͵Ȧ ΰ

>   > α

Q&A θ л Ȱ Į С

ٸ б( 26(01) )

LV47 alexҹ

2025-02-21 12:38:41 | ȸ : 24

ٸ б( 26(01) )




het.er.o.nym /hét.ǝr.ǝ.nìm/[b ́..(). ̀]

ö(alphabet) ٸ ,

(accent) ġ ߿.


01. abstract :


(1) ab.stract/b.stŕkt/[^.Ʈ()^Ʈ ́]

[] ߻, . [opp.] concrete. ̷; ɿ,

his knowledge is too ~/b.stŕkt/. / ʹ ߻̴.

[] ( ) ߻ϴ. []ϴ. (ϰ) , ġ(steal).

he .ed/b.stŕk.tid/[-.] a purse from jacks pocket.

/ ״ jack ָӴϿ ƴ.


(2) ab.stract/́b.strkt/[^ ́.Ʈ()^Ʈ]

[] ߻,߻ , ߻ ; ̼߻ ǰ. .

she has no idea of poverty but in the ~/́b.strkt/.

/ ׳ ۿ 𸥴.


02. abuse :


(1) a.buse/ə.bjú:z/[. ́]

[] (Ưȣ ) ϴ, ϴ, дϴ, () ̴

he ~d/ə.bjú:zd/[-. ́] our trust.

/ ״ 츮 ŷڸ ȴ.


(2) a.buse/ə.bjú:s/[.́]

[] , , , д, Ÿ

they gave us a term of ~/ə.bjú:s/. / ׵ 츮 ߴ.


03. address :


(1) ad.dress/ə.drés/[.() ́]

[] λ縻, (), ϱ⹮

your ~/ə.drés/ was good. / ҽϴ.

[] ̾߱⸦[] ɴ, [λ]ϴ,

he will ~/ə.drés/ us. / ״ 츮鿡 λ縻 ̴.


(2) ad.dress/́d.res/[^ ́.()]

[] [̱] ( Ѻ) ּ

what is your ~/́d.res/? / ּҰ ?


04. advise :


(1) ad.vise/əd.váiz/[. ́]

[] ϴ, ϴ

he ~d/əd.váizd/[-.- ́] me which to buy.

/ ״ ־.


(2) ad.vice/əd.váis/[.̽ ́]

[] , , ǰ

he gave me a useful bit of ~/əd.váis/.

/ ״ ־.


05. advocate :


(1) ad.vo.cate/ǽd.vǝ.kit/[^ ́..g]

[] ȣ, ; â; ַ sc. ȣ; ; (a-) ׸

he is an ~/ǽd.vǝ.kit/ of for peace. / ״ ȭ ̴.


(2) ad.vo.cate/ǽd.vǝ.kèit/[^ ́..ij ̀]

[] ȣȣϴ; ϴ

they ~/ǽd.vǝ.kèit/ peace. / ׵ ȭ âϴ.


06. attribute :


(1) at.trib.ute/ǝ.tríb.ju:t/[.Ʈ() ́.̿W]

[] ( ) , () ſ ϴ, ()

he ~d/ǝ.tríb.ju:t.id/[-.-.-W.] his success 

to a friends encouragement.

/ ״ ģ ݷ Ѵ.

(2) at.trib.ute/ǽt.rə.bjù:t/[^ ́.().W ̀]

[] Ӽ, Ư, Ư

a crown is the ~/ǽt.rə.bjù:t/ of a king. 

/ հ ¡̴.


07. bow :


(1) bow/bau/[ٿ]

[] , .

he made a ~/bau/ to me. / ״ Ͽ.

[] (λ ) Ӹ ̴, ϴ

ڸ λϴ(to).

he ~.ed/baud/[ٟL] to me. / ״ Ͽ.


(2) bow/bou/[]

[] Ȱ, Ȱ , (DZ) Ȱ, Ȱ [], Ÿ

̱ Ȱٸ; () հ ִ κ.

he was armed with a ~/bou/ and arrow. 

/ ״ Ȱ ȭ ϰ ־.

[] Ȱ (), (DZ⸦) Ȱ Ѵ


08. close :


(1) close/klouz/[ũ]

[] , , ; () . , . , ; () .

a nuclear war began since the ~/klouz/ of the world war 2.

/ 2 κ ߴ.

[] () , ( ) ݴ

c~/klouz/ your eyes! / ƶ!


(2) close/klous/[ũ콺]

[] (Ÿð) (near), (), (),

he is my ~/klous/ friend. / ״ ģ ģ.

[] Ͽ, °, , , ª, , ˼ϰ

it is ~/klous/ on ten oclock. / 10 ô.


09. compact :


(1) com.pact/kəm.ṕkt/[.^Ʈ ́]

[] ϰ , ġ (ü ) , (ڵ) .

i am looking for a ~/kəm.ṕkt/ car. / ã ־.


(2) com.pact/kɑ́m.pkt/[į ́.^Ʈ]

[] Ʈ(޴ а), , ;̱ ڵ

i am looking for a ~/kɑ́m.pkt/. / () ã ־.


10. complex :


(1) com.plex/kəm.pléks/[.́]

[] , () . *[] sim.ple(sím.pl), (ü),Ҽ

the human body is like a ~/kəm.pléks/ machine.

/ ΰ .


(2) com.plex/kɑ́m.pleks/[į ́.]

[] (ϰ õ κȰ ) []ü, ռ( whole)(of);

most women seem to have a ~/kɑ́m.pleks/ about being short.

/ κ Ű ǽ ִ .


11. conduct :


(1) con.duct/kɑ́n.dʌkt/[ĭ ́.^Ʈ]

[] , ǰ, , , ( ) ٰŸ , ,

he received a prize for good ~/kɑ́n.dʌkt/.

/ ״ ޾Ҵ.


(2) con.duct/kən.dʌ́kt/[.^Ʈ ́]

[] εϴ, ϴ, ( ) ϴ,Ϳൿϴ, ŵϴ

he ~.ed/kən.dʌ́k.tid/[-.- ́.] a guest to his room.

/ ״ մ ȳϿ.


12. conflict :


(1) con.flict/kάn.flikt/[ĭ ́.Ʈ]

[] (¿ Ⱓ) ο, , , ; , (ü) .

the ~/kάn.flikt/ is still being fought out.

/ ذ .


(2) con.flict/kǝn.flíkt/[.Ʈ ́]

[] ϴwith, . Ǵ, 縳 ʴwith

his testimony ~s/kǝn.flíkts/[-.-Ʈ] with yours.

/ ڳ Ͱ ߳.


13. construct :


(1) con.struct/kɑ́n.strʌkt/[ĭ ́.Ʈ()^Ʈ]

[] , ɸ (); ; ۰,

[ȭ, ] ۵ ǰ.

the contrast between lived reality

and the ~/kɑ́n.strʌkt/ held in the mind.

/ ǰ ӿ


(2) con.struct/kən.strʌ́kt/[.Ʈ()^Ʈ ́]

[] ϴ, , [Ǽ]ϴ *[] des.troy(dis.trɔ́i:)

it was ~.ed/kən.strʌ́k.tid/[-.-^ ́.] poorly. / װ νǰ翴.


14. content :


(1) con.tent/kən.tént/[.Ʈ ́]

[] - ϴ

he is not ~/kən.tént/ to accept failure.

/ ״ и ޾Ƶ

[] Ű, ִ, *[] sat.is.fy(śt.is.fài)

he ~s/kən.ténts/[-.-Ʈ ́] himself with small success.

/ ״ ׸ ϰ ִ.


(2) con.tent/kɑ́n.tent/[ĭ ́.Ʈ]

[] , (ü) , ˸, (pl.) ( ) , ,

find out the ~s/kɑ́n.tents/ of that box.

/ 빰 ľ϶.


15. contest :


(1) con.test/kɑ́n.test/[ĭ ́.½Ʈ]

[] ȸ, , , , , ׽Ʈ

i do not worry about the issue of a ~/kɑ́n.test/.

/ () ʴ´.


(2) con.test/kən.tést/[,½Ʈ ́]

[] ( ǥ) ο, ϴ, Ǹ ϴ, ()

we ~.ed/kən.tés.tid/[-.- ́.] the decision.

/ 츮 Ǹ ߴ.


16. contract :


(1) con.tract/kɑ́n.trkt/[ĭ ́.Ʈ()^Ʈ]

[] ,

he signed a ~/kɑ́n.trkt/. / ״ ༭ Ͽ.


(2) con.tract/kən.tŕkt/[.Ʈ()^Ʈ ́]

[] ϴ, ( ); , [opp.] expand. ( )

we have ~.ed/kən.tŕk.tid/[-.-^ ́.] that firm for the job.

/ 츮 ȸ ξ


17. contrast :


(1) con.trast/kɑ́n.trst/[ĭ ́.Ʈ()^ƽƮ]

[] , ,

she is a great ~/kɑ́n.trst/ to her sister.

/ ׳ ̴.


(2) con.trast/kən.tŕst/[.Ʈ()^ƽƮ ́]

[] []Ű, ̸ ̴

this color ~s/kən.tŕst/ well with green.

/ ѷ ̷.


18. decrease :


(1) de.crease/dí:.kri:s/[ ́.ũ()̽]

[] , , *[] in.crease(in.krí:s)

a ~/dí:.kri:s/ in population was unthinkable only thirty years ago.

/ α Ҵ Ұ 30 ص ̾.


(2) de.crease/di.krí:s/[.ũ()̽ ́]

[] (ϴ), ϽŰ

his influence slowly decreased/di.krí:st/[-.-Ʈ ́].

/ پ.


19. defy :


(1) de.fy/dí:.fai/[ ́.]

[] (̱) ,

is ~/dí:.fai/ a positive or negative word?

/ ܾΰ, ܾΰ?


(2) de.fy/di.fái/[. ́]

[] (p., pp. -fied; ing) ϴ () ϴ, ʴ

i ~/di.fái/ you to do so. / װ ׷ ϴ ġ ʾ.


20. desert :


(1) des.ert/déz.ərt/[ ́.()Ʈ]

[] , Ȳ, Ȳ

we are in the middle of ~/déz.ərt/. / 츮 縷  ִ.


(2) de.sert/di.zə́rt/[.()Ʈ ́]

[] (ó ) , Żϴ, (ų ) , ( ƹԼ) , ǹ[] , ڸ[]

his courage ~.ed/di.zə́r.tid/ him. / ״ ⸦ Ҿ.



[ LV47 alexҹ Խñ (Ŭ!) ]


α Ͻð ۵ о.
ϴ. ù ΰ Ǿּ! ^^