percent interest. 3 ۼƮ ڴ.

Ѵ; ( ) ԶŰ; () Űwith

~ ohio ̿ ֿ ̱ſ

her acting cɑrried the house. ׳ ä ޾Ҵ

he cɑrried the audience with him. ״ û Ȥ״.

ġ ű, , ű

she cɑrried her eyes ɑlong the edge of the hill. ׳ ɼ Ű.

a) (ǰ ) öϴ; Ű; (Ǿ ) Űthrough; (ĺڸ) 缱Ű

he cɑrried the precinct. ״ ű 缱Ǿ.

b) () ̱, (ű)

the young candidate cɑrried the election. ĺ ſ ̰.

(ſ ) ġ ִ, Ƽ(support), (з ) ߵ

these columns ~ the weight of the roof. ̵ Ը ġ ִ

the boiler cɑrries 200 pounds per square inch. Ϸ 1ġ 200Ŀ з¿ ߵ

the bridge is cɑrried on firm bases. ٸ ߰ ִ.

() ŵ Ʈ ʴ

he cɑrries his liquor like a gentleman. ״ Ŵ.

he has had a more than he can ~. ״ ָ° Ǿ.

å ô; ġϴ

he cɑrries that department. μ ׿ ؼ ǰ ִ.


n. (pl. -ries) () (); ( ) ư Ÿ(flight).

; ̱can. ( θ մ) , . Į ڼ


*car.ry.ing/kǽr.i:.i/[ij^. ́().] [ij^. ́()](x)


@ 036. car.toon/kɑ:r.tú:n/[ī(). ́]

[] ȭ, dzȭ

c~/kɑ:r.tú:n/ be.gins/bi.gíns/ with an i.de.a/ai.dí:.ə/.

/ ȭ ϳ ̵ ۵ȴ.


000. car.tridge/kɑ́:r.tridʒ/[ī() ́.Ʈ()]

[] ź, (); īƮ


000. cart.wheel/kɑ́:rt.hwì:l/[ī()Ʈ ́. ̀]

[] () . ̱Ӿ 1 ޷¥ ȭ, ȭ. ѱ;

[] ( ¤) ֳѴ; ()ó ̴.


@ 037. case/keis/[ij̽]

[] , (), , , ,

in this ~/keis/, you are right/rait/ !

/ 쿡 Ǿƿ.

[] , ,

put it in.to/ín.tu/ that ~/keis/ !

/ װ ڿ ־!


@ 038. cash/kʃ/[ij^ƾ]

[] , ()

do you have an.y/én.i:/ ~/kʃ/ on you?

/ ߿ ֳ?


*̱ ü : cash or charge? Ͻó, ſī Ͻó?


@ 039. cas.sette/k.sét/[ij^. ́]

[] ( ִ) , () ʸ

c~/k.sét/ tapes are in

be.tween/bi.twí:n/ the radio and the cup.

/ īƮ ̿ ()ִ.


040. cast/kst/[ij^ƽƮ]

[] (p., pp. cast) , a vote ǥϴ

he ~/kst/ a stone ɑt her.

/ ״ ׳࿡ .


*cast.ing/ḱs.ti/[ij^ƽ ́.]



LV47alexҹ ٸ [ ]
A~Z( 18 )
޴ 5õ (151)
å 5õ (151)
A~Z( 17 )

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